Metzen kinda told us the return of a character in the World Soul Saga

Not what I was replying to, but ok, thanks for the update.

He wasn’t a villain in WC3 though. Turning him into a villain in TBC was the crime against his character. He’s always been an antihero and Legion just turned him back into one.

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Can’t wait for the next one where The Doctor shows up (bonus points if it’s the Sir Patrick Stewart version) and says his famous catchphrase “Never give up, never surrender!”

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Dh healing spec plz

Hence the problem. Legion only happened cause of that time weaving bull that WoD started which made no sense.


You’re not making a coherent point here at all.

You said you hated how hard they tried to make him “not a villain” when really the problem was Blizzard didn’t know how popular the game would be or how long it would endure in 2006 when they made Illidan a villain for absolutely no reason other than they needed one.

Legion corrected this problem. If you at all played WC3 then you’d know he crossed some lines but he was never truly a villain.

Girl you acting like you confused.
Yes I said that.
Legion did not "correct’ a problem , they just made up one and retconned a story and made us deal with it.
Illidan was dead. Time weaving made him alive. Now he not dead. Now all a sudden he wasn’t a crazy night elf with demon powers takin over power for himself. Now all a sudden he is fighting Sarg.
That was never in BC.
SO again…they went out of their way to rewrite him as not a villain. Now he a good guy with bad ideas. I hate it. He should have stayed dead.

Him undermining Kil’jaeden and the Burning Legion and biding his time certainly was in WC3.

What they did to him in TBC was lame. I’m glad they corrected the mistake they made with him in TBC during Legion.

You are free to your opinions but few characters in WoW are more cool than Illidan and that’s just the facts.


If the denouement is a cutscene of a Sargeras-sized Illidan pulling the sword out of the planet I’m going to laugh and then cry.


Yes murdering off all of your allies and being a monstrosity is cool. WoW fanbase tends to like mass murderers cause it’s always the same I love Arthas/Illidan crap. Never mind that he would stab you in the heart and raise you to kill your own friends. But he has a brooding face and a deep voice so coolness, I guess.

It is fiction. And the game lol…my gosh. You’re a murder hobo. All we do in this game is murder. You make the silliest comments.

Defend it more . That’ll make it better. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I think you’re a few crayons short of a box.

You are entitled to that opinion.

They have had a lot worse. They turned arthas into a fart cloud of anima.

My thinking is illidan breaks sarg out/releases him to fight off a void lord later on. Sarg yanks the sword in a big OMAGAH illidan is the betrayer moment, but to protect creation in a final stand against the void lords and redeem himself sarg fends off the void and dies fighting.

Maybe he weakens the void lord so we can finish the job. Illidan will probably die some heroic redeeming death during all this and tyrande will mourn him while malfurion sits offscreen somewhere completely forgotten by the writers. This could wrap up illidan/sarg (hopefully) permanently with purpose.

We don’t actually have very many characters in lore able to throw blows with something the size/scope of a void lord with how they’re portrayed so far. Right now, we have no way of even combatting something like that in a believable way.

Also offers a good balance to xal’s beats so far.

Next arc could be about balance being all whacked out since we’ve been stomping around creation tipping the cosmic scales. Maybe a light/life expansion and you can always reintroduce denathrius or the Primus in another bid for power from there once we loot the light boss or elune.

Maybe some first one garbage sprinkled throughout that so we have a 10 yr road map with this saga.

If they ever kill Sargeras then they may as well end WoW. Killing N’zoth was a mistake I think, and Sargeras would be worse. Some villains should always be there. Like Dr. Doom or Magneto or the Joker.

He can start by removing his dang sword from Silithus and apologizing for all the crud he’s put our planet through. Then maybe rally the legion to defeat the void, with or without his brethren holding some kinda form of persuasion to his head if need be… like a ‘you betray us again your light goes out’ kinda thing as they were…quite mad about his betrayal last we saw them. I mean…how crazy would it be if the titans themselves are our end boss fight in last titan?

You think Illidan just fell out of a coconut tree?

Illidan consumes the Titans’ powers then comes to Azeroth as the Last Titan having learned about Sargeras’s fears concerning the Old Gods and learning from consuming the powers of the other Titans which Facilities are infact the wonders of the Old Gods and thus need investigating.

Ulduar will be investigated first(with the shocking discovery that it is attached to Icecrown Citadel and designed to work in conjunction with it while also sending a message into the Twisting Nether to the Burning Legion through Reply Code Omega) followed by Uldum(which will have it’s secret purpose to signal the Void Lords via Reply Code Omega to throw Old Gods at Azeroth explaining why there were 5 of them there).

The Old Gods are dead but Illidan needs to figure out what their failsafes are! No sacrifice is too great to protect Azeroth!

Ulduar, Uldum, Uldaman, Uldir, Mogu’shan Palace… All contain secrets Illidan needs to uncover!