Currently we are raiding cross server with the Guild Order of the Templar on the Blackwater Raiders server, allowing us to also have a more casual raid from 6-8p Server time requiring only a 925+ilvl. (You do not need to join a team for this)
But Midnight Carnival is always looking for players for our raid team. Raid nights are Tuesday and Thursday, 6-8:30p Server time. You need to commit to all night both nights.
To join the main team You need a 940+ ilvl, fully gemmed and enchanted, with all of the points on your artifact weapon unlocked (with your goal being getting to lvl 75 ASAP). You should have a working knowledge of both your class, and the fights (Wow-head/Icy-veins). You need to have DBM (Deadly Boss Mods) and DIscord installed.
We're looking to fill a full team without the cross server assistance going forward into the new expansion. We need several key rolls committed to in order to accomplish this.
It should be stated for the record that we are not looking to (and cannot) carry anyone. You need to put in the maximum effort to be as efficient (not perfect!) as possible with an eye of always looking to get better. (Running M+'s, Doing world bosses, when the raid week is over, pugging bosses we didn't kill, etc. etc.)
Our group is non elitist. We mess up a lot, but we always try to learn from it. We grow together. We will wipe, sometimes a lot, but as long as we improve per wipe that's expected. All we really expect you to be is on at least our level, (can't carry!) and wanting to have fun.
We most Need:
1. A tank, any class. (2 can be accepted)
2. 2 Healers. 150K+hps (Have druid/Dpriest)
2. A ranged DPS with a Heal OS (To step in when a heal calls out)
3. A Melee DPS with a Tank OS (same but for tanks)
4. Regular DPS, whatever. 800K+ dps
Apply on the website at or contact Aryin in game for details.
Est'd 2010: Everything guild founded on mutual respect. Looking for friendly, helpful people regardless of lvl or skill lvl. Perfect for new players, returning players, casual players, casual raiders & all your alts. Large guild with all the perks. Join us!
Currently Focusing on Semi-Hardcore Raiding, Leveling, and group play (Mythic+/Etc). Raid applicants must be IN guild, APPLY, and meet pre-set criteria outlined on the guild website.
Welcoming all Social and Leveling players as well.
Main Progression Raids (Heroic/Normal only)
Tuesday and Thursday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET)
Alt Runs/Fun Runs (As able -if we have enough people - which are optional)
Saturday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET)
Invites start 10-15 minutes prior to raid, first pull at 6pm.
We welcome applications at from players who share our approach to the game. We will always consider exceptional players regardless of class. Currently, we are actively seeking the following:
Ranged DPS - 3+ (Boomkin, SPriest, Warlock, E Shaman for Class diversity)
Melee DPS - 2+ (Monk, Dh, DK, Rogue for Class diversity)
Healer - 2+ (Pally, Monk, Shaman for Class diversity) Need MH and OH for back up
1+ - MT spot available - accepting applications for DPS with tank OS to act as back-up also
We welcome all applications! Even if your class is closed, we will consider exceptional players. We strongly encourage you to schedule an interview as quickly as possible following the submission of the application.
- Ability to fill your role demonstrating high class and raid awareness
- Ability to maintain 80% raid attendance
- Ability to take criticism and improve upon your abilities
- Know your class and be able to keep up on changes
- Know all fights by prior study using online sources
- Patience and Mutual respect for the rest of your team
- Most importantly, have fun and enjoy raiding!
What We Offer:
- Guild bank repairs
- Flask/Elixirs, raid food, potions (as available)
- Gem/Enchanting materials
- Fun raiding environment
- FB Social Groups/Fan page to stay up to date
- Guild website complete with All linked strategy information
- Socially active guild
- Alt runs/Fun runs when available
If you think you are ready to find out what end game has to offer:
- Stop by our website:
- Join us on our Discord (info on site)
- Post here and we'll follow up
- In game: Amastrasza, or ask if "Ama" is on to any guild member (lots of alts)
Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.
