Microsoft/Xbox to aquire Activision Blizzard

I share your desire to speak frankly with Orcs without the use of an Elixir, but I’m gonna bet it’ll be a pet you can buy for $60 and three cents of each purchase goes to someone who had their feelings hurt somewhere.


delete this D:<

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When do you all think the next expac will be announced?

Right before the next scandal comes out or right after.


Honestly, that’s a good question. We’re already about done with Shadowlands with the defeat of the Jailer in 9.2 Two content patches in and we’re already about done with this place with no allusion to what comes late 2022, or in 2023. While I want to imagine we’d see a released trailer by Late Summer, early Fall…

I’d not be surprised if we got no new details until 2023.

They need to redo the UI for race selection if they add more.

Instead of each new AR having it’s own little icon to click, there should be the base races (like it was originally) and then clicking on, say, an Orc, You get the option with normal Orc, Fel Orc, or Mag’Har. Same goes with Alliance races, breaking it down into ethnic groups would clean up the character creation screen more and consolidate them all into their racial groups.

That being said, give me my Taunka already! They’ve been an AR since Wrath and deserve to be played as player characters. And then add in the Youngol because they’re also cool.

At this point, so long as they go, I don’t care how we get rid of Bobby ‘Not Even The Gold Diggers Will Touch Me’ Kotick and the DudeBro Board of Directors, just that they go.

Microsoft literally cannot do a worse job with the IPs than those gibbering half-wits have already achieved.

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I bet it’s NFT store cosmetics.

You get a low quality jpeg of your character in a transmog you can’t actually use in the game. Only $20!!

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do not utter (type) this

dont worry my post is now an NFT and blizz will have to pay me one million monopoly crypto dollarydoos to use my idea


There was an interview with Phil Spencer recently that kind of gives me hope on how the merger’s impact will go. At least IP wise, it seems the annual CoD mill might get disassembled in parts so we can get some returning game franchises.

My hope:

Next week, they announce when 9.2 comes out (February) and also that they WILL announce an event in March where they plan on showing us the next expansion. AND that they intend for it to be live by the end of 2022.

People are finding more and more “evidence” of the new expansion in the game files, so if they want to cash in on the hype, they should announce soon.

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I hope this announcement has something to it beyond 9.2, because I don’t think I’ve seen a single thing that would even remotely tempt me to reinstall just so I can slog through what is essentially just Korthia 1.5 and a raid that I won’t touch until two expansions from now.


Here Lies Blizzard

1993 - 2022

They lived long enough to become the villain.

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why is the end date on that so late

Where do I petition to finally have the Argent Squire/Gruntling become full fledged Battle Pets?

What? I can’t put the kid training to become a Knight in the Argent Crusade in peril but the orphan I got from Dalaran I can throw into life and death struggles against wildlife without a care?


And while we are on the subject why can’t the balloons fight too?

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I’m 100% for it only for the flex of getting your rear kicked by a sack full of air.

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I didn’t want to try to get overly specific with where old Blizzard stopped & Nu-Blizzard began. So I just went with where Nu-Blizzard became part of our Microsoft overlords for the sake of simplification.

Let’s hope it doesn’t suck as bad as nu-metal… we don’t need Blizzard to become the Limp Bizkit of gaming

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