MG Horde RP Scene

WrA may have the population but anytime I phase into the realm I’m met with aggression and the strangest of RP. And I’m sure the MG community is not throwing a fit because there isn’t a tsunami of players. We are content. Thank you for your time.


Well, there we have it folks. Many points made, and overall a nice, light read. :tea: /s

Can we just burn this thread down already, and dance around the smoldering remains? That sounds like a fun time to me :grinning:


Since when were websites and discords a requirement for people to drum up a character and just roleplay in the game? A lot of roleplayers get by without ever needing to join communities and sign up for programs, because you don’t need to use a million extra things just to play the game.

Addendum: You want to know why WRA is popular? Because it is active and people are frequently roleplaying there. It’s not some conspiracy or a demonstration of how they have such a structured community. They just roleplay, that’s it.


Have you ever seen some of the bigger RPC’s for RP communities? Like Hydaelyn Roleplayers, ESO-RP, and so on? Those are the biggest resources for those communities and those communities dwarf any of WoW’s RP communities hands down.

Jab she’s been ignoring me for an entire month alongside the rest of everyone else who tells her things she doesn’t want to hear no matter how nicely phrased. :man_shrugging:


WoW communities don’t need them apart from group or project groups who need a central site/hub. It’s something nice to work at but the overall efforts should be in cementing the foundations first before gallivanting off with lofty ideas and goals.

The other reasons why they made those sites to begin with is because those games don’t really have RP addons (IE: ESO) and because FFXIV and SWTOR don’t allow addons, so a central site was required to facilitate RP within the community and coordinate efforts. That is not the case in WoW at all.


Okay, good for them. Remind me why that is necessary for a community?

So they have a large website, how wonderful, but it’s not as if anyone needs it to just get together. Believe it or not, there are times when players often don’t even know each other outside the game, and start out just becoming familiar and connected through their shared enjoyment of the game. Guilds, casual roleplay, and so on. People can and will enjoy roleplay regardless of how many third party resources are made, and the existence of such things is not the miracle elixir you are looking for.

Addendum: This is also a recurring problem, if you haven’t noticed: retreading ideas. Your idea to save Moon Guard Horde was to just regurgitate something you saw on ESO, a game that is not the same as WoW and has different needs? A lot of would-be saviors just end up doing that, retreading the old ground walked before, which is part of why this isn’t a miracle solution.


Hi, huge ESO RPer here. ESO-RP is the way it is out of necessity. There are no servers on ESO. No dedicated places specifically for RPers. WoW has RP servers and the forums are pretty decent. There is no need for an RPC like ESO-RP because WoW already gives us a place for that unlike ESO.


Was a shame to have to dismantle a RPC built up by several members of the community, but at least I didn’t have to see that $ go to waste.

BTW this is one of the reasons why people were leery of this concept. Like, exactly this.

The owner of the website flouncing out and taking everything with them.

I elected not to help you with it because I’ve been burned by exactly that before, where I put in tons of labor and my own money into a project and then it went down the toilet because the owner decided to ditch and delete it all over something. You are acting precisely in the manner you keep accusing people of.


They mentioned the egos of others in the announcement of their halting work on their site.

Looks like I was correct in advising them to check their own. Not something I wanted to be right about because this meltdown is just sad.


Congratulations on doing what you set out to do OP! By doing all this, you have brought us all together and gave us all a cause to become unified behind! Great work!



Thanks Kothuul.
I laughed. While drinking hot coffee.
Pardon me while i tidy up.


That sounds eerily familiar for reasons I won’t go into. That said I have to agree with so many voices that have spoken up here so far. This server is going to do fine when it comes to Horde RP and the community coming back strong. Trimming down the amount of discord has nothing to do with it either, nor does baseless theories about people working against one another or having an ego out to ruin the server.

Since being here I have seen nothing but love and effort from everyone who talks about the server and speaks out about wanting to see the Horde grow. There are many friendly faces and hard-working ones too. I’m not sure what led you to believe otherwise, but it’s a shame. You could have been apart of the solution but instead, you chose to become the opposite. Hopefully, you can let go of whatever bitterness is tugging at you and find happiness elsewhere.


I did not say that their establishment was necessary. I meant that in order to have those servers exist in the first place, they would have necessarily have to have been made by four people. My intention was to indicate that you’re claiming to have identified four individuals who are holding the entire server back, which is silly.