Currently Focusing on Semi-Hardcore Raiding, Leveling, and group play (Mythic+/Etc). Raid applicants must be IN guild, APPLY, and meet pre-set criteria outlined on the guild website.
Welcoming all Social and Leveling players as well.
Main Progression Raids (Heroic/Normal only)
Tuesday and Thursday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET)
Alt Runs/Fun Runs (As able -if we have enough people - which are optional)
Saturday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET)
Invites start 10-15 minutes prior to raid, first pull at 6pm.
We welcome applications at from players who share our approach to the game. We will always consider exceptional players regardless of class. Currently, we are actively seeking the following:
Ranged DPS - 3+ (Boomkin, SPriest, Warlock, E Shaman for Class diversity)
Melee DPS - 2+ (Monk, Dh, DK, Rogue for Class diversity)
Healer - 2+ (Pally, Monk, Shaman for Class diversity) Need MH and OH for back up
1+ - MT spot available - accepting applications for DPS with tank OS to act as back-up also
We welcome all applications! Even if your class is closed, we will consider exceptional players. We strongly encourage you to schedule an interview as quickly as possible following the submission of the application.
- Ability to fill your role demonstrating high class and raid awareness
- Ability to maintain 80% raid attendance
- Ability to take criticism and improve upon your abilities
- Know your class and be able to keep up on changes
- Know all fights by prior study using online sources
- Patience and Mutual respect for the rest of your team
- Most importantly, have fun and enjoy raiding!
What We Offer:
- Guild bank repairs
- Flask/Elixirs, raid food, potions (as available)
- Gem/Enchanting materials
- Fun raiding environment
- FB Social Groups/Fan page to stay up to date
- Guild website complete with All linked strategy information
- Socially active guild
- Alt runs/Fun runs when available
If you think you are ready to find out what end game has to offer:
- Stop by our website:
- Join us on our Discord (info on site)
- Post here and we'll follow up
- In game: Amastrasza, or ask if "Ama" is on to any guild member (lots of alts)
Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.
Est'd 2010: Everything guild founded on mutual respect. Looking for friendly, helpful people regardless of lvl or skill lvl. Perfect for new players, returning players, casual players, casual raiders & all your alts. Large guild with all the perks. Join us!
Currently Focusing on Semi-Hardcore Raiding, Leveling, and group play (Mythic+/Etc). Raid applicants must be IN guild, APPLY, and meet pre-set criteria outlined on the guild website.
Welcoming all Social and Leveling players as well.
Main Progression Raids (Heroic/Normal only)
Tuesday and Thursday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET)
Alt Runs/Fun Runs (which are optional)
Saturday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET)
Invites start 10-15 minutes prior to raid.
We welcome applications at from players who share our approach to the game. We will always consider exceptional players regardless of class. Currently, we are actively seeking the following:
DPS (950+ilvl, 75+ap, 1M+dps)
Ranged DPS - 3+ (Boomkin, hunter, Warlock, E Shaman for Class diversity)
Melee DPS - 2+ (Monk, Dh, Rogue for Class diversity)
Healer (950+ilvl 75+ap)
2+ (Pally, Monk, Shaman for Class diversity) Need MH and OH for back up
Tank (960+ ilvl and experience required)
1+ - MT spot available - accepting applications for DPS with tank OS to act as back-up also
We welcome all applications! Even if your class is closed, or your ilvl is too low, we will consider exceptional players. We strongly encourage you to schedule an interview as quickly as possible following the submission of the application.
- Ability to fill your role demonstrating high class and raid awareness
- Ability to maintain 80% raid attendance
- Ability to take criticism and improve upon your abilities
- Know your class and be able to keep up on changes
- Know all fights by prior study using online sources
- Patience and Mutual respect for the rest of your team
- Most importantly, have fun and enjoy raiding!
