Migrate Your Authenticator to the Battle.net Mobile App

Most people seem to replace/upgrade their cell phone about once every 2-3 years

As I said, you can ask in CS or remove the authenticator. Nothing is stopping you from logging in.

Yes they do, I donā€™t, hence the replace and waste scenario

again are you trying to argue? Should I ask in BS?

Iā€™m giving you information. You seem to be the only one trying to pick a fight. I gave you the options and you can do with them as you wish. Enjoy your evening.

Actually I would love to continue playing the game you keep saying CS like i understand what that means

Seriously I appreciate you trying to help me, but no, I donā€™t what CS means.

I would say CS stands for Customer Support. That is the general meaning in all things when a person says CS.

And Bnet app?

Also Customer Service? Please WoW no longer has customer service

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Go to the Customer Support forum and ask for help with the who issue or questions when it comes to deal with Authenticator.

Ok, thanks will give it a try

Thank you for trying to help, i now understand we speaking different language, i still donā€™t understand yours (e.g. bnet) but thats on me. Thanks

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Sorry about that. Iā€™ll try to be more clear. There are currently two apps on phones/tablets that can be used: Authenticator app and the Battlenet app. The Authenticator app is the one weā€™ve all been using that they are retiring, because the Battlenet app will do the same thing now. If you can run the Authenticator app, you should be able to run the Battlenet app. If there are issues, the Customer Support forum tends to have some good help for people who are having problems with these things.

If nothing works and your authenticator app stops working, your last option is to just remove the authenticator from your account and keep changing your password frequently. That way, while itā€™s less secure, youā€™ll still be able to play the game.

TY u r a good person

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ive actually only needed to use when bliz has new release and have had to upgrade computer

ty u both Sendryn and Gabitha for providing info and overriding my stupidity

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Youā€™re not stupid. It was just misunderstanding and thatā€™s partly my fault. Youā€™re good. :dracthyr_heart:

I really am old and simple compared to you, but i love playing this game, otherwise i play cross words and sudoku

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ty u r a nice person

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