Midnight Carnival (Social, Leveling, Raiding)

Midnight Carnival is a social and leveling guild where everyone - all lvls, classes, alts, & even entire little guilds - will be equally welcome. Laid back, friendly, experienced members can help with all your game questions while you learn how to play and make friends.

Above all else we want all our members to have fun while we assist them in learning their class, their spec, how to use and play the game, and how to be the best them possible in a supportive, non judgmental environment. Players are encouraged to ask questions of every kind and never feel they will be insulted when the answer is given. We hope someday they will pay it forward and pass this information on to others who need the help.

If you would like to join Midnight Carnival you need only meet the requirements of respectfulness. PST any member and they will direct you to Ama (The Guild Leader) or someone who can invite you into our family (Most of them can)

What there is to DO:
Doing things together, as a guild, is mutually beneficial. You get to see content and make friends, and groups of 3 or more guildies earns the guild bank money, which is then used so you can repair without spending your own money. The more money the bank has, the higher that limit is able to be set. You can also forge friendships outside of game, via this website and Facebook.

    ● Facebook News Feed - WoW & Guild News that may interest you.
    ● Facebook User Group - Communicate, post, share and talk to your fellow guildies. Put a face to a toon name.
    ● Our website! - Read through the forums! Post! Share thoughts, ideas, reply to others.. have a conversation!
    ● Leveling - The main focus of our guild is social (Community) and leveling, with special focus on teaching. If you see someone struggling to level, not really understanding their class mechanics, or how to complete a quest - Help them! Power leveling them is NOT recommended, but leveling together, or helping with elite quests is a great way to start a friendship.
    ● 5 man instances - When you run a dungeon group composed of 3 guildies or more, you all earn guild reputation towards some great items (with more to come in the future) and the guild itself earns experience (or would if it weren't capped) and money. If you plan to run randoms, ask if anyone wants to come with you. Sometimes you wont get an answer, but more often than not people will come with you and you can make some great new friends.
    ● Raiding - Raiding is not something we as a guild are very focused on. But when we do raid we expect members to meet certain base criteria, including etiquette and preparedness, in order to succeed. There are three different types of raids we do as a guild, Casual Progression (Requires an Application), Open (On the Calendar every Saturday, No application needed), Achievement (Previous Tiers, usually announced or on the fly, but rarely "scheduled")

Check out everything you ever wanted to know about us, on our website, at http://www.midnightcarnival.info
We also have an itty bitty Horde guild, too, mostly for our alts. Mídníght Carníval, pst any member for an invite, but as of yet we don't have enough "traffic" to raid or do much on that side.

Help us fix that? Thanks!
Legion Plan for Raiding
Legion will Drop 8/30/16. That means the Last raid night will be 8/25/16 and the current raid group will disband.

The application for the new raid team will open September 6th, 2016. Raiding is expected to begin as soon as the instances open, or September 13 (two weeks into the expansion) - Whichever happens first. (Sometimes raids are delayed several weeks)

You will need to have reached level 110 and have met minimum gearing requirements (TBA) before filling out the application. There will be no spots "saved" it's first come, first serve for the first ten spots.

Good luck! Strategies, Gearing information/guides, and assistance will be posted as they become available on the website at www.midnightcarnival.info. Can't wait to see what's next!

Looking for Raiders who demonstrate
a. Preparedness
b. Average or better skill
c. Dedication
d. Availability
e. Focus

Note: Brand new raiders wouldn't be well suited to this group, but we do have "training" raids on the weekends, new raiders are encouraged to join these raids and demonstrate their aptitude/gain experience before applying to the casual progression team.

The new expansion we will be focusing on actual (but still moderately casual) progression. We will be looking to actively kill new bosses and move on to new ones. You will be expected to research fights, know your class and spec, and pull weight in addition to the normal raid expectations.

Casual for fun players are encouraged to join the Weekend Raid group, which will have more focus on "for fun, learning and camaraderie" while the Raid Team will be focusing on Guild Progression, boss kills, and server rank.

The weekend raid group does not require an application, but you should sign up on the in game calendar in advance to reserve your spot. (not enough participation and raid will be cancelled)

Questions, Comments and Concerns will all be addressed, please lay them out in the comments. Thanks!

Everything you need to know about Raiding with Midnight Carnival can be found on our site, at:
Now recruiting guild members for Casual play and Progression Raiding.

