Microsoft bought blizzard

Call of Duty was probably the biggest draw. But also Amazon jumping into the MMO genre could have also played a key role. Think about the games Blizzard has messed up on. Diablo, Overwatch, and Warcraft. And even the woes with CoD. Any good company will look at that and be these games and see how good they were/are/can be and see how much of a win this could be. They don’t have to develop their own MMO now, they have WoW. They also get Overwatch and Overwatch 2’s development as well as Diablo and then CoD. They get all these games that are/were super good at one point or another and just have to look at the decisions that are being made and be like “we can fix that”. That is at least my hope.


I really agree with this, Sony and Amazon have their mmorpg and now so will Microsoft. Put some money into making it good again and watch the $$ pile up for them while being a huge benefit to the players.



Trion wasn’t in charge of an already established MMO like the current dev team is; it remains unseen whether or not Trion could have tanked WoW at the same rate as the dev team that brought us such things as WoD, BFA, and Shadowlands.

Probably nothing for wow, if the current development team stays on.

Wows been stagnant since legion, repeating the same formula. This team clearly out of ideas.

Why would they close WoW down after just spending billions on it?

This sale is extremely good for both parties… that’s why it happened. It’s good for me to and my Blizzard stock. :grinning:

Lol, they giving us Clippy?

I am still holding out hope that someone re-buys the rights to SOE and Lucasarts Online and reboots the original Star Wars Galaxies with the modern advancement of game engines.

Come on Disney+, crank up that Star Wars Money Printer.

Best thing for Microsoft is they have a fully developed and established MMO with a super recognizable name. The question now is whether they fix the issues it has and are aiming to regain the player loss the game has had.

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I think is the most realistic take

WoW is doing great financially and I don’t know why they’d interfere with that until the money starts to dry up

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I don’t know whether to Collapse or Leap in Joy. Seems like 2022 is starting with a lot of that actually, for me! Question is, will 9.2 change due to this? How will Blizzcon work?

Agree. I wonder why people think Microsoft is going to try micromanaging Activision let alone Blizzard let alone World of Warcraft which is even further down the ladder? It’s well known that Bill Gates and Warren Buffet have been friends and Warren is notorious for advising against interfering with companies they acquire. Why interfere with a profitable and successful business when it was doing well enough for you to want to purchase it in the first place? Not saying it’s impossible as some companies do like to ruin a good thing (see Activision), but something tells me Microsoft is smarter than that. Then again maybe not.


If anything they might roll WoW into game pass which could potentially mean more active players but then again they could do nothing and people will still pay $15/month to play this game

Is game pass the xbox thing so you can play online? Not sure how that would work, but if so it sounds terrible because then the devs would be pressured into trying to make WoW playable on xbox. With that said them somehow promoting WoW/Blizzard games in certain package deals I could see, but they need to be careful. Again, if they’re smart they won’t mess with anything imo. Sure I’d love to see great new things for WoW, but trust me it won’t come from some outside source that has no history/love for the game. People hate Ion and I wanted him to quit many times, but at least he knows and cares about WoW. Who knows who we would get in his place at this point.

No nothing with change or you won’t see any affect Microsoft would have for years. Not to mention the deal doesn’t even close until 2023.

Absolutely not lmao you think a multi billion dollar buy out happens over night?

Probably the same?

It’ll now open with halo music.

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It’s a PC thing too. You can sub and get PC games + EA Play that has EA games on it. Everything from MS, Bethesda and a ton of other games too. I’d imagine things like Overwatch, CoD and Diablo will move to gamepass as well. Dunno about WoW though, I know ESO isn’t included, either the game itself (which is buy-to-play) or the optional sub.


World of Warcraft is said to be moving to 2 patch cycles going forward, so that expansions are more of the profit, which if true, could see WoW move to the Gamepass.

However, this means that less content and changes will happen during the expansion (even more so than we see now) and basically what you are buying is a $60 game.

For PvP, this is arguably bad, seeing how a lot of classes will be stuck with whatever state they are in for the whole 2 years an expansion is around.

Yeah. I had two reactions:

  1. Microsoft brings a mature corporate culture with the tools to rehabilitate the Blizzard brand by establishing a culture of accountability.

  2. Microsoft has the resources to lavishly support any franchise they deem worthy. And with their goal in acquiring Activision-Blizzard being to further their vision of establishing a metaverse based on online communities, WoW will hopefully be viewed as an iconic tentpole IP that might get better treatment than under Activision, which continually undercut the budget of Blizzard and cut staffing on things like community managers that negatively impacted company/player relations as well as company and player community morale.

Seems hopeful.

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