What We Offer:
- Guild bank repairs
- Flask/Elixirs, raid food, potions (as available)
- Gem/Enchanting materials
- Fun raiding environment
- FB Social Groups/Fan page to stay up to date
- Guild website complete with All linked strategy information
- Socially active guild
- Alt runs/Fun runs when available
If you think you are ready to find out what end game has to offer:
- Stop by our website:
- Join us on our Discord
- Post here and we'll follow up
- In game: Amastrasza, or ask if "Ama" is on to any guild member (lots of alts)
Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.
Class Breakdown:
deathknight (tank) medium until we hit 2MT, 1 Backup
demon hunter (dd) medium
demon hunter (tank) medium until we hit 2MT, 1 Backup
druid (balance) medium
druid (restoration) medium (Have 1 and he's OP)
druid (feral-dd) medium
druid (feral-tank) medium until we hit 2MT, 1 Backup
hunter high
mage low (have 2)
monk (healer) medium
monk (dd) medium
monk (tank) medium until we hit 2MT, 1 Backup
paladin (holy) medium
paladin (protection) medium
paladin (retribution) low (have 1, if you can beat his dps you get a cookie)
priest (healer) medium (Have 1 disc)
priest (dd) medium (have 1)
rogue medium
shaman (elemental) medium
shaman (enhancement) low
shaman (restoration) medium
warlock high - we just want your ports and candy, sorry to use you! :-p
warrior (dd) medium (have 1)
warrior (protection) (have 1 - medium until we hit 2MT, 1 Backup)
Currently Focusing on Semi-Hardcore Raiding, Leveling, and group play (Mythic+/Etc). Raid applicants must be IN guild, APPLY, and meet pre-set criteria outlined on the guild website.
Welcoming all Social and Leveling players as well.
Main Progression Raids (Heroic/Normal only)
Tuesday and Thursday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET)
Alt Runs/Fun Runs (which are optional)
Saturday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET)
Invites start 10-15 minutes prior to raid.
We welcome applications at from players who share our approach to the game. We will always consider exceptional players regardless of class. Currently, we are actively seeking the following:
DPS (950+ilvl, 75+ap, 1M+dps)
Ranged DPS - 3+ (Boomkin, hunter, Warlock, E Shaman for Class diversity)
Melee DPS - 2+ (Monk, Dh, Rogue for Class diversity)
Healer (950+ilvl 75+ap)
2+ (Pally, Monk, Shaman for Class diversity) Need MH and OH for back up
Tank (960+ ilvl and experience required)
1+ - MT spot available - accepting applications for DPS with tank OS to act as back-up also
We welcome all applications! Even if your class is closed, or your ilvl is too low, we will consider exceptional players. We strongly encourage you to schedule an interview as quickly as possible following the submission of the application.
- Ability to fill your role demonstrating high class and raid awareness
- Ability to maintain 80% raid attendance
- Ability to take criticism and improve upon your abilities
- Know your class and be able to keep up on changes
- Know all fights by prior study using online sources
- Patience and Mutual respect for the rest of your team
- Most importantly, have fun and enjoy raiding!
What We Offer:
- Guild bank repairs
- Flask/Elixirs, raid food, potions (as available)
- Gem/Enchanting materials
- Fun raiding environment
- FB Social Groups/Fan page to stay up to date
- Guild website complete with All linked strategy information
- Socially active guild
- Alt runs/Fun runs when available
If you think you are ready to find out what end game has to offer:
- Stop by our website:
- Join us on our Discord
- Post here and we'll follow up
- In game: Amastrasza, or ask if "Ama" is on to any guild member (lots of alts)
Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.