Progression Raid team must meet minimum requirements laid out on our website at www.midnightcarnival.info - Raiding application opens 9/6/16 Start on First night. Discord required.

Casual Raid team, no application required but if you sign up, show up.

Leveling, Social, new and Learning, returning, and occasional members (and all alts) welcome. No minimum level or sign in requirements. Deployed Veterens kept in guild while away (if notfified).

Join us! We're staying up all night together for release! Be part of the family.
Looking for either An Spriest with a Disc OS. or A Boomkin, with a resto OS... or both. For Heroic Raiding (Possibly Mythic when we get enough people). 835+ ivl to start raiding, app required. Tue/Thu 6-9p Server.

Always accepting Social, leveling, and casual players. Open raid (Normal level, no app required, take all comers) raid begins 9/30 for our 110. Heroics and Mythic dungeons a regular guild activity, if someone says they need people just say "me" and you're in. If you you're too small for queue we'll walk into the instance.

PST any member and ask for a guild invite. Tell them you're new and you saw our ad on the WoW forums. Thanks!
Hey old friends. +1 for a nice guild. Y'all were fun to raid with.
Hi guys,

We're always looking for and accepting social/leveling people, but our progression raid team could use some people.

Our team is Application based, and you must maintain 80%+ attendance. Before you apply you're expected to already meet minimum gearing requirements, and know the fights. We're also looking for people with a cooperative non elitist attitude. Having a !@#$ty/Selfish attitude is grounds for removal.

Raid nights are Tuesday & Thursday, 6-9p MST (server). You must commit to both full nights or we cannot accept you to this team. All the details of what we expect from you and what you can expect from us are on our website at http://www.midnightcarnival.info (Look for "Raiding")

Right now we can accept 4 ranged and one Melee. Any of those with a healing offspec would be THE BEST. We need a hunter, an Spriest and a Boomkin for class diversity. We already have a mage and two warlocks.

If you'd like to join us, PST me or send me an in game mail if I'm not on and we'll get you started. Thanks!
In Desperate Need of DPS

Check out our website for all the details: http://midnightcarnival.wowlaunch.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=11295892&gid=331803

Right now we can accept 4 ranged and one Melee DPS. And/or one healer (Pref a Pally or priest) Any of those DPS who come with a viable healing offspec would be given priority consideration. (at least 20 ap points in)

We Most need a hunter, an Spriest and a Boomkin, as ranged, for class diversity. We already have a mage and two warlocks. We also have more melee than we need so far, so we'd like to accept at least two ranged before we take on a melee. A DK or Rogue Melee would be ideal. That being said, we'll consider anyone who can commit, has a good attitude, decent output. and doesn't die the first minute in on every pull.

Raid nights are Tuesday & Thursday, 6-9p MST (server). You must commit to both full nights or we cannot accept you to this team.

Be part of our team, have some fun, get some loots.
Still In Desperate Need of DPS

Check out our website for all the details: http://midnightcarnival.wowlaunch.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=11295892&gid=331803

Right now we can accept 4 ranged and one Melee DPS. And/or one healer (Pref a Pally or priest) Any of those DPS who come with a viable healing offspec would be given priority consideration. (at least 20 ap points in)

We Most need a hunter, an Spriest and a Boomkin, as ranged, for class diversity. We already have a mage and warlock. We also have more melee than we need so far, so we'd like to accept at least two ranged before we take on a melee. A DK or Rogue Melee would be ideal.

That being said, we'll consider anyone who can commit, has a good attitude, decent output. and doesn't die the first minute in on every pull.

Raid nights are Tuesday & Thursday, 6-9p MST (server). You must commit to both full nights or we cannot accept you to this team.

Be part of our team, have some fun, get some loots.
Hi guys, Still looking for a few ranged dps, ones that had a viable heal off-spec would be absolutely amazing.

Also still and always accepting non raid members to quest, dungeon, level and hang out.

Have a great day!
Currently, we don't need anything. We have a great team.

What we can use are people with Tank and Heal specs that are ready to go, but who DPS until they are needed. These people would be considered DPS but asked to tank or heal if one of the assigned tanks or healers had to call out for raid night.

Classes that are pure DPS are still accepted on a case by case basis as we have the healers to support overall group health. Being reliable and knowing your class makes you a prime candidate. But being nice, and a generally laid back person who does their best makes us overlook a lot of flaws. Just saying.

