I doubt they will ‘fire’ him, big business does things a bit more smoothly than that. The conversation has already happened, it probably happened during the negotiation phase. I can almost hear it - shortly after the finalisation of acquisition you will announce you are retiring at the same time as the board is dissolved during the division’s restructuring; you will receive an extremely attractive separation bonus and your stock will be transferred on a x:x basis to Microsoft shares - have a nice retirement.
I figure considering the state of Activision and WoW at the moment it would most likely be “good” by comparison xD but honestly Microsoft is pretty decent. I enjoy what they’ve done with Minecraft and whatnot so I have hopes.
Yah that was what i meant. He will get a good pay check, but he wont be working for blizzard or anyone anymore for that matter is what i am hoping. Hoping he heads out the door though.
I had nightmares after learning about this transaction. I agree, the current CEO of Activision Blizzard is nothing special, but he has been there since 1991 I believe… the beginning of WoW.
It’ll be interesting to see what Microsoft does with the game. People claim WoW is in its dying state, I disagree tbh… I’ve enjoyed shadowlands way more than per say… BFA or Legion. Last GOOD xpac was MoP…
As a player since early BC, I think this could be bad truthfully. I hope not… I mean… Game Pass WoW? I don’t really care to play other games… I literally own an Xbox for those games, and still don’t use gamepass.
Console WoW? - you rly have to be nuts to think this would actually work with competitive PC players lol…
I think the future of WoW is F2P (making the game feel cheaper I believe), with some form of Battle Royale mode lol.
Or MS kills WoW off in the idea of boosting player base for other games… pref game pass games.
Idk. Hopefully this is good and they respect WoW. Main talk is with the Activison titles like CoD, etc… hopefully they don’t forget about this legend of a game (WoW that is).
V hopeful.
Also, I don’t want game to be free to play, or on gamepass. Just my two cents.
ESO feels cheap, and is F2P. Also… I do luv my WoW tokens. I don’t have time for gold farming and would rather spend time playing the game, even if it’s farming korthia rep for gem sockets/conduits. A sense of progression I can do on my own.
Anything other than gold farming rofl. Although, Isle of Quel’Danas daily quests/WPvP will forever be the height of WoW. For me. Daily quests just to be able to afford repairs . Only the real remember.
Now if they could just stop doing interviews with Kotick. Just give the man his check and shut the door on him, please. Good riddance.
This change-over can’t happen fast enough. I heard the writers from Halo are coming over to do WoW, I’ve never been so excited for something in this game in my life, short of the next expansion.
Maybe the new management will center the story around something other than Orcs and Humans, #AnduinIsTheCenterpieceInEveryXpacSinceVarianDied,PleaseStopAlready, and the Night Elves, Trolls, Tauren and other races will a.) stop getting treated like sub-support characters, and b.) actually have meaningful, engaging storylines that you don’t have to roll a character on the other faction to finish learning about.
I agree with you 100% bud. Seems what you stated, especially with the gambling boxes is a norm in games these days. If it comes to WoW I’m probably done. Which will be a v sad day 4 me.
One of the big time execs at MS absolutely loves WoW, and Starcraft. So I expect really good things on both those games because of that. When you really love something, you’re going to invest more time to make other people love it as much as you do, too.
The problem with this was people who didn’t care about the game, figured out it was a cash cow. They got too comfortable, started doing things outside the game they really shouldn’t have done, and thought because they were rich nobody can touch them.
Money doesn’t get you off the hook with John Q. Public anymore. It just drags out the amount of time before you get your just deserves. You might not face any judicial repercussions, but gamers in specific never forget a slight. That wallet will be emptied one way or another.
It’ll most likely happen, tbh. Microsoft has a good track record of holding people who can’t act like decent human beings accountable. Esp. with Bill Gates’ philanthropic thing he and his wife do. Anyone that’s got a smudge on their employee file is about to get a pink slip, mark my words.
Not a moment too dang soon, tbh. There’s been some cancer with upper management at Blizz for a long time now, I feel like Metzen and them got out because it was getting out of control and they didn’t want to be part of it anymore. It’s not the same WoW that I, and a lot of veteran players, started with. I miss the community of the Classic days (before the revert, the ACTUAL vanilla WoW), and the way there used to be a lot of ways the community could police itself. A lot of the stuff that goes on, now, didn’t really become a status quo until Activision took over and the crazies from CoD started playing WoW. I see a LOT more social ineptitude now than I did 10 years ago, or even 5 years ago.
People are gonna have to start answering for stuff they’ve done, and their bros being in charge isn’t going to save them anymore.