Class Breakdown:
deathknight (tank) medium until we hit 2MT, 1 Backup
demon hunter (dd) medium
demon hunter (tank) medium until we hit 2MT, 1 Backup
druid (balance) medium
druid (restoration) medium (Have 1 and he's OP)
druid (feral-dd) medium
druid (feral-tank) medium until we hit 2MT, 1 Backup
hunter high
mage low (have 2)
monk (healer) medium
monk (dd) medium
monk (tank) medium until we hit 2MT, 1 Backup
paladin (holy) medium
paladin (protection) medium
paladin (retribution) low (have 1, if you can beat his dps you get a cookie)
priest (healer) medium (Have 1 disc)
priest (dd) medium (have 1)
rogue medium
shaman (elemental) medium
shaman (enhancement) low
shaman (restoration) medium
warlock high - we just want your ports and candy, sorry to use you! :-p
warrior (dd) medium (have 1)
warrior (protection) (have 1 - medium until we hit 2MT, 1 Backup)
Guild Changes
Every Expansion sees some minor guild changes, as people come and go and the group dynamic shifts. As we adapt and evolve with the current changes, here is what we expect to see change:
Social/Leveling (No Changes)
Midnight Carnival is a social and leveling guild where everyone - all lvls, classes, alts, & even entire little guilds - will be equally welcome. Laid back, friendly, experienced members can help with all your game questions while you learn how to play and make friends.
Above all else we want all our members to have fun while we assist them in learning their class, their spec, how to use and play the game, and how to be the best them possible in a supportive, non judgmental environment.
When the new expansion drops, the current raid team will disband. This allows all members to change classes/roles if they wish, and not be locked into a toon they may be bored playing. When the raid schedule is announced for BfA a start date will be set for guild raiding to begin, and the application unlocked. Anyone wishing to join is expected to put the effort in to be ready and have applied by that date.
Main Progression Raids (Heroic/Normal only) Tuesday and Thursday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET) Invites start 10-15 minutes prior to raid.
· Toons that are not in guild can NOT be given priority placing on this team. It is a GUILD group. Please consider moving any toons you wish to raid with into the guild.
· Raiders must demonstrate class competency and a basic knowledge of the fights, which can be gleaned from MULTIPLE sources on the Internet. So there is no excuse for you to not know what you're doing.
· Remember a min ilvl (to be announced) is required with all gear gemmed and enchanted.
To Sign up: You must read all raiding informational threads in their ENTIRETY and then fill out the application at the end. No exceptions. This proves effort, dedication, and ability to find what you need on your own.
All information you need to become a raider is provided for you on the Raiding tab. Good luck! And we hope to see you on the team!!
In BfA we hope to "hire" a Mythic+ Coordinator to Organize and Schedule members for Guild Accredited Mythic+ group/s, including "regular" Mythic runs that are all inclusive and at least one "progression" group pushing to get as high a mythic level as possible. Progression M+ may not interfere with Raid Nights.
This should allow for groups to gear, bond, have fun, and feel like they're part of a team, if perhaps they can't or don't want to raid. There will be set nights that you can hop online, jump into a group and run some mythics with your guild. When enough people come regularly a schedule and group set up can be set.
In BfA we also hope to "hire" a PVP Coordinator to Organize and Schedule members for Guild Accredited Rated Battlegrounds and 3v3/5v5 arena groups, etc. Midnight Carnival has not had the opportunity to do coordinated PVP since the Cataclysm expansion, and we missed it. We'd like the opportunity for those who enjoy PVP to be able to do so, without having to PUG or join random groups. We can coordinate in our Discord, have some fun, and kick some !@#.
There can be set arena teams, take all comer nights, a designated team for a Rate Battlegrounds night - the possibilities are endless. We just need someone (or two) to step up and get things started.
Every Expansion sees some minor guild changes, as people come and go and the group dynamic shifts. As we adapt and evolve with the current changes, here is what we expect to see change:
Social/Leveling (No Changes)
Midnight Carnival is a social and leveling guild where everyone - all lvls, classes, alts, & even entire little guilds - will be equally welcome. Laid back, friendly, experienced members can help with all your game questions while you learn how to play and make friends.
Above all else we want all our members to have fun while we assist them in learning their class, their spec, how to use and play the game, and how to be the best them possible in a supportive, non judgmental environment.
When the new expansion drops, the current raid team will disband. This allows all members to change classes/roles if they wish, and not be locked into a toon they may be bored playing. When the raid schedule is announced for BfA a start date will be set for guild raiding to begin, and the application unlocked. Anyone wishing to join is expected to put the effort in to be ready and have applied by that date.
