Migrate Your Authenticator to the Battle.net Mobile App

This image is not properly representing the reason for the change like you think it might, especially since those guards are preventing us from leaving the castle rather than entering it.

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I added the authenticator in 2009, itā€™s still working! :scream_cat:

That battery right now


I wonder if these batteries might leak.

Soā€¦ false news again?

When Blizz started actively blocking new accounts from having an authenticator due to Blizzard mislabeling post paid phone numbers as pre-paid, thus blocking everyoneā€¦

One has to wonder if Blizz is just lip servicing the authenticator yet again, but this time to please the new owners.

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Learn reading comprehension , Why would I be looking for a job been retired 6 years .

mine still works too, had it since january 2010, however it says ā€œbatt 00ā€ before displaying the code.


Wait until January 5th and find out. :person_facepalming: :rofl:

I live in an area where there is no cell coverage, unless I make an 8 mile trip to town.

A desktop version of an authenitcator would be REALLY nice.

Hereā€™s an exact quote from ya. ā€œYou going to pay for a phone to put the moble app on ? Not every one has a cell phone.ā€ I replied to this post because itā€™s the first one I read. Donā€™t expect people to know your life story just because you told someone else all kinds of useless info. Learn common courtesy.

Well honestly you could make that 8 mile trip into town if you do have a cell phone. And set it upā€¦and then just put it (cellphone) in wi fi mode because SMS is only used for the initial startupā€¦

I see why they donā€™t make a physical because itā€™s not worth the money when you have an app and the vast majority of people have a cell phone that play this game.

I also would like to add that make sure you have an up to date cell phone, Iā€™ve been using mine for over12 years (yeah its old but I donā€™t need to watch tic toc)

I understand that bliz doesnā€™t want to support old tech, but seriously, consider you get to support old tech because you have been successful for so long and those are the people who subscribe. Dont cut off your arm to spite your income

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i wont be around if i canā€™t log in Such a bummer - but adios

Why canā€™t you log in?

Because my phone is old and wonā€™t take updates. I wonā€™t take forced migration of technology

What if your refrigerator, dish washer, dryer, and washing machine had to be replaced every 2 or 3 years? what a waste literally - all i want to do is play a game - not have to replace some crappy device because my game company decided that this was their lame security was based on


Well if I cant log in after 1/5 adios amigos Stupid decision.

Iā€™d ask in CS, then. The Bnet app should work on old OS, it does on mine.

Odd comparison, considering you donā€™t have to replace your phone. The game is playable without the authenticator, just not as secure.

Nothing is stopping you.

Three posts in a row and you still donā€™t seem to understand that nothing is preventing you from logging in.

No Iā€™ve already tried several times - are you trying to argue?