MG Horde RP Scene

Hey all, Shaanis here.

So this is going to be a bit more of a heavy note, something that really brings alot out into the open that I have witnessed behind the scenes and a discussion about how damaging things are to this community seeing as the administrators of certain discords don’t want me talking about this.

So let’s jump right into it:

Moon Guard’s Horde is fractured beyond repair in multiple ways, the administrators of the FOUR not one, but FOUR discords cannot agree on how to run them.

There is alot of issues surrounding one of the discords that caused multiple to be created.

Those discords are:

  1. United Horde
  2. The Coalition of the Horde
  3. The Orgrimmar Outreach Program
  4. New to MG Horde

United Horde from what I can see is where everything stemmed from but as soon as certain members of the community decided they were unable to run things their way? They splintered the community claiming each of their own discords to be the defacto hub.

This was not the only thing to cause a split on MG, in fact I was here when there was a very large split happening and most of the community if not a good 95% of it moved off to WrA/Other servers because of guild issues and once again disagreements.

None of this is being run for the community, it’s being run off of the selfish desires of the individuals involved. As a community leader you should be focused on providing resources for others, not just for yourselves.

The server’s Horde RP will never recover so long as none of this is understood.

As I kinda mentioned above, as you read this post you’ll begin to see just how little others wanted this brought up, constant silencing, flagging of posts, heavy hostility from certain supposed admins, and so on. Really quite something to behold.


So addressing this directly with people wasn’t an option? Strewing what you perceive to be dirty laundry about is constructive?

Because of your post, I now see you as an resentful instigator who’s not really intent on helping the Horde but rather slapping at people who you think have somehow slighted you.

Sad that you’ve chosen this route.


These are four discords, which were necessarily established by four people.

Are you saying four people have made “Moon Guard Horde fractured beyond repair”?


None of them were necessarily established, honestly the history of MG is proving itself to be true at every corner. People refuse to work with one another and want things done THEIR WAY.

But I digress, the only ones that lost were MG. I’ve gotten my refund for the RPC.

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So, let me get this straight…

You came here complaining that MG Horde was fractured and broken due to everyone disagreeing with how the community should be ran.

Then, after a few days of information gathering, you end up disagreeing with how the community is ran.

Now you are done with MG Horde and their egos…

Something isn’t adding up here.


MG Horde is fractured but not beyond repair as you say, and I will get to that in a bit.

There are numerous Discord servers not because ‘people don’t agree on how to run them or their way’ or each being the de-facto hub (I can’t speak for Unified Horde and never will), that’s just a malicious mis-characterization of the reality of things within the community.

There’s a lot of bad blood that coagulated throughout the entirety of this year and surfaced with certain people pretending nothing happened for the sake of not rocking the boat, for the most part getting scot off free and driving the community apart due to the lack of punishment and consequences happening to the instigators and participants involved.

For a good portion of people (Myself included and alongside the entirety of my guild), we knew that a stand had to be made for the sake those we saw as friends dear to us and that nothing would be done if people didn’t make them (As it so happened.)

Bad Blood, Corruption, Grudges, Stagnation. Take your pick reason why the community is divided and for a lot of people it’s more than likely true.

That’s not say to that it is all Doom and Gloom as I write it as. Things can definitely improve and the signs of improvement are there, a certain DK doing what they can to be a better person (You know who you are), people returning and new faces joining the scene, people stepping up to tackle the issue.

It is heartening to see but to heal and fix things Takes Time and Effort, trying to mash people together when there’s underlying hatred, bad blood will lead to blow ups that people in charge will have to deal with throughout it all.

It’s far better to put in the effort, doing what one can to fix things and push people to be Better, to be friendlier and neighborly to each other. To not push people away for whatever reason, to attack others from the shadows, to create groups to stalk people or slander someone with highly dangerous false accusations.

These are the things we face and like I said, that takes time and effort and understanding. There is no reason to be rushing these things because then you half things with absolutely no understanding and make an even bigger mess of things.