Main Progression Raids (Heroic/Normal only) Tuesday and Thursday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET) Invites start 10-15 minutes prior to raid.
· Toons that are not in guild can NOT be given priority placing on this team. It is a GUILD group. Please consider moving any toons you wish to raid with into the guild.
· Raiders must demonstrate class competency and a basic knowledge of the fights, which can be gleaned from MULTIPLE sources on the Internet. So there is no excuse for you to not know what you're doing.
· Remember a min ilvl (to be announced) is required with all gear gemmed and enchanted.
To Sign up: You must read all raiding informational threads in their ENTIRETY and then fill out the application at the end. No exceptions. This proves effort, dedication, and ability to find what you need on your own.
All information you need to become a raider is provided for you on the Raiding tab. Good luck! And we hope to see you on the team!!
In BfA we hope to "hire" a Mythic+ Coordinator to Organize and Schedule members for Guild Accredited Mythic+ group/s, including "regular" Mythic runs that are all inclusive and at least one "progression" group pushing to get as high a mythic level as possible. Progression M+ may not interfere with Raid Nights.
This should allow for groups to gear, bond, have fun, and feel like they're part of a team, if perhaps they can't or don't want to raid. There will be set nights that you can hop online, jump into a group and run some mythics with your guild. When enough people come regularly a schedule and group set up can be set.
In BfA we also hope to "hire" a PVP Coordinator to Organize and Schedule members for Guild Accredited Rated Battlegrounds and 3v3/5v5 arena groups, etc. Midnight Carnival has not had the opportunity to do coordinated PVP since the Cataclysm expansion, and we missed it. We'd like the opportunity for those who enjoy PVP to be able to do so, without having to PUG or join random groups. We can coordinate in our Discord, have some fun, and kick some !@#.
There can be set arena teams, take all comer nights, a designated team for a Rate Battlegrounds night - the possibilities are endless. We just need someone (or two) to step up and get things started.
Midnight Carnival is a social and leveling guild where everyone - all lvls, classes, alts, & even entire little guilds - will be equally welcome. Laid back, friendly, experienced members can help with all your game questions while you learn how to play and make friends.
Above all else we want all our members to have fun while we assist them in learning their class, their spec, how to use and play the game, and how to be the best them possible in a supportive, non judgmental environment. Players are encouraged to ask questions of every kind and never feel they will be insulted when the answer is given. We hope someday they will pay it forward and pass this information on to others who need the help.
Doing things together, as a guild, is mutually beneficial. You get to see content and make friends, and groups of 3 or more guildies earns the guild bank money, which is then used so you can repair without spending your own money. The more money the bank has, the higher that limit is able to be set. You can also forge friendships outside of game, via this website and Facebook.
Main Progression Raids (Heroic/Normal only) Tuesday and Thursday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET) Invites start 10-15 minutes prior to raid.
BfA - Starting Raid Ready Requirements:
In BfA we hope to "hire" a Mythic+ Coordinator to Organize and Schedule members for Guild Accredited Mythic+ group/s, including "regular" Mythic runs that are all inclusive and at least one "progression" group pushing to get as high a mythic level as possible. Progression M+ may not interfere with Raid Nights.
This should allow for groups to gear, bond, have fun, and feel like they're part of a team, if perhaps they can't or don't want to raid. There will be set nights that you can hop online, jump into a group and run some mythics with your guild. When enough people come regularly a schedule and group set up can be set.
In BfA we also hope to "hire" a PVP Coordinator to Organize and Schedule members for Guild Accredited Rated Battlegrounds and 3v3/5v5 arena groups, etc. Midnight Carnival has not had the opportunity to do coordinated PVP since the Cataclysm expansion, and we missed it. We'd like the opportunity for those who enjoy PVP to be able to do so, without having to PUG or join random groups. We can coordinate in our Discord, have some fun, and kick some !@#.
