Microsoft Lays Off 1900

Uh… yeah they do. You might want to do some reading up on the tech industry, the loans they all took out earlier and how interest rates went up, redundancy in company buyouts, the layoffs Microsoft did while trying to purchase the company, etc.

Okay, I can tell this is a conversation that isn’t going to be productive whatsoever without knowledge of how corporations work, so I’ll just stop here.

We’re all depressed that people got laid off. But until we understand the situation within the buyout, the loans, etc… this anger isn’t helpful at all.

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It not jsut the greed. Larger game devs have rolled out some crap of late. Devs, managers…all get a piece of blame game. We can debate % of distribution is all.

I don’t buy new games because cheap. I buy them because most are not even worth a steam sale price. I hit up older games in my steam backlog.

Or play an actually fun game for the say 3rd time. If fullfuls I remember when game makers actually gave a crap nostalgia.

Why on the xbox I love my game pass. I try the new games if on there. Or recents. And I go thank elune I didn’t pay $60+ for this crap. They get their say 4 hours, I go nope. Uninstall.

My $15 ultimate has saved $120 this month alone on what would have been regret buys. And the month isn’t even over yet.

Or I hit the more “indy” ones. I have bought a new game on pc. Shadow Gambit. A nice little gem from the realtime strategy realm with stealth elements.

Is it winning graphics of the game year awards? No. I am fine with that.

Nice Story so far, I like stealth elements games and makes it hardcore as you like. People want it brutal…have at it. I have no gamer ego. Normal is fine for me…I do more irl things to feel better about myself as a person lol.

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This is largely due to politics and businesses and corporations being intertwined. Government does everything it can to loosen regulations on companies, because companies pay lobbyists to funnel money to politicians. Political affiliation does not matter. Its all about money and making false promises so they get enough votes to stay in office and get paid.

Then on the business end, you get less penalties for union busting practices. You get fewer penalties for violating safety regulations. You get salary abuse for unpaid overtime. Outsourcing customer service and other services overseas for the cheapest bid. Predatory scheduling practices to keep people just under the quarterly threshold of full time status to avoid providing healthcare and benefits. Unpunished insider trading. White collar crimes, for hundreds of millions of dollars, which hurt tens of thousands of people, getting fined for a fraction of what they profited.

The list could go on and on. Its Greed


I honestly don’t care about how it works. Firing 2k people while in the green is not acceptable.


Considering you don’t even comprehend how corporate finances and buyouts work and it’s not some simple “in the green” thing… this is why the conversation wasn’t going to go anywhere. You don’t care to understand. You just want to be angry. That’s fine. You do you.

I wish there was something we could do about all this. Things get more, and more expensive while average wage remains more or less the same. I’m paying twice as much for food as 5 years ago and only get an extra $100 a month… where will we be in another 5 years? It’s a nightmare we can’t wake up from.

I want to give them the benefit of doubt. But, they started off by killing the survival game so I don’t know.

Very competent decision. The market is absolutely flood with with those game now like it’s spam. What a waste of time developing one. They should be focusing on getting their current franchises in order.

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unfortunately its a part of m&a. not necessarily affect wow.

Was this game modern, fantasy or sci fi based?

Since yeah…all are flooded. Valheim “owns” fantasy. Or conan. that one is serious about entering the world naked even. Want to show off that body completely? Go right ahead.

rust owns modern world imo.

And even BGS had a hell of time to get 76 to tread water for “sci fi”. even backed by one of the strongest sci fi/future IP’s out there.

It turns out you can ruin one of the greatest IP franchises known to modern man with a bad opener. 76 did get better later on I will grant. Muuuuuuuuch later.

And in the end the money may not be there. AAA ties down private servers to pay for use. One reason rust is so liked imo. Want a free private server pull the server client down, google a guide for install…have at it. Want to put mods on server? Have at that too.

Rust is not AAA…they were happy we jsut bought their game.

Yes, this actually could be a good thing. I’ve suspected that Blizzard has had a lot of chaff to get rid of for a while now.


Maby Worgen can get there tails and WoW will go in the right direction. We need new people to bring new life to WoW.

And fixing what is broken for a decade.

I see nothing wrong getting rid of people who are doing nothing good for WoW. Everything from bad writers to bad gameplay.

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Woah there hoss, let’s not get too crazy.

I sort of figured heads would roll once Microsoft took over.

Usually during the take-over process, the parent company will already identify projects that they want to cut, department restructures, and also placing people they trust into senior management positions.

The first time I had to deal with this, I already started looking for other jobs because I don’t want to be taken by surprise. Never give a company your loyalty. You’re there to provide a service and that’s it.


Yes. Right around the time the game got an official auto-join chat channel specifically to sell carries in. Coincidence? Idk man.

Even if he wasn’t broadcasting what he was doing to everyone, having someone with the “there’s nothing wrong with paid carries” mindset in charge of the company making the game is NOT a good thing.

Carry Culture in WoW is horrendous. Nothing means anything anymore short of early Mythic clears because there’s an endless stream of easily available carry runs every 30 minutes for roughly the cost of a WoW Token – which also means Blizzard benefits from pushing it because it encourages players to buy WoW tokens which is just pure profit for Blizz.

RIP WOW it’s been nice knowin’ ya

It be preferred other ways worked. I don’t like seeing people let go.

But…yeah. Someone saw money coming in and siad well its still good, right?

I am Auto sub turned off. No 11 preorder since i plan on seeing 11.0 played by others before I buy, if I buy. And I didn’t even do cata deluxe pacackage. I didn’t need char boosts, the items did not thrill.

Not a rage leave, more an ennui leave. Cata might get a few months out of me when dropped. I do want to see that natively. Sub can come back on when dropped though.

The allotted sub fun money went to internet spaceships. They saw their game have bad trends, and started to make amends for that. It took them 6 years, better late than never.

Certain (bad) devs still work there. But the ego is in check. I’ll take that. Someone said dude your ideas…failed. Fix this. The “I believe” button pressed one more time. No jobs lost I know of. Just some ego’s checked.

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no and your not likely to get one either.