If you're interested in raiding with the team, you have to be available every Tuesday/Thursday Night from 6-9p Server (Invites are actually at 5:45, first pull is at 6), have Discord installed (you don't need a mic) and have the warnings addon DBM installed. We're currently doing Heroic, we don't have enough people to do Mythic, and we can supplement with Normal for people who desperately need something.

You'll be expected to know all of the fights by learning them online, and you could be called on at any time to lead a boss fight to demonstrate this knowledge.

We're not looking to carry anyone, being new is okay, being lazy and unmotivated is not.

Hope to hear from you! Leave a message for Amastrasza to join the team, or you can PST any online member to join the guild (You're welcome to join as a social, leveler, alt, and just hang out, you don't have to be a raider to be in Midnight Carnival).

Everything you could possibly Need to know: http://midnightcarnival.wowlaunch.com//forums/viewforum.php?f=2218252&gid=331803

Follow us on FB (We also have a group for members): https://www.facebook.com/MidnightCarnival.KhazModan/
Hi Guys! We recently lost our priest healer, and we're looking for a new healer and some dps to get as far away from base 10 as possible :)

You don't need to meet minimum requirements to join the guild, you come come, hang out, get ready, get to know people, but you have to meet the minimum requirements to apply :)

They are:
Raid nights are Tuesday & Thursday, 6-9p MST (server). You must commit to both full nights or we cannot accept you to this team.

  • A sufficient ilvl (Max 20lvls below current teir) Fully Gemmed and Enchanted
  • An Adequate or better DPS/HPS/Mitigation level, appropriate for your class
  • Required addons

  • A cooperative non elitist attitude. !@#$ty/Selfish attitude is grounds for removal.

*Target Dummies/LFR are not sufficient indicators of DPS

Expectations once you are accepted:

  • Show up on time, every raid night - Invites go out at 5:45p for a 6p first pull.

  • Be Fully Prepared (Repaired, Flasks/Potions ready, Roll Coins already gotten, Addons up to date)
  • Prepare for boss encounters by studying the fight mechanics online, meaning on raid nights you know what you're doing (have a baseline).

  • Continue to improve your gear between raid nights
  • Have a firm understand of your class and ALL it's mechanics, so they can be properly applied to raid mechanics

You are allowed to have as many toons in other guilds, or ours, as you want, but the toon you use to raid with our raid group is not to run pug/extra raids until our raid week is over.

If that sounds pretty reasonable to you, we also run Mythic+ groups, heroics, and do things together to help people gearing for our raid group get ready.

As always we are accepting social (no raid) and leveling characters, and all alts, friends, and tiny guilds looking to merge are welcome. Hope to hear from some people! The new catch up mechanics make is super easy to get a toon ready, and get started raiding. (We're okay with newb, we're not okay with someone who expects to be carried and doesn't work on themselves or improve in any way)

Full Deets on our Web Forums: http://midnightcarnival.wowlaunch.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=9543165&gid=331803

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MidnightCarnival.KhazModan/
Hey guys! We're looking to get some class diversity up in our raid group! As you can tell from the list below, we're pretty druid/warrior/hunter/priest heavy, but almost nothing else.

We do NOT have:
  • A Warlock (any spec)
  • A Shaman (any spec)
  • A Rogue (any spec)
  • A DK (any spec)
  • A DH (any spec)
  • A Monk (any spec)
  • A Mage (Frost, Arcane specs)
  • A Druid (Feral spec)
  • A Warrior (Fury, Prot specs)
  • A Hunter (BM spec)
  • Any Tank or Heal Main Specs need to be DPS with a Tank/Heal OFF spec. You will get to use that spec semi-frequently, but the main spots are full at the moment.

    We're still accepting anyone who can commit to both Tuesday and Thursday, 6-9p server (so 8-11p EST for reference) has a 880+ ilvl, at least 40 points into their main spec weapon, and doesn't fall down every single pull. We're also, always and forever, recruiting social, leveling, and all manner of non-raiders as well as all their friends, family, and alts. (We're not picky)

    Here's everything you need to know: http://midnightcarnival.wowlaunch.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=11442967&gid=331803

    To join the guild pst any member. To join the raid team PST Amastrasza (Ama - any alt) after you join guild and express interest, you'll be directed to fill out a raid app on the guild website and given a trial run.