There can be set arena teams, take all comer nights, a designated team for a Rate Battlegrounds night - the possibilities are endless. We just need someone (or two) to step up and get things started.
Above all else we want all our members to have fun while we assist them in learning their class, their spec, how to use and play the game, and how to be the best them possible in a supportive, non judgmental environment. Players are encouraged to ask questions of every kind and never feel they will be insulted when the answer is given. We hope someday they will pay it forward and pass this information on to others who need the help.
Doing things together, as a guild, is mutually beneficial. You get to see content and make friends, and groups of 3 or more guildies earns the guild bank money, which is then used so you can repair without spending your own money. The more money the bank has, the higher that limit is able to be set. You can also forge friendships outside of game, via this website and Facebook.
Main Progression Raids (Heroic/Normal only) Tuesday and Thursday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET) Invites start 10-15 minutes prior to raid.
BfA - Starting Raid Ready Requirements:
In BfA we hope to "hire" a Mythic+ Coordinator to Organize and Schedule members for Guild Accredited Mythic+ group/s, including "regular" Mythic runs that are all inclusive and at least one "progression" group pushing to get as high a mythic level as possible. Progression M+ may not interfere with Raid Nights.
This should allow for groups to gear, bond, have fun, and feel like they're part of a team, if perhaps they can't or don't want to raid. There will be set nights that you can hop online, jump into a group and run some mythics with your guild. When enough people come regularly a schedule and group set up can be set.
In BfA we also hope to "hire" a PVP Coordinator to Organize and Schedule members for Guild Accredited Rated Battlegrounds and 3v3/5v5 arena groups, etc. Midnight Carnival has not had the opportunity to do coordinated PVP since the Cataclysm expansion, and we missed it. We'd like the opportunity for those who enjoy PVP to be able to do so, without having to PUG or join random groups. We can coordinate in our Discord, have some fun, and kick some !@#.
There can be set arena teams, take all comer nights, a designated team for a Rate Battlegrounds night - the possibilities are endless. We just need someone (or two) to step up and get things started.
Guild Raiding in BfA
Uldir Release Date: The opening dates for Uldir have been added to the in-game calendar
September 4th, 2018 - Normal and Heroic Uldir open September 11th, 2018 - Mythic and Wing 1 LFR Uldir open September 25th, 2018 - Wing 2 LFR Uldir opens October 9th, 2018 - The final LFR Wing of Uldir opens
That means the New Raid team must be READY TO GO by September 4th, 2018. Uldir drops 355+ilvl gear, which means you're expected to be 335+ fully gemmed and enchanted when you apply to join the raid Team. We will progress to starting Heroic when the majority of the team passes a 350+ ilvl as Heroic drops 370+ loot.
Leveling and Gearing guides are available on WoWhead to streamline your efforts, remember as always to lean on other guildies to run dungeons and heroics.
On Tuesday, August 28th the application will be unlocked. Anyone wishing to join is expected to put the effort in to be ready and have applied by that date or August 2nd by the LATEST to allow team compilation and application review.
Raid Group Attendance exceptions:
All "Exceptions" (Leave early/Miss certain nights) are also reset. Permission for necessary work/life situations will need to be re-obtained by petitioning the raid group and receiving a majority vote in your favor. Leaving to join a secondary raid group is no longer permissible. Please apply to a teams with different raid schedules so that neither team feels "second fiddle" to any other. Anyone needing an exception to leave early/miss nights MAY NOT hold a key position such as heals or tanking. You MAY still hold the back up role for the positions. Main Progression Raids (Heroic/Normal only) Tuesday and Thursday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET) Invites start 10-15 minutes prior to raid.
If you cannot attend all of both nights, please do not apply at this time. Back up spots will become available later once progression has proceeded.
