While I am an advocate to make all cities faction neutral in the wake of the “Azeroth united” phase we are going through in the lore for the sake of roleplaying, wouldn’t Stormwind be equivalent to Orgrimmar instead? Maybe Ironforge would be a fairer exchange, provided we ignore Bel’ameth and Gilneas.
I dont see the point of either of those options. Far better is to just have a big neutral city with access to the hubs as we do now.
I suppose, though we could also use Bel’ameth since that is right on the other side of Quel’thalas and would fit with the expansions elf theme.
Also, apologies. When you said Stratholme, my idiot brain was thinking Stromgarde. I blame trying to finish Outlands Loremaster. That place it breaking me. Stratholme is a bit better.
My preference would still be a neutral city for both factions, though. I would love Silvermoon for both. Even if it was something like Horde got the run of the city, and Alliance got a small area where they were watched and admitted reluctantly because of the Void Elves.
No filthy alliance in my city. They kicked us while we’re down while the Forsaken lent a helping hand and got us back on our feet.
Not a single apology from the Alliance for the way Garithos treated us.
It’s just fel.
They shoulda named the next xpac Threat Level: Midnight
The main villain:
I think Silvermoon will ultimately become neutral, and the destroyed half will be rebuilt for the Alliance.
Reminder that Velen himself purified the Sunwell at the end of TBC- aside from the Divine Bell fiasco with Garrosh in MoP (and the subsequent mana-bomb), the Blood Elves were on pretty good terms with the Alliance, especially the Draenei.
Both suffered because of the Fel, and kinda bonded over it. Both also worship the Light. (The Aldor/Scryers, and Sha’tari from TBC.)
That’s definitely one approach you might take.
I figure they’ll go for the BfA thing where Silvermoon is where the opening scenario takes place, and maybe there’s a few world quests and an event in that zone, but the bulk of your time is spent somewhere else.
I want Silvermoon to remain Horde only. It’s not some new city they made up or cleaned up, it’s an established Horde capital and has been since The Burning Crusade.
The main issue is that Silvermoon (and Exodar) are kinda cardboard cut-outs of actual cities, and you still cannot fly in them.
They needed to update these, yesterday lol.
If Silvermoon does remain Horde, then I think Alliance will actually get a new Draenei city they’re building, it was a part of their heritage quests.
It’s like a new spiritual successor to the Karabor Temple.
I want a NEW Dalaran that’s EXACTLY the same as the last two!
runs away
I never said it couldn’t be updated and added to the current world, just not changed fundamentally to allow Alliance swine into the city
I just want a circle… maybe a star if we are being fancy easy to navigate with everything partitioned
Funny coming from the least horde race in the horde. If i were an orc, I’d roll my eyes every time I’d see your kind twirling around in orgrimmar
Your race is lucky to exist at all
Undercity was the greatest city I’ve ever been in aesthetically. No other city “nailed it” in that sense for me.
Now that I have a brutosaur I don’t care which city we get. Make it dalaran again for all I care.
Ain’t that funny coming from someone who couldn’t go a day without crying cuz Arthas corrupted your little well
Pretty much all elves are/were ex-Alliance with the exception of Nightborn, who didn’t really know what was going on outside their Dalaran-style bubble they’ve been in since like Warcraft 3 lol.
Suramar would honestly be a great city.
So much wasted potential