Big server ideas don’t necessarily translate well to smaller servers. Think of it like cities and towns, WRA Horde and MG Alliance are your cities; lots to do, lots of different people to met and talk to and you got a close group of friends to do things with, but there is also what feels like an air of high expectations and conformity to fit in with the big city. Meanwhile MG Horde and WRA Alliance are more like your towns, everybody knows each other for the most part, the landmarks and events can be traced back years (Turn right at Troll Hill to get to the Tail), and that can include the grudges and hurt. It’s easier to do wild character concepts and be accepted because jeeze we’re glad you’re just here. While big heads on the bigger server sides help for their massiveness, that does not translate well on the smaller scale, most of us know each other and been around long enough to try everything so far. So far the best thing that works is for us to naturally gravitate towards each other and make amends on our own terms.

As for MG Horde, we’re like a wild west town, we have our unspoken rules and understanding, so when some city slicker comes in saying our way isn’t to their standards and trying to conform it to their vision. Well, that just doesn’t sit right with anybody and we get highly suspicious and unhappy.

Best advice to see the change you want? Make an event/thing to do, how ever frequent, do it predictably and do it well and people over time will come. It won’t happen over night and take a year or so to pick up speed. And don’t be sniffing for drama and post things like call out posts, and yeah know, listen.

Edit: And to add one more thing, MG horde tends to do better with Town Hall Leadership, then having a mayor if that makes sense.

Some folks don’t want the city, that’s why they come to the town, and some people from the town want the big city life. Ain’t nothing wrong with that, the fact we have choices of the kind of environment and mentalities to vibe in is a fantastic thing.


Been a long time since I’ve touched my Horde. Thats how I met Corta for a couple days trying to get a feel for the land.

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For all those peerin’ in from the sidelines - hi! Despite what OP thinks (despite being told and even shown otherwise numerous times), we do not all actually hate each other and a great big ol’ glob of us are trying really hard to pump our numbers up, be more visible and active. So lemme just, y’know, plug those Discords she so kindly mentioned, for any interested parties who’re lookin’ in on this:

  • New to MG Horde: - great place for, well, newbies to MG-H. We’ve even got a big ol’ channel that lists a ton of different Discord servers sorted by category - something which the OP sort-of suggested and we all agreed was a pretty good idea, in fact - which aren’t listed in this post.
  • Unified Horde: - Mostly OOC banter, a decent place to hang out, lots of us are in there, (most) of us think the place is pretty dang chill and has some cool folks.
  • Coalition of the Horde: - An IC project sort of meant to provide and easier way to coordinate big cross-faction events for the Horde, like Warcraft Conquest (which, btw OP, we had something like 200 Hordies show up to during the last campaign. And it was 10 days long. No, it wasn’t 200 every day, but it was a good chunk for the way things currently are). Jab can probably elaborate better for this one.
  • The Orgrimmar Outreach Program: - For planning events, asking for help and volunteers, and also helping newbies.

I’m sure I missed some details here and there but they are all indeed different places that serve different purposes and personally I think they’re all neat. I like not having all my eggs in one basket.


Thank you for the post Corta. I will say we suggested this idea to the OP when they first arrived but I suppose they never did it. I don’t recall a time that I saw them online in game over this entire month.

Sorry but if someone is telling us what’s wrong with our community when you haven’t even stepped foot in it seems strange. There were events and walk up rp going on, where was the OP? Can’t be a leader if you don’t even know the people you are trying to lead.


Finally, an actual, useful post (my own useless ones included :D)

For real though, I love it here more than I do Alliance side for that “small town” feel Corta mentioned.


Just popping in to say I love all my Horde friends here. Love you guys.

Well, also to add a few other things.

I think MG Horde is going to be alright. Yea, there’s a lot of hurt and bad blood between different groups that formed over the years, but I think everyone recognizes that trying to actively sabotage others isn’t the way to go with trying to keep things going and are willing to support everyone’s efforts into creating things, even if they don’t want to actively get involved with people they don’t get along with.

Not only that, but I’ve noticed more and more events are being made specifically FOR Horde Rpers lately as well and a lot of people are stepping up to run things. This community isn’t made by pillars. Heck, even Alliance side isn’t made of “pillars of the community” but by people who say “I want to do something.” and then invite people in to collaborate. The foundation of every major social event or multi-event storyline is made up of people who connect with one another and trust each other to collaborate together.

OP, if you really want to help MG Horde, then making big, fancy websites and your own discord isn’t the way. The way to help is to start connecting with people on a personal level, Roleplay with them, get involved in joining teams of people who want to do things, and then collaborating with those people you connect with on larger projects on your own.

Trust me on this. The foundation is way more important than the pillar.