    Try not to use the in game guild join app, we forget to check the thing and no one is ever online when we try to add them. Just PST a person. Thank you!

    All the best!
    Est'd 2010: Everything guild founded on mutual respect. Looking for friendly, helpful people regardless of lvl or skill lvl. Perfect for new players, returning players, casual players, casual raiders & all your alts. Large guild with all the perks. Join us!

    Currently Focusing on Semi-Hardcore Raiding, Leveling, and group play (Mythic+/Etc). Raid applicants must be IN guild, APPLY, and meet pre-set criteria outlined on the guild website.

    Welcoming all Social and Leveling players as well.


    Main Progression Raids (Heroic/Normal only)
    Tuesday and Thursday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET)

    Alt Runs/Fun Runs (which are optional)
    Saturday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET)

    Invites start 10-15 minutes prior to raid.

    We welcome applications at midnightcarnival.info from players who share our approach to the game. We will always consider exceptional players regardless of class. Currently, we are actively seeking the following:

    Ranged DPS - 3+ (Priest, non-fire mage, E Shaman for Class diversity)
    Melee DPS - 2+ (Monk, DK, Rogue for Class diversity)

    Healer - 1+ (Pally, Monk, Shaman for Class diversity)

    0 - No spots available - accepting applications for DPS with tank OS to act as back-up

    We welcome all applications! Even if your class is closed, we will consider exceptional players. We strongly encourage you to schedule an interview as quickly as possible following the submission of the application.


    - Ability to fill your role demonstrating high class and raid awareness
    - Ability to maintain 80% raid attendance
    - Ability to take criticism and improve upon your abilities
    - Know your class and be able to keep up on changes
    - Know all fights by prior study using online sources
    - Patience and Mutual respect for the rest of your team
    - Most importantly, have fun and enjoy raiding!

    What We Offer:
    - Guild bank repairs
    - Flask/Elixirs, raid food, potions (as available)
    - Gem/Enchanting materials
    - Fun raiding environment
    - FB Social Groups/Fan page to stay up to date
    - Guild website complete with All linked strategy information
    - Socially active guild
    - Alt runs/Fun runs when available


    If you think you are ready to find out what end game has to offer:
    - Stop by our website: http://www.midnightcarnival.info
    - Join us on our Discord
    - Post here and we'll follow up
    - In game: Amastrasza, or ask if "Ama" is on to any guild member (lots of alts)

    Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.
    Bump. Don't forget, we are a social and leveling guild, with emphasis on teaching. We ALWAYS except New and returning players, friends and family, and small dead guilds looking to merge into a larger live one - assuming all the above are NOT jerks. We have a no jerk/troll policy.

    Est'd 2010: Everything guild founded on mutual respect. Looking for friendly, helpful people regardless of lvl or skill lvl. Perfect for new players, returning players, casual players, casual raiders & all your alts. Large guild with all the perks. Join us!

    Currently Focusing on Semi-Hardcore Raiding (Requires application to raid), Leveling, and group play (Mythic+/Etc). Raid applicants must be IN guild, APPLY, and meet pre-set criteria outlined on the guild website.

    Welcoming all Social and Leveling players as well.


    Main Progression Raids (Heroic/Normal only)
    Tuesday and Thursday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET)

    Alt Runs/Fun Runs (which are optional)
    Saturday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET)

    Invites start 10-15 minutes prior to raid.

    We welcome applications at midnightcarnival.info from players who share our approach to the game. We will always consider exceptional players regardless of class. Currently, we are actively seeking the following:

    Ranged DPS - 3+ (Priest, non-fire mage, E Shaman for Class diversity)
    Melee DPS - 2+ (Monk, DK, Rogue for Class diversity)
    Healer - 2+ (Pally, Monk, Shaman for Class diversity)
    Tank 1+ - No spots currently available but accepting applications for DPS with tank OS to act as back-up because our tank wants to try something else.

    We welcome all applications! Even if your class is closed, we will consider exceptional players. We strongly encourage you to schedule an interview as quickly as possible following the submission of the application.


    - Ability to fill your role demonstrating high class and raid awareness
    - Ability to maintain 80% raid attendance
    - Ability to take criticism and improve upon your abilities
    - Know your class and be able to keep up on changes
    - Know all fights by prior study using online sources
    - Patience and Mutual respect for the rest of your team
    - Most importantly, have fun and enjoy raiding!