As for community leaders, most of us are just known because we run around and do things. Coalition is an IC group primarily and an optional Hub secondary. NTMG and Orgrimmar Outreach are more community purposes, one to intro people to the faction and another to drive up activity and events. None of these call themselves a de-facto Hub for the community, merely gathering places for those willing to enter and participate.

And community leaders as mentioned above are just regular people, it is up to them if they want to answer the call of duty to help or not, no one else should be forcing that mantle upon them and I will be damned if I let that happen to others and cause them to burn out prematurely.


I guess you know what to do, then! If you’re only going to bring more drama to the table, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


Was a shame to have to dismantle a RPC built up by several members of the community, but at least I didn’t have to see that $ go to waste.

It’s a little exhausting to see so many ongoing discussions about the way the MG Horde community is “run.” Why is the existence of some hierarchical structure so necessary? Are people not capable of just signing into the game and doing as they will? Why are there so many assumptions that “pillars” or “community leaders” are needed to fix things? I mean, in a way, isn’t that a huge part of the problem itself?

I think it was stated best in the other thread on this when multiple people said that what MG Horde needs are those willing to step up and just be present. Walk around and engage people. Be visible. Throw events, allow those who choose to attend to do so at their leisure, and take your licks as you learn what works and what doesn’t. Never assume that anyone has to fall in line behind you. Never assume that you should really be in control of anything. Just be there and present opportunities for people to engage.

That said, while the OP has no doubt made some valid points, this post kinda reeks with a savior complex. You want the Horde scene to come together and fix its fragmentation issue, but I mean…is that really what’s best? I mean hell, over on Alliance that isn’t how it works really. Sure there are server projects and guilds doing their own things with various rates of turnout and success, but there is no dotted line to sign before anyone chooses to engage with the community or any individual within it.

I swapped from Horde many years ago, long before whatever went down that kneecapped the scene. Admittedly, I don’t know all the drama. But that’s not really important. Coming here with grandiose ideas and honeyed words only to turn bitterly away when what was always known became impossible to avoid just…I don’t know. It looks insincere. As if you were more interested in being the hero or saving the day.

How about this? Forget the million and a half Discords. Forget the tug-of-war and the debates about where the community should be headed.

And just show up.


Yet any time people do go to step up and represent they are met with skepticism, passive aggressiveness, and sometimes outright just ignored. You can’t represent when those with bigger names in the community are afraid they will not be seen as the heros.

When they won’t get the praise they want, just because someone does a better job than you doesn’t mean you have to feel insulted. You should be praising them for their efforts and acknowledging they can get things done in a way you cant.

Mmm, no, you put down and obscene amount of money that was entirely unnecessary on a thing you fully intended to replace everything that already existed because it wasn’t satisfactory to you/people weren’t cottoning on to your scheme, and then when you came snarling into people’s DMs because they weren’t instantly hopping on your bandwagon, you got (VERY GENTLY I might add) rebuffed and went on a tear over two Discord servers and the forums.

You also went around sniffing for drama and dirt on people and it bit you in the butt.

Not to mention the vague threats w/ ‘receipts’ and ultimatums you DMed to people (and there are actual receipts of those). Seriously, you keep saying we all hate each other but dude - people talk to each other. Especially when someone comes roaring up posing as a savior and acting like you have. We’ve dealt with sorts like that before, we know how that song and dance goes, and you got sniffed out quickly.

Move on, please. You are not looking like the martyr you think you are.


Are you just going to ignore everything I just stated? No one here has any ego about being the big hero or whatever, we just want the community to grow. No frills, no praise is needed nor required. Heck, I don’t do it for any praise, just because it’s the right thing to do in my eyes to improve my home server and faction to have a healthy community.

The more assumptions you do of this, the more hostile people will become because of these half-baked reasons cooked up. No one enjoys being lied about on a public forum.


