Microsoft bought blizzard

I bet a 100 dollars they goin to close WoW down. or dis a git gud situation? On a real note…goin to be interesting how the future of blizzard games are goin to play out. What are your guy’s thoughts on this?


its a git gud situation 100%


I think that nothing but good could happen seeing how Microsoft can afford to maintain their games unlike current acti-blizz


It’s more likely they bought “Activision” and will end up “stuck/defaulted” Blizzard. It probably didn’t heavily weigh into the deal though, lol :slight_smile:

I feel like they are too far up the food chain for it to matter much. At that level they will simply let their new acquisition continue to generate revenue autonomously.


worst case scenario we see like consistent store mounts and cashshop transmogs
which doesn’t matter at all

best case scenario
we have all of those things because it’s microsoft and they’re going to do that 100% but we also have better game developers at the helm and more consistent cared about content development


The did a pretty good job with their Age of Empires II franchise. They realized the people who kept the game alive all these years did so for a reason. They tried to stay true to what the players wanted when they brought the game into current times with the Definitive Edition. They also modeled much of Age of Empires 4 after Age of EMpires II.

Most of Blizzards woes are political. Any company the size of Activision/BLizzard is bound to have some bad seeds in it. Right now those bad seed are getting a bunch of media attention. The investors aren’t worried, nor should the players be. When people attempt to predict if a stock is going to go up or down, they don’t look at HR stuff, identity politics, or internal striking over pay raises.

Usually the first indication that a company is struggling are big cuts. You would see people get fired. But, it wouldn’t be over baby milk or Cosby suites. It would be a mass downsizing. The signs of liquidation are typically what will raise eye brows. There are a few other elements, like the viability of a business like Game Stop and Block Buster. But, that is not really germane to Blizzard.

microsoft has the potential to save them. first fire bobby kotick and prob relieve ion of his duties, then they can get the developers out of the design for monthy active user treadmill kotick and company have them on and design a fun game that organically makes people want to play. I think this is going to be really big for us. i hope its not too late to get their hands into the cookie jar on the new expansion they are working on and get it going in the right direction. dont think wow survives another flop. cautiously optimistic

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WoW players have always been gloom and doom. Every expansion is the last expansion, all new content is worse than old content, etc. Truth of the matter is they have a game where you buy the game, then pay a monthly fee to play it, on top of token sales and store junk they pocket tons of revenue from. The game is still turning a large profit.

Most of us have been playing this game for over a decade, and if Blizzard’s next xpac was World of Warcraft: Toilet Wars, we’d all still buy it, begrudgingly play it because WoW PVP is unique to the market, and the kids of Blizzard executives will still attend expensive schools that require them to wear matching blazers.

When you release a brand new game every what? 2 or 3 years? And have been running this long you’re going to be starved for creativity. That said, there’s some obvious design changes that I think the majority of the community would appreciate, but WoW cancelled? I doubt it.

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The game couldn’t be run any worse than it currently is, so good luck Microsoft


The Call of Duty franchise was the draw for Microsoft. Call of Duty is more profitable as well. What that means to the MMO genre remains to be seen but it could also be a response to Amazon Gaming dipping their toe into the MMO world.

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nothing changes, got it

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this is only a good change for bliz IP’s, and wow particularly

phil spencer’s design philosophies are diametrically opposed to cash shop gold Ion the yes man

I just hope this means a bigger budget so we dont get half arsed content that is copy pasta milk my tiddy dry feel.


We also have Diablo, Hearthstone, Overwatch, and World of Warcraft. While Call of Duty is the most profitable, the other games are also valuable and will likely not to go anywhere. Age of Empires II is no where near the size of Wow, but they keep backing it and supporting it. Which I think is a great sign. I feel positive they will do that with all other games as well.


None of this games are losing money but that doesn’t mean that they all will fit into Microsoft’s future plans. Everything now is just an assumption but I am guessing that the Xbox Live/Montly Service fee and listing all of these products under that schedule could be the big picture. We already pay a monthly subscription so adding a portion of the WoW subscribers to their monthly fee service (that do not have a separate subscription) for all games is a Win-Win for Microsoft and the playerbase.

Again That is just my assumption.

Poggers. this thread blew up.

Drama. Ever played a different game? Trion begs to differ with ur dramatic statement

Diablo immortal coming soon is going to be very profitable