Microsoft buying Activision

There are 10k employees at Activisiin Blizzard, 40 of which have been fired. Do you think the execs actually designed anything WoW related? Do you really think the problems in game are a result of things allegedly going on at the top of the company?

Do you really understand how companies work?
No, the executives do not actually ‘design’ anything. But if you think their input is negligible, well…I dunno what to tell you.

You’re not an executive for a gaming company, and literally sit there and do nothing all day. They have SOME involvement in things. I doubt that Metzen would have given it over to someone who had absolutely nothing to do with it at all outside of sitting in an office collecting a paycheck.

Edited to add: On top of that, they’re the face of the company. It would look really dumb if they went to Blizzcon panels and didn’t have any idea what they were talking about? XD

Metzen didn’t run the company, Metzen was the head of story development. He didn’t start Blizzard. He was hired by them.

Execs will put time constraints and revenue goals on projects. The current state of the game is on the devs.

I’m really not going to sit here and argue semantics with you, because it’s pointless, but it’s pretty obvious either you’re being purposefully daft, or trying to start a fight/be a troll, but regardless. It doesn’t matter if execs did or didn’t have a hand in being responsible for the bad stuff that happens in a game. They have to sign off on it before it’s implemented, so either way they DO (be it directly or indirectly) have a hand in it. I’ve known more than one Blizz GM (both of whom were laid off during the worse parts of Blizz’s history). I’ve worked for large-scale companies for most of my life. I know how the cookie crumbles.

Even if some particular Execs DIDN’T have anything to do with it, they’re still going to get the mass wipe-out because that’s how it works. That’s how it’s always worked. Unless you’ve got an absolutely squeaky-clean resume and employee file, or you’re responsible for a lot of good things about something, you’re pretty much looking for another job sooner or later. Someone who’s worked in this kind of climate their entire life stated it in another thread in this section of the forums. It won’t happen IMMEDIATELY, but it will happen. That’s how the Corporate world works. They’re going to put their own people in charge who they know, vs. people who they don’t, unless there’s some serious reasons why they shouldn’t.

That’s the last time I’m replying to any of this, so yeah.

Said by basement dwellers who don’t understand how outside works…

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Oh yeah. Purchased gambling boxes? That’s definitely one my my red lines. Zero tolerance. I’ve hard quit a few games that have gone that route … deleted chars with years of gameplay. It’s not easy, but

(EDIT: forgot to finish sentence. It’s not easy, not easy at all, there’s actually a neuro-chem fallout in terms of sadness which can even have clear physical effects. Experiencing that was a real eye opener so I’m pretty aware of the costs and benefits of choices here, to play or not to play. But I’ve never regretted the hard-exit decision when I made it.)

Any increased monetization is going to be looked at very carefully. It’s a sub game, none of that is good for the game. But that’s me, that’s where I stand. Tokens are bad enough … but I remember when they didn’t exist … it’s a devils bargain but they did the best they could to address a problem. (I think)


Between Tokens and the weekly Vault gear… in my opinion there’s enough gamble. Anything else would be excessive.
I can see why some people don’t like tokens… it takes away a huge aspect of the game, gold farming. Professions are slacking too. I wish the future of WoW attempts to revive professions. Shadowlands is lame with that stuff. I haven’t played much of the most recent WoW expansions, aside from Shadowlands… so I don’t want to speak on the profession deal from about Legion - BFA.
Then you got the weekly Vault reward. I think this is aimed mainly for PvE players? Fine by me. I can get full conquest gear and upgrade it pretty quick with Conquest cap removed now. Only benefit I see is the RNG aspect of possibly getting a PvP piece with a gem socket, even with Rank 6 Korthia rep… (thankfully can purchase Conduit/Sockets account wide).
If WoW gets any more “gambling” events even for cosmetic/novelty items I wouldn’t really dig it tbh. That’s just me though!!!
I don’t think they (Microsoft) would bring more boxes into the game though truthfully. I can’t think of anything ridiculous that they could do with that concept anymore than what they have lol!!! That doesn’t mean they could find another way to butcher the game tho.
My biggest fear is console compatibility. I don’t care about controller support on PC… if you can do it go for it. I don’t think it’s the right option to go for competitive play in PvP or PvE, but some people may prefer it??
As far as WoW on Xbox… (unlikely, but theorycrafting here lol)… servers should be separate for PC and console. Don’t want an influx of CoD nerdz with Game Pass logging on and uhh… toxifying the game more than it is. That is assuming WoW goes to Game Pass. Which I would also disagree with…
These are personal opinions of mine… I have read many Twitter and Reddit posts and the console support seems to be one thing a lot of people want from what I found. I was relieved to come to the official forums for WoW and find more like-minded people who are also slightly skeptical about WoW being under Activision Blizzard with Microsoft owning them.
As stated, MS taking this game rather than EA is slightly good news. MS taking it may even be good news too, we can only wait and see… but with EA… man, the GAMBLING BOXES would be the heart of the game rofl. And any other MicroTransaction they would come up with no matter how ridiculous.
Hope for the best, sorry for the long post. 2023 will be interesting. Hopefully Expansion announcement soon…? - 9.2 seemz fun, regardless of people crying about another grind for meta conduits, etc… I don’t mind the solo-progression, rather than raiding/dungeon for pieces like at the beginning of the expansion for legendary memories.

