Hey all, Shaanis here.
So this is going to be a bit more of a heavy note, something that really brings alot out into the open that I have witnessed behind the scenes and a discussion about how damaging things are to this community seeing as the administrators of certain discords don’t want me talking about this.
So let’s jump right into it:
Moon Guard’s Horde is fractured beyond repair in multiple ways, the administrators of the FOUR not one, but FOUR discords cannot agree on how to run them.
There is alot of issues surrounding one of the discords that caused multiple to be created.
Those discords are:
- United Horde
- The Coalition of the Horde
- The Orgrimmar Outreach Program
- New to MG Horde
United Horde from what I can see is where everything stemmed from but as soon as certain members of the community decided they were unable to run things their way? They splintered the community claiming each of their own discords to be the defacto hub.
This was not the only thing to cause a split on MG, in fact I was here when there was a very large split happening and most of the community if not a good 95% of it moved off to WrA/Other servers because of guild issues and once again disagreements.
None of this is being run for the community, it’s being run off of the selfish desires of the individuals involved. As a community leader you should be focused on providing resources for others, not just for yourselves.
The server’s Horde RP will never recover so long as none of this is understood.
As I kinda mentioned above, as you read this post you’ll begin to see just how little others wanted this brought up, constant silencing, flagging of posts, heavy hostility from certain supposed admins, and so on. Really quite something to behold.