Toons that are not in guild can NOT be given priority placing on this team. It is a GUILD group. Please consider moving any toons you wish to raid with into the guild. Raiders must demonstrate class competency and a basic knowledge of the fights, which can be gleaned from MULTIPLE sources on the Internet. So there is no excuse for you to not know what you're doing. Remember a min ilvl 335+ is required with all gear gemmed and enchanted. To Sign up: You must read all raiding informational threads on our website in their ENTIRETY and then fill out the application at the end. No exceptions. This proves effort, dedication, and ability to find what you need on your own. (indication you'll be a functional raider)
Keep in mind if you do not meet minimum criteria you will be declined. If you are accepted but demonstrate no class knowledge you will be sat out until you do your homework. Signs you are not class competent include pulling low numbers with high gear, not using extra spells like CC and dispels, and asking "what's that" when we ask you to do something. Also if you continuously stand in fire you will be sat out until you learn to move your !@# and that fire is NOT a buff.
You are expected to know all fights by September 4th: This includes
You are not expected to be perfect, but you are expected NOT TO HAVE TO ASK "what is that?" because you will ALREADY KNOW.
Midnight Carnival uses the Fatboss Raid guides for major positioning and Mechanic strategies when we begin a new raid, we then adapt the strategy to our own team as we go. Those guides are augmented with written encounter guides on WoW-Head, and per ability mechanics/class suggestions on Icy-Veins.
All information you need to become a raider is provided for you on the Raiding tab. Good luck! And we hope to see you on the team!!
Guild Raiding Informational Page:!raiding/c1bta
Uldir Release Date: The opening dates for Uldir have been added to the in-game calendar
That means the New Raid team must be READY TO GO by September 4th, 2018. Uldir drops 355+ilvl gear, which means you're expected to be 335+ fully gemmed and enchanted when you apply to join the raid Team. We will progress to starting Heroic when the majority of the team passes a 350+ ilvl as Heroic drops 370+ loot.
Leveling and Gearing guides are available on WoWhead to streamline your efforts, remember as always to lean on other guildies to run dungeons and heroics.
On Tuesday, August 28th the application will be unlocked. Anyone wishing to join is expected to put the effort in to be ready and have applied by that date or August 2nd by the LATEST to allow team compilation and application review.
Raid Group Attendance exceptions:
If you cannot attend all of both nights, please do not apply at this time. Back up spots will become available later once progression has proceeded.
Keep in mind if you do not meet minimum criteria you will be declined. If you are accepted but demonstrate no class knowledge you will be sat out until you do your homework. Signs you are not class competent include pulling low numbers with high gear, not using extra spells like CC and dispels, and asking "what's that" when we ask you to do something. Also if you continuously stand in fire you will be sat out until you learn to move your !@# and that fire is NOT a buff.
You are expected to know all fights by September 4th: This includes
- major mechanics
- what to and not to stand in
- how to use your personal abilities to counter raid mechanics
You are not expected to be perfect, but you are expected NOT TO HAVE TO ASK "what is that?" because you will ALREADY KNOW.
Midnight Carnival uses the Fatboss Raid guides for major positioning and Mechanic strategies when we begin a new raid, we then adapt the strategy to our own team as we go. Those guides are augmented with written encounter guides on WoW-Head, and per ability mechanics/class suggestions on Icy-Veins.
All information you need to become a raider is provided for you on the Raiding tab. Good luck! And we hope to see you on the team!!
Guild Raiding Informational Page:!raiding/c1bta
Main Progression Raids (Heroic/Normal only) Tuesday and Thursday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET) Invites start 10-15 minutes prior to raid for a 6p first pull.
We're currently filling our raid team for the Battle for Azeroth Raiding content and are in need of:
Ranged DPS - 2+ We welcome all applications! Even if your class is closed, we will consider exceptional players. We strongly encourage you to schedule an interview as quickly as possible following the submission of the application.
Currently we require a 335+ ilvl to start, fully gemmed and enchanted. Raiding will begin with the guild on 9/4/18 but spots will be closed to additional DPS unless we can fill all 3 base heal spots. We are also currently accepted and projected melee heavy, we need ranged DPS classes for class utility/diversity.
