Migrate Your Authenticator to the Battle.net Mobile App

To put this into perspective, an iPhone 4S supports iOS 9. I thought you were going to ignore me?

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They’re just going to continue to move goalposts from the original statement anyway.


I am citing from Pew, which says 85% of people HAVE a smart phone. That doesn’t include people with inactive lines and not the correct OS type.

There’s other buttons. This thread is about the AUTHENTICATOR AND BATTLENET APP, BY THE WAY. I already listed the REQUIREMENTS for the app.

It’s 2023. The homeless people in the cities have cell phones for very very very cheap prices.


I tried to do this a few months ago. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but it would never let me log in using the app. I just uninstalled the app and might try again when I feel better.

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Keep the authenticator app then try with support article directions when you have the mindset. Sounds like you’re not feeling well. :people_hugging:


Oh, a shame.

Anyway, the Blu View 4 runs Android 12 @ $29.99. Android 5.0 is extremely archaic, I’m surprised the reqs for the app are that low

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Regardless if someone chooses not to have a cell phone then they also have to accept the consequences of that choice.


Not playing WOW is free. Enjoy less people playing the mmorpg. Go check stats, less than 80% of the country meet the requirements. That’s just here.

Accept the consequences of far fewer players and more hacked accounts, exploitative accounts.

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There are plenty of things you cannot reasonably expect to be able to use in 2023 without SMS, including most online banking services. This is now one of them. One of the things that comes with life is moving on to new technology. If you want to hold fast to the old stuff, you can, but that also means you have made that choice and will not be able to use certain services.


I mean it looks like they’ll need to shell out $29.99 for the Blu View 4 then or else, well… Byebye :frowning:

Yea something that came out almost 10 years ago in February


Would the phones even work with today’s cell towers? I can’t imagine someone hanging onto an Android 3.0 phone or something… The batteries must be fully corroded by now o.0

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I agree with this but darn it I wish I had more ability to understand all this technology. :crying_cat_face: It’s always a struggle for me.

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That’s actually really impressive.


Honestly, give your local library or city hall a call! Most cities (even smaller hamlets) have free classes people can take on technology!


I think I still know somebody is still rocking an s 6 if my memory serves me right that came out in 2014. Same as android 5

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Oh my god stop!!! That is SO crazy… Katy Perry released Dark Horse in 2014 and Android 5.0 came out about 7 months later.

Where has the time gone :roll_eyes:

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If any players actually quit the number will be very small.

If someone plays without an authenticator and get their account hacked then they have nobody but themselves to blame.

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I was on 24/7 on call for the job I had . Day I retired my Iphone went to the dump . I see no reason to buy a new one or get 1 more monthly bill . I been doing just fine with out a phone for the last 6 years I do not miss the spam calls .