'Midnight' - Major City: How would you feel, if

I’ve already resigned myself to Silvermoon being made Neutral.

Blizzard won’t spend the time or effort to make an Alliance hub in the area, and they just refuse to allow more than one active City in an expansion.

I mean, at some point soon all the cities will be neutral after the Horde joins the Alliance and bends the knee to Anduin.

Didn’t we already get one of those in DF?

I wouldn’t like it.

Horde get to visit Bel’ameth, Alliance get to visit Silvermoon. It’s fair.


I think there is a 0% chance that Midnight is taking place in a merely-reworked landmass in the north of the Eastern Kingdoms. Silvermoon might exist in Midnight, but only because a big chunk of it got pulled through a void portal to a dumpster-dimension where Dimensius is sucking in landmasses from all over the universe (including K’aresh) like a giant evil black hole.


They don’t need to.

Just put an alliance portal outside ghostlands far away from the city.

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Exactly!! :partying_face:

You could probably also give the Alliance a similar ordeal, perhaps inspired from the Elves gatekeeper — to repair the wall of Gilneas and improve it, by having a gateway powered by nature magic, that lights up built beacons when threatening or unwelcome presence breach its borders.

You could give each respective kingdom a bit of defensive ‘oomph’ against the opposing faction, should another war ever arise in the future. :dracthyr_nod:

I meant starting off the expansion :slight_smile:
Hence why I mentioned in my thread →

Lorewise, obviously Bel’ameth & Gilneas are each an Alliance held ‘city’
Same would go for Silvermoon within the lore, remaining a Horde city :grin:

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That would be far more interesting.

Imagine the uproar when the Horde just gets a revamped version of one of their own cities they’ve already had for 18 years and the Alliance gets a +1 brand new shiny city with lore relevance

…that’s expecting we’ll see much being revamped. Still sore on what everyone expected of Shadowlands and Legion. :robot::sweat_drops:

I’m good with everything but this.

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Fine but then Horde gets invited into Ironforge

You mean the Night Elf tree that was turned into a hub after Darnassus was destroyed? :rofl: ironically by the Horde.

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Night city cyberpunk wow incoming

Of course… lemme show you the forge… :smirk:

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Not really interested in modifying Strat, that feels too much like Cata levels of ruining things. And while SMC will probably go neutral, still not sure how I feel about that, either, altho it’s been so isolated, and given Darnassus is gone and basically the Dranei spaceship is garbage, it might be fair at this point.

What I’m more curious about, and this might not be until leading to the last titan, but Gilneas and UC are both overdue for proper redos (for Gilneas just a ‘do’) and then also for the Hallowfell bunch to go check out their former glory in the Arathi area (hillsbrad, AH, Alterac, Hinterlands, etc.) and see what happens there. I’d be shocked if that’s just ignored.

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Yup. As dumb as it is, the new NE tree is already a neutral race capital.

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It won’t be Stratholme, it’ll be the Exodar (or whatever replaces it). Lore has hinted at that being a thing for a while now.

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"uniting the scattered elven tribes”

There will certainly be horde and alliance elves in this elven union but there will also be neutral elves.
So if there are neutral elves, there will need to be a neutral capital.

Could be an interesting discussion but I’m absolutely sure they are way too far into development for Midnight to make any of it a reality.

You know what happens with flying cities, don’t you…?

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