What??? A raiding guild that’s going Horde? Yes, you read that correctly! We aim to provide a quality home for passionate, like-minded adult gamers who are interested in clearing all the content the game has to offer in a timely manner in a laid-back environment. Interested? Read on!
Current Status:
Full: Warriors and Shaman. Rest are still open.
A Quick “About Us” :
- We are goal-driven adult gamers, just like many of you.
- Many of us are parents, workers, family members, and of course, gamers.
- We love our hobby and love accomplishing our goal with friends.
- Many of us play nightly while others play casually.
- We understand real life/gaming balance and work with all our members to ensure everyone has a place.
- Experienced leadership with successful raiding resumes going back to Vanilla.
- A Quality core of experienced gamers and friends.
Our Plan:
- To raid , and do so successfully.
- To experience Classic wow all over again and fully enjoy being back in the game that brought so many of us to this genre.
- To Build a quality team of like-minded adult gamers interested in everything Classic WoW.
- Raiding, 5 mans, and of course pvp (optional).
- Make no mistake about it. We are in this for the long haul. We plan to clear every bit of content Blizzard can throw at us.
- If this is your first time playing this content, or if you are coming back to experience it again, give us a look. You won’t be disappointed.
What We Seek:
- Adult gamers driven by a passion to succeed.
- Gamers who want to clear content in a timely manner in a non-toxic environment alongside other laid-back adult gamers.
- Gamers willing to put effort into their class/role and work to be the best they can be.
- Casual members/non-raiders are always welcome.
- Adults who understand real life constraints, yet still desire to clear content.
- Members who respect and appreciate other people’s time by being punctual, prepared, and motivated.
- Kill lots of bosses.
- Make some new friends.
- Make lots of new memories and relive some old ones.
- Build a successful pvp team during non-raid nights. (Optional)
The Important Info:
- Days: Tue/Wed
- Times: 9p - Midnight EST (8/11 CST).
- Faction: Horde
- Server: PvP
- Voice: Discord
- Loot: Light LC + EPGP
- Sense of Humor: Required
- Age: 18+
Contact us:
Discord: Pimsley#1337
Bnet: Pims#1410
Please add me via discord to chat, ask questions, etc. You can add me on Bnet but I’m much more accessible on Discord.