We are also recruiting:
DPS with a viable Tank OS - 1+ DPS with a viable Heal OS - 1+ These players are considered DPS and "Understudy" Tanks and Heals. It is understood that on nights when the Tanks and Heals cannot attend, they will need to perform, and should the mains lose their spot for any reason, these back ups will become the new Mains.
Please Review the application and expectations and apply at:
Main Progression Raids (Heroic/Normal only) Tuesday and Thursday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET) Invites start 10-15 minutes prior to raid for a 6p first pull.
We're currently filling our raid team for the Battle for Azeroth Raiding content and are in need of:
Currently we require a 335+ ilvl to start, fully gemmed and enchanted. Raiding will begin with the guild on 9/4/18 but spots will be closed to additional DPS unless we can fill all 3 base heal spots. We are also currently accepted and projected melee heavy, we need ranged DPS classes for class utility/diversity.
We are also recruiting:
Please Review the application and expectations and apply at:
Main Progression Raids (Heroic/Normal only) Tuesday and Thursday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET) Invites start 10-15 minutes prior to raid for a 6p first pull.
We're currently filling our raid team for the Battle for Azeroth Raiding content and are in need of:
Ranged DPS - 2+ Ranged DPS with a Heal OS - 1+ We unfortunately CANNOT accept any more melee at this time, until we fill 2+ ranged DPS spots and get an additional healer. We need a NOT DRUID healer for class diversity.
We are working our way through normal, and moving into Heroic. Currently we require a 335+ ilvl to start, fully gemmed and enchanted.
We welcome all applications! Even if your class is closed, we will consider exceptional players. We're also currently looking to start a "filthy casual" group on Saturday nights, for fun.
As always EVERYONE is welcome to Midnight Carnival, even if you have no interest in raiding what so ever.
Please Review the application and expectations and apply at:
Main Progression Raids (Heroic/Normal only) Tuesday and Thursday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET) Invites start 10-15 minutes prior to raid for a 6p first pull.
We're currently filling our raid team for the Battle for Azeroth Raiding content and are in need of:
We are working our way through normal, and moving into Heroic. Currently we require a 335+ ilvl to start, fully gemmed and enchanted.
We welcome all applications! Even if your class is closed, we will consider exceptional players. We're also currently looking to start a "filthy casual" group on Saturday nights, for fun.
As always EVERYONE is welcome to Midnight Carnival, even if you have no interest in raiding what so ever.
Please Review the application and expectations and apply at:
Main Progression Raids (Heroic/Normal only) Tuesday and Thursday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET) Invites start 10-15 minutes prior to raid for a 6p Server first pull.
We're currently filling our raid team for the Battle for Azeroth Raiding content and are in need of:
Ranged DPS - 2+ (Hunter, Spriest, Ele - Fricken anything, WHY is everyone melee?) Healer OS DPS - 1+ (Pally, Priest, Monk needed most) Tank OS DPS - 1+ (DK, DH, Bear, Monk needed most) We welcome all applications! Even if your class is closed, we will consider exceptional players. We strongly encourage you to schedule an interview as quickly as possible following the submission of the application.
Currently we require a 350+ ilvl to start, fully gemmed and enchanted. You can begin when you are ready
Please Review the application and expectations and apply at:
Main Progression Raids (Heroic/Normal only) Tuesday and Thursday - 6:00pm to 9:00pm MT (8:00pm to 11:00pm ET) Invites start 10-15 minutes prior to raid for a 6p Server first pull.
We're currently filling our raid team for the Battle for Azeroth Raiding content and are in need of:
Currently we require a 350+ ilvl to start, fully gemmed and enchanted. You can begin when you are ready
Please Review the application and expectations and apply at:
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HI, there I love to be part of your guild!
Bnet: VegasKid#11537
Angel Hendrix on facebook
and I am VegasKidd88 on your guyses website
I’m going to be leveling a character on your guys server
going to be lvling Pandaren Shaman named Vegas kid most likely