Middle of day and tons of rares with nobody to kill them

Work from home isn’t supposed to be grinding ZM… and you forgot the bigger gaming population, the kids/young adults, which are usually at school at this time of day…

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They could go back to a horrid daily only system to force players into doing mundane crap in the same zone for 180 straight days again. Is that what you want?

Weeklies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dailies

Another possible issue is that this is the first week of the new patch that there has been stuff to do other than ZM. There’s a new PvP season, a new M+ season, plus it’s timewalking week and if you do five TW dungeons you get a free normal mode item from the new raid (worth it if ilvl 252 is potentially an upgrade for you or if you want a chance at transmog), etc.

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I’m actually not really interested in this patch. I played a day or two then I decided to level my hunter. Tried to play again today and I just can’t. I died A few times , which is fine but some of these minor mobs hit just a little to hard I think. But what really upset me was dying to an elite, I re spawn and the re-spawn point is so far away by the time I get back, the mob has been killed and was gone. I could not loot it.

While I’m normally rather happy to jump on the WoW Devs need to do a better job of designing and incentivizing content bandwagon…

It’s the middle of the day.
In the middle of the work-week.

All the casual players are at work.
All the hard-core players are playing Elden Ring and won’t be on until it’s 10 minutes until raid time where they’re going to wonder what happened to their flask and why isn’t my jump/dodge key giving me immunity frames?


In regards to time of day and realm activity, every server has a pattern. My server cluster is busy from about 1pm to 3:30pm with a slight Horde dominance. From 3:30 to 5:00 or so, it can get sparse. Between 5pm and 6pm, Alliance shows up in numbers with another small surge around 8pm. At 10pm the cluster becomes a ghost town.

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To be fair, it’s is midday on a Wednesday. Even people working from home are probably working. Also, people are probably forming rare farming groups which are sucking up lots of players to other realms. There’s also War Mode. If you’ve got it turned off, like me, you don’t see all the War Mode players, and there’s a lot of them.

That all said, I’m not saying there’s no drop off of players. There could be. But it could also be all these things mixed together, including fewer players.

With the Patterns within Patterns being a weekly now, I dunno… I get better mileage from killing the smaller rares and doing WQs and dailies instead.

I just checked a moment ago on an alt: a rare is about 3%? that’s maybe worth if you’re almost done with the weekly. I did log in and found two groups of people killing rares though, so, ymmv re: your own server though.

It was quieter today, based on last week…

1st, anyone gearing up alts, has done so… whether you was tier 4 or 6 in Korthia, it’s real quick getting 226 and 233 ZM gear.

2nd, I understand mythic is open… I don’t care to run mythics, but it’s easy to say that’s where the crowd moved on to.

That supposed 242/246 stuff isn’t happening… I’ve killed rares and those higher rare bosses by the scores, not a single gear piece higher than 233… safe to say killing those is not a gearing path.
Sandstone relics, well that’s slow too.

Just saying, I’ve already got a feel for the place… not much reason for trying to run a lot of alts… one semi main, to do the timed work in the cyber, so my main can use his cyber to fill in the columns.
The semi main, is also my jeweler… for the 262s for my crowd of alts.

I don’t think 9.2 has slowed, but running around in ZM has.

Alright, when everyone gets back from work, school, etc, log on, go to ZM then report back how its looking!

We must solve the mystery!

Maybe cause people go to work / school during those hours?

The ole people at work theory is weaksauce, unless everyone started new jobs this week, I’d assume they was working last week too.

This is the crux of it. The problem with designing a zone around content that requires groups to complete is that if for any reason you’re playing at a time when there aren’t a ton of people in the zone, then that content functionally isn’t available during that period.

This is fine for dungeons and raids, which are traditionally group activities anyway that people schedule around in advance. But open world content is traditionally solo content. It’s what people do when they want to just hop on and play a bit whenever it fits into their day. Designing the zone so that the bulk of its content depends on your personal free time lining up with enough other randos’ to make clearing the content practical is just asking to frustrate players, especially as time goes on and fewer and fewer people are participating even at peak hours.

you know full well everyone is raiding or pushing rating in mythic+ or pvp

My be hunter off 242 pvp gear in a few slots clears lfr ilevel need. She went in mostly 220 slots off stage 1 conquest really.

I can open that door when it opens…I am good. she won’t need zm. Dual lego is optional. That venthyr hunter doesn’t need bag of razors that bad.

As most times I am the so loved camo’d double tap aimed shot hp bar drainer MM hunter lol.

We already did that content in 9.1.

Yep. My ve hunter will do story chapters. 1 char always does those checkmarks. beyond that…lets jsut say my bestest 9.1 research tier is 4. at some point I said yeah…no. ZM…the no came much sooner.

Pretty much why Rares should be in name only and nothing else. Slightly higher Hp, same drops, quicker respawn timers. Every patch they add Rare and Rare elites and every time the zone dies off quickly and nobody is around to bother with them.

This week we have Timewalking . - best time of the Month !

Another factor may be the “Shaping Fate” weekly in Korthia, which gives a good reward for low effort.