    What We Offer:
    - Guild bank repairs
    - Flask/Elixirs, raid food, potions (as available)
    - Gem/Enchanting materials
    - Fun raiding environment
    - FB Social Groups/Fan page to stay up to date
    - Guild website complete with All linked strategy information
    - Socially active guild
    - Alt runs/Fun runs when available


    If you think you are ready to find out what end game has to offer:
    - Stop by our website: http://www.midnightcarnival.info
    - Join us on our Discord
    - Post here and we'll follow up
    - In game: Amastrasza, or ask if "Ama" is on to any guild member (lots of alts)

    Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.
    Hi there. I am currently looking for a raiding group after being away for several months and after being on khaz for years now I recognize the guild name. My guild used to be active raiders but haven't been for some time. I have quite a bit of raiding experience and would like to join you guys. My main is enhance ilvl 924 and I do considerable damage output. I also have a Prot/ Ret pally that is sitting on 917 ilvl. I have considerable experience doing mythic plus and PvP. Please hit me up in game if you're interested in letting me join you for a raid or anything. Even if you want me to tryout or whatever I'd be okay with that. Thanks and have a great day
    id lvoe to join!
    The raid team has, or is shortly losing, people (Because of life, no bad blood) and will be dangerously close to not being able to raid at all when people call out, so we could use YOU. We currently only raid in normal and heroic.

    Raid nights are Tuesday and Thursday, 6-9p Server time. You need to commit to all night both nights. You need a 920+ ilvl, fully gemmed and enchanted, with all of the points on your artifact weapon unlocked (with your goal being getting to lvl 75 ASAP). You should have a working knowledge of both your class, and the fights (Wow-head/Icy-veins). You need to have DBM (Deadly Boss Mods) and DIscord installed.

    It should be stated for the record that we are not looking to (and cannot) carry anyone. You need to put in the maximum effort to be as efficient (not perfect!) as possible with an eye of always looking to get better. (Running M+'s, Doing world bosses, when the raid week is over, pugging bosses we didn't kill, etc. etc.)

    Our group is non elitist. We mess up a lot, but we always try to learn from it. We grow together. We will wipe, sometimes a lot, but as long as we improve per wipe that's expected. All we really expect you to be is on at least our level, (can't carry!) and wanting to have fun.

    Everything you need to know, plus the application (which is required) is on the guild forums at: http://midnightcarnival.wixsite.com/index/raiding

    Hope to hear from you!
    ps. We most Need:

    1. A FT Healer. (Do not have a shammy or a Pally at all, but anything rocks)
    2. A ranged DPS with a Heal OS (To step in when a heal calls out)
    3. A Melee DPS with a Tank OS (same but for tanks)
    4. Ranged DPS (We have 2 hunters already, we'll still take ya but you'll fight for gear)
    5. I guess more melee. Why do they even MAKE so many melee then all the fights are designed to eat them? So stupid... uh.. *cough* we lost our unholy DK, our monk, and we don't have a rogue or a dh.

    In that order. Same as last post still applies! Thanks!
    Midnight Carnival is currently looking for players for our raid team. Raid nights are Tuesday and Thursday, 6-9p Server time. You need to commit to all night both nights. You need a 940+ ilvl, fully gemmed and enchanted, with all of the points on your artifact weapon unlocked (with your goal being getting to lvl 75 ASAP). You should have a working knowledge of both your class, and the fights (Wow-head/Icy-veins). You need to have DBM (Deadly Boss Mods) and DIscord installed.

    It should be stated for the record that we are not looking to (and cannot) carry anyone. You need to put in the maximum effort to be as efficient (not perfect!) as possible with an eye of always looking to get better. (Running M+'s, Doing world bosses, when the raid week is over, pugging bosses we didn't kill, etc. etc.)

    Our group is non elitist. We mess up a lot, but we always try to learn from it. We grow together. We will wipe, sometimes a lot, but as long as we improve per wipe that's expected. All we really expect you to be is on at least our level, (can't carry!) and wanting to have fun.

    We most Need:
    1. 2 Healers. 150K+hps
    2. A tank, any class.
    2. A ranged DPS with a Heal OS (To step in when a heal calls out)
    3. A Melee DPS with a Tank OS (same but for tanks)
    4. Regular DPS, whatever. 800K+ dps

    Apply on the website at www.midnightcarnival.info or contact Aryin in game for details.