Microsoft Lays Off 1900

Ah yes, extreme sarcasm and hyperbole. Got it. Enjoy that perspective Selyf.


Thank you sweety.

I’m a white-collar professional in a knowledge based profession. My job is to provide support to external company contacts and provide them information about complex, highly regulated matters as to how they should be operating their business.

If I tell them the wrong thing in answer to their questions, it could theoretically lead to a situation where my company is on the hook financially for them following my (wrong) advice. I also get asked the same questions over and over and over again a lot.

A lot.

I get anywhere from 25 to 100 emails a day from these contacts. Is it lazy that I don’t use my fingies to type out exactly the same responses every single time? Or would I be doing them a disservice if I didn’t copy-paste in some prewritten responses that I know are correct and have been vetted for accuracy to quickly and efficiently resolve their issue and move on to the next one?

If a human is reading the question and a human is pasting in the relevant information, that’s a human response. It just wasn’t manually typed out every single time.

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It’s not lazy. It’s triage.

They were doing their job. You just didn’t understand it and would rather trash them for it.


I do hate the template that says go read wowhead, because that never solves the problem.


See when I worked for Apple Order Support Web Chat Team we used macros all the time.
#SS (Self service spiel)
Obviously these saved a lot of time, for a company that has billions of customers.

Is WoW’s CS Team literally hanging on by a thread?

I never got to work for chat support. I was At Home phone support. :frowning:

I mean…probably not a lot of the time. On the other hand, just from watching the stuff that gets posted to the Customer Support forum, 95% of the time that people get that template back it’s because they’re asking about a bug or a problem with the quest that the comments and tools on WoWHead do lay out resolutions and workarounds for.

I don’t think it’s a great thing that Blizzard outsourced their game documentation, troubleshooting, bug tracking and tools to a third-party for-profit site with content provided by unpaid volunteers, but also…‘go to WoWHead’ does actually resolve the problem a shocking amount of the time.

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Maybe for the basic players. Almost everything I encounter in this game is a bug or turns out to be a bug.

I am currently losing titles every time I log in. :rofl:


Yeah, well, there’s a whole lot of basic players out there asking a whole lot of basic questions.

There’s not a single thing that a GM can do about the Fearless Spectator bug. But I bet the comments on WoWHead on that achievement mention that it’s bugged currently.

I was WFH too. I started as Phone order support, AppleCare Chat agent and then back to Order support web chat. I was there for 6 years. each one took a different assessment. I quit because we were getting moved to yet a different one (Mac support) and I said oh no I can’t :smiley:

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It isn’t like Blizzard goes out to explain anything in the game. So, I would expect many basic questions from players/customers.

so wait does this mean the forum community managers got the axe

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Vrakthris and Orylia have responded so far to say that they’re fine.

This isn’t the title I keep losing.

Sad. Blizz really needs to make a new game whatever genre imo.

It doesn’t change the fact that gaining/losing titles randomly is a bug, and GMs can’t fix bugs. Looking at the WoWHead comments to see that it’s bugged is a perfectly good step rather than making the GMs explain that it’s bugged to you.

Like I said, I’m not a huge fan of the fact that so much of the game documentation is provided for free by volunteers on a third party site, but it is, and it’s almost certain that Microsoft’s outsourced support will also respond with something along the lines of ‘thanks for your question, here are some links to sites that might also have information for questions like yours’. Except that the links will be to like, Bing search instead of a WoW-relevant site.

I am not talking about this issue since I didn’t put a ticket in for it, but no sending them to wowhead for a bug is a bad idea.

Losing titles just happens to be the latest bug I am experiencing. There are always tons of bugs in the game.

Yet to be determined

Not a negating factor in regard to the previous statement.

I’ve lost “Fearless spectator” almost constantly. Sometimes just by loading into a new zone. They must know I’m not keeping up with my Twitch TV/streamer pets/mounts giveaway.

I’ve gotten so many titles now, I’ve just gone to not using them lately.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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