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What a wall of text this guy above me posted.

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I think this opens a lot of opportunity for WoW to increase their community. Imagine if the WoW sub was included in the xbox game pass. Would bring a lot of new players in.

Game Pass would be hit or miss for me. The player influx could be good… Some servers are very depopulated… but the toxicity that possibly comes with it could make or break some servers.
Would be fun if it balanced out some servers I guess, as far as Horde/Alliance ratio. But I know people play what they want. My main server Area 52 is I think 99.72% Horde .28% Alliance… according to Wowanalytica website… it is funny though I can’t lie. Korthia quest for Shackles? I had to server hop for it. Not bad.
I own an xbox one… even when it was current I was never interested in Game Pass. Maybe because I was already subbed to a game? (WoW). No game Xbox has or had in recent yrs is worth game pass sub for me personally, and I feel WoW would lose budget due to the subscription being applied to multiple games… possibly giving a cheaper future?? I don’t know 100% on that. Don’t flame!!
Who’s to say MS doesn’t reboot classic Activison games though. They had some greats for sure. Put those on Game Pass & maybe… it’ll be worth.
My opinion. Srry 4 long paragraph again.

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Praytell what are these drain-circlers?

Skyrim, one of the most played, best selling games in the history of video games? That drain-circler?

Fallout 4, one of the most played, best selling games in the history of video games? That one?

Oblivion? Morrowind? Games people are still modding and playing 15+ years later?

Nah not sorry, your trash opinion doesn’t equate to fact.


as long as people exist there will always be without exception toxic people, it’s the sad reality of this life no amount of rules changes or such can stop this we see this on several social media sites as well as inperson interactions. however more people comming in also means that social pressures will prevent that behavior where as rules against it wont. frankly microsoft brining more people into the game in the longterm will only help wow.

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Plot twist…

Activision buys Microsoft.

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Kotick was there in 1991 for Activision, not Blizzard. Activision didn’t become a part of Blizzard until near end of Wrath.

In my eyes Microsoft is better than activision a good example is age of empires 2. A pretty old game that they’ve given a lot of support to and the community of that game is pretty happy. Activision on the other hand was responsible for Warcraft 3 reforged, I hope things similar to that Microsoft has done with age of empires will happen with the Warcraft franchise. I’ve never cared for activision, they’ve never put a lot of effort into their projects only looking at the money they can get with the most minimal amount of effort

yeah, no. Simply because they’ve been business successful (or afloat) is not an indicator of total creative success. I’m not talking about the wonderful moments you or I or anyone else has had in some truly beautiful things. I’m talking about their progression as a company and their products over time.

Morrowind works almost as a pinnacle for them in terms of using technology of the time and literally making storytelling and player-experience miracles with it. But after that pushing that technology and model past over-ripe hasn’t been exactly fresh. With good commercial success but I’d argue, fueled by past love.

Fallout is another wonder boy miracle grow sort of thing. They engendered so much love for that thing it’s astonishing. But, greed got the better of them. Fallout shelter poisoned that company. They farmed the player love with lockboxes and that fat fat revenue stream broke the business structure and creativity of the company. The result was that fake-mmo debacle release. But they were also primed for it as well in some ways. People forget what their releases were like (new vegas) and how they were rescued after sale. Memories are so short.

So yeah, Bethesda is a toilet-water company … they sell greywater. And I’m sure whatever they do next will (eventually) probably be successful. They might even turn back to form a little bit to try and revive things. Hope springs eternal I guess.

I think interlocking directorates and similar schemes are really common, so yeah

Again nothing is going to change for the better unless Ion steps down as GD.

Otherwise you’ll see the same legion-style content constantly being released.

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Wrong, Activision Blizzard itself became one of the largest video game companies in 2008, when Activision merged with Blizzard in a US$18.9 billion dollar deal…Lich King expansion went live, It launched on November 13, 2008.

Changes didn’t start to happen until later. And they wouldn’t even take over majority control until 2013.