Metzen kinda told us the return of a character in the World Soul Saga

Illidan: “No one understood my methods when I carved a swath of death and destruction across Ashenvale, leaving Night Elf settlements in ruins with their inhabitants dead, but it was all for my people in the end. I’m really a good guy, you see. Because I look cool.”

No no no.

Here, allow me.

Seeing as the titans were said to come back in Last titan of course Illidan is coming too. Although it’d be funny if he has Sargeras on a leash like the dark titan is his pet dog lol

Sargeras’ whole schtick was wanting to defeat the Void so if we have a fight with the Voidlords then it is possible Sargeras teams up with the Azeroth Avengers. :dracthyr_lulmao:

Can you imagine how sick that meta will look.

TO be honest…a death at his prime would be better than option 2.

Activist minded writers trashing the character eventually.

You are not prepared!

No guys really you aren’t. I attended anger management classes, went on some retreats and found myself. The angry me was masking how vulnerable I was on the inside. But no more.


Ah but now that we know we aren’t prepared, we are prepared. So I clearly cannot drink the wine in front of you!

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So is he coming back to save the planet, or on a booty call now that his crush is single?

Finally a man with taste

Please, no.

Who’s to say with all the Marvel multiverse stuff. The Bronze or the Infinites pull a version of Illidan from the past into the present

:ocean: :milky_way: :ocean: :milky_way:

My boy!


He’s gonna come back as Mega Sargaras Rex++ with another sword

Illidan gets infused with the world soul to become the last titan and takes the sword home.

What if we go back in time to create a new jailer, but one in Zereth Mortis that likes us and stuff. We then travel back forwards in time with the good Jailer. But in doing so all of history gets altered by a corrupt bronze dragonflight that tears the evil Illidan from the timeline that hasn’t decided to side with us at all yet. Therefore we have to fight Illidan with the Jailer to stop him from enacting the Legion part 2 with Guldan from Azeroth 10,305. In the middle of all of this Sargeras breaks free because our Illidan is weakened by the presence of the alternate Illidan. Sargeras rejoins his legions of demons but seeing the threat the titans now pose and the void extinguished decides to side with us and end their tyranny once and for all.

So in the end we have to fight Illidan and his evil forces along with the Titanic forces, and perhaps manipulated elemental plane beings all at once! Oh and Azeroth wakes up and flies around like Captain Marvel and pew pews things with superpowers in some super being war going on in the background of the battlefield with the titans.

Man it hurts my eyes just looking at all that masterful writing.

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It’s Illidan. Killing him is a mild inconvenience.


waaaa…but he annoys me. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

I just hated how they tried so hard to make him not a villian. I just ugh. I can’t even.

Probably when we enter the void, or in the last expansion as a sort of “Avengers Assemble!” sort of moment.

So, like a Suicide Squad thing?

No, the Avengers were a DC Universe thing, created by George Lucas.