We are in the upper 30s atm. I believe 5 mages signed up thus far assuming all make it to 60 and get raid ready. Feel free to reach out to discuss it more
What wine goes well with captain crunch?
On discord now if anyone would like to chat. Thanks.
One of the few horde guilds so far recruiting, come join the fun and get even more pumped for classic.
Discord is lively with a great group of people.
Bottom line: For the Horde.
I am definitely interested. How many warlocks do you have so far?
I want to say 4 or 5 locks at this point, but with 40 there is going to be plenty of each class and who knows who will make it to raid ready etc.
Hey isn’t this Kate Beckinsale’s guild?
I can neither confirm nor deny
I am interested. I work a wonky schedule where i work days 7am-7pm for a month and then 7pm-7am for a month. With that i also do a 5 on, 5off, 4 on, 5 off, 5 on, 4 off…so im not off work the same days each week. So itd be nice to have a guild that players could sub in and out each week. My schedule is set so i know what it is for 6 months in advance.
I plan on maining a orc warrior to tank and also plan on ranking him so having a guild to do premades with would be great!
I am interested. I am torn between playing a mage or a warlock, but am leaning towards the mage. I would be stoked to raid with you all.
Great! Feel free to add me on discord or battle net. I’m around all weekend so we can chat. I’m much more accessible on discord, but either is fine.
Discord is Pimsley#0836
Bnet is Pims#1410
added you on discord, I’m DougiSlink#7394.
I’m looking to play as an OT / DPS warrior.
Thanks. I accepted.
Kittenfish#2989. Not on voice often since I am taking a break from retail. Always down to chat on mobile.
Kittenfish#2989. Not on voice often since I am taking a break from retail. Always down to chat on mobile.
Welcome aboard! Who’s next?
Still looking for people to play classic with
This guild sounds right up my alley. I’m looking to play a mage but down for trying another class if the guild needs it. Expect a priest! Anything but a priest! shudders
Added. Looking forward to talking with you
I would like to join. My discord name is Radical Larry#1516
Added. I plan on playing a warlock.