If it were lied about Jabtrah it wouldn’t have been years of the same thing, back and fourth with no progression.

You should take your own advice here. Others in the community were already working on or doing the things you suggested but you said they were awkwardly done while the rest of us praised them for doing those things.


Hello everyone

I wanted to clarify some things from a different perspective. I am the discord owner of the Outreach Discord that was mentioned in the Original Post. First I’d like to say I never said that my discord is the “hub” for MG Horde as Jab mentioned earlier. My discords sole goal is to act like an organization to encourage activity and events in the RP scene. I do find it surprising that the discord grew to the size it is now so I’ll take it as a compliment that you believe it to be a discord trying to be a hub.

Second, I’d like to say that I left the Unified Horde discord for personal reasons and did my own thing for a good while. I only recently made the Outreach discord because I want to assist the community that I have been apart of for some time now. So the claim that I made the discord because I didn’t have it “my way” in the UH discord is not true.

Third, I’d like to make the observation that you criticize our community for having four discords which according to you is too many but then you proceed to announce that you will create your own discord. To me that seems counter intuitive to what you were saying we should do.

Lastly, I’d like to say that yes, MoonGuard Horde is fractured but not in the way you think. The OP was only on the server for a month before coming to conclusions. A month, may I say, that has been quite busy With the expansion drop and the holidays. We are an active community always doing something fun and interesting, this month has just been busy for us all. We aren’t the perfect family but we make do. I’m sure if you give MoonGuard Horde a shot you may enjoy your stay.

Thank you all for your time. Enjoy the New Years celebration!


As others have observed, you are trying to force people together in an unnatural way. You are rushing a complex process of healing, acceptance, and growth. I would advise that you don’t worry what people think of the events you throw or of your individual walk-up RP or anything else. It’s not about getting praise. It’s not about being validated…

Unless of course…it is for you. Which is becoming more and more apparent the more I read of your responses and those responding to you. So in that case, maybe take a step back. Take a deep breath and reflect upon what exactly you’re doing and why. Really try to understand your deeper psychological motivations for it. And then just stop. The hole you’re in only grows deeper as things currently stand.


For someone who is shining a light on drama as the problem of the server, you have somehow managed to stir it up faster than I have ever seen someone pull.

Putting aside the weird efforts at a callout post, this is fundamentally what I have been repeatedly trying to warn you against. It is a community effort, and there is no messiah.

There will not be a single player who does what could never be done and unites everyone because they were just so morally pure as to rise above our petty squabbles like some kind of god. Which, mind you, you have not. All you’ve done is sink down to our egotistical level of disdain because of XYZ reasons, and declaring that you will not work with anyone again because you disagree with how things are run.

Congratulations, you are being just as petty and “selfish” as the rest of us.

You spoke a nice message, and people discussed with you why it wouldn’t work out. To say it is selfish, however, to retain a bad history and not put up with each other for your vision is selfish in itself. There’s someone I refuse to interact with because they hurt a lot of people close to me, and if it’s selfish to not ignore that for others’ comfort, then I’ll just wallow in my own ego.

As for Horde’s recovery, it really isn’t rocket science. It’s been told countless times. Just roleplay. There is no panacea, there is no fountain of youth, no untold secret to the resurrection of what people so often like to think is dead. All you have to do for inactivity is just be active.

Though I think you can stand to appreciate what people have done, rather than belittling and ignoring it because it wasn’t done by you.


Just roleplaying isn’t going to gain more attention to the server, you have to provide a reason for those outside your groups that you’ve grown so happy with to have a reason to come over and see what the server has to offer.

WrA is appealing in so many ways MG isn’t because they understand this.

Yes, it is called roleplay. That is the reason to come to the server. You see people roleplay and you want to be part of it.


Not just no, it’s called a presence. Resources, Roleplay is not everything to a community. MG lacks ALOT that WrA has and dare I say I understand now above all else why WrA is so popular.