Mike Ybarra will make WOW great again

You’re confusing accepting the practice of boosting with not accepting the fundamental design philosophy of the game becoming designed around needing to be boosted.


This is just such backwards thinking. He’s a high skill level player so obviously he’s going to do high level content but what he does in the game doesn’t dictate his thought process for his actual job. Two completely different things.

The logical assumption is that he bases all of his professional decisions at work around his specific interests as a player? That’s actually the most illogical assumption.

You also have no idea what else he does in game, what characters or classes he plays and the other content he participates in not like that even matters because as an adult you can separate business and pleasure.

Boosters are playing together lol. This makes zero sense, if I’m high level player and I need or want gold why would I waste countless hours grinding profession mats or whatever when I can just run other players through content for a much higher profit?

It’s literally just another form of gold farming except you need to be good at the game to take advantage of it.

It’s not though. If you could provide an example of how the game forces you to buy boosts that’d be great.

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Although the other part of my argument still stands: the Set Pieces are in the same slots as the Dom Gear. So… you don’t need to disable Domination Gear, people are going to REPLACE it with Set Pieces anyway. It’s unnecessary.

yes it was obvious shards would not make it to 9.2 , this is why i mention mike ybarra , he doesnt have any reason to react at this on twitter , he just show he didnt like this system

I’m just going to assume you like coming to the forums to tell people why they are wrong.

I’m not interested.

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This is a non sequitur response. Literally no one has made that argument, what we’re saying is we’re worried that pay2win mentality brought on by a known booster being in charge of the company will bring about such design choices.


And you like coming here to act you never are? Makes sense

I like t think I’m giving my opinion on the topic but you’re right, i need to word things differently to get that across.

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Hey, your point made sense to me. I got a feel dude there just wants to muddy the conversation because he has a financial interest in such design going forward.


I think that’s while nothing is impossible that would almost never happen. The only way I could see WoW becoming a true pay2win game is if it went free to play.

High end players have been getting paid to run people through content basically since the game started and I’m sure that will never change. Again just because he does something in game doesn’t mean that is going to have a major effect on the decisions he makes while he’s at work.

Time will tell but I just don’t see that happening.

Yeah I’m secretly a whale with a huge stake in Activision and my master plan is to convince forum readers to buy tokens and ignore Mike Ybarras twitter account. Would’ve gotten away with it too if you didn’t figure me out so easily.


DUDE …cmon. Would have gotten a thumbs up but for missing a perfect opportunity to use a “meddling kids” and other Scooby Doo references.

I’m disappointed. ;(

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Yeah…and when Danuser took over the story and people were worried about it becoming all about Sylvanas at the whip end of Legion we were told the same thing. Guess what happened there?

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I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that the devs over at Blizz HQ made the Dom system to replace tier sets arguing that they were superior and that people would like them more since you could customise them etc. So…yea. I ain’t buying it.


Maybe you should have read the VERY NEXT LINE of my post for some context to my, apparently, extremely abstract and complex argument that you had such difficulty understanding.

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Doing +25 keys has literally nothing to do with player power though. Gear caps at 15s and portals are at 20. Only reason people do keys over that level is for fun.


I’m going to link this again.


Because they saw he does M+ which means he has to be good for the game, unlike Ion who never mogs his character therefore he must never play the game!

I really, really wanted too but it felt almost too easy. Next time

Fair enough

The point I was trying to make is that it would be plausible that mike doesn’t give 2 craps about putting stuff in the game that is just for fun for the players that don’t push high keys.

I’m also saying, that since he boosts players, he would be more inclined to advocate for more systems and such to be implemented to accommodate the boosting community.

Look at it like this: what mike finds fun is different from what I find fun. He finds pushing 25s fun. I do not. Majority of the players do not. So I feel like he wouldn’t have different play styles in mind when making decisions for the game.

I’m having a hard time saying it. It’s like,‘I find pushing 25s to be a lot of fun. Doing some random golden saucer casino isn’t really a priority to me. So I’d rather devote develop time towards the higher end content players.’

It’s all an assumption. Which is all we can do.

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Correct. While the individual gem bonuses work in 9.2, the set bonus from shards only works in the places listed on the tooltip, of which Zereth Mortis, etc., are not.

No, you didn’t miss anything. No, this is not news.

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