Method say Blizzard Do - A Mythic + Rant

No I am not salty. I am merely pointing out the obvious.

You grind and get there quicker than others. If you are a competitive group that pushes content faster than others, good for you.

The fact is people like you are salty because the game has a progressive catch up mechanic. Which, in one form or another, has occured since Vanilla. Yet people still complain like its new.

Your mythic gear isnt under valued because of mythic +. Stop crying around about a weekly chest reward.

Its a non-issue. You know how difficult it would be to play alts otherwise?

Not everyone wants to no-life the game to enjoy it.

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No it’s more of a problem that trivial content can equate to the same reward. I got a titanforge from an invasion that was actually better than the item I had received in Mythic.

Right now progression is completely random. Where there’s no real path for you to acquire gear it’s just given to you at random intervals. It pales in comparison to what I’ve experienced in previous expansions. Gear shouldn’t be thrown out in the manner that it is right now.


Yeah I would imagine from a business stand point they really dont want their customers locked out from power progression because they are unable to be invited to a raid.

They made it clear the days of raid or die are gone.

Titanforging is a whole other argument/seperate issue.

I could care less how people gear. If someone wants to farm those boring/lame invasions for months in hopes of a 420 drop, good for them. Its content I wont be doing.

There are choices now which the game didnt have before. Its not a bad thing yet people are salty about how others enjoy the game. Epeen is real in this thread.

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No… in vanilla you knew who the raiders were because there was no alternative to raid gear. That lasted up until Mop I think… When thunder forging was introduced.

And BFA has made it virtually effortless to get gear.

So tel me. What is the point of all the grinding and effort to make sure people clear the most difficult content… if the gear and reward can be easily obtained through spamming 10’s and a bit of rng.

M raiding should take effort and time… thats what the challenge is there for.

catchup mechanics should stop at a certain point. Not make it so that you can gear into a mythic level.

my personal solution would be… get rid of the weekly cache. cap all gear (including raiding) to only be able to warforge by 5 ilvls… and make it so that you have to do a m+ 15 or 18 or whatever they balance it at to get mythic level gear from raiding. AND put a cap on how many pieces you can get from M+ weekly.

you know why mythic raiding is dying? because all that’s left as a reward for the effort is an achievement… and people are starting to realize that’s not enough.

And I’m not advocating for things to be raid or die. I’m saying that if they want all forms of content to have some kind of progression, then they need to make sure that the effort equates to the reward of what they’re doing. One of the biggest gripes this expansion is how much gear is thrown out to the players. So much that it makes progression not only feel random, but pointless.

When there’s a foreseeable path set in front of me and I can work towards rewards it feels more gratifying when I get it. But to randomly get rewarded for doing difficult content and then turn around and get a better reward from trivial leaves me questioning why I’m doing it in the first place. And the answer can’t just be “FER FUN” because there’s a lot of time and effort put into something like raiding Mythic. To have the reward be nothing is part of the reason I stopped doing it all together.

Cant clear mythic raids with an io addon. The co-ordination and organizational requirements makes it harder then mythic dungeons and therefore the rewards should be better.

And they are better. Alwats have been.

I would be quite fine with the 15 weekly mythic level cache reward and still heroic gear level reward. Thats how it was in legion.

They could also tune up the 10 again like the did last patch.

Power creep is the issue. Always has been, they have been better keeping it in check this xpac than legion.

Also i like the catch up / weekly cache for the times of year I cant really play but can at least maintain a character for when i do have time to progressively play the game again.

Base level for a 10 cache is 410

No, you wouldn’t be 415 from M+ and this is the point I keep making about how you misunderstand average item level. The fact that you continue to view 404 as remotely close to 415, or even 410 (which is what M+ 10 caches actually drop) to 415 is the clearest tell you either don’t understand the differences or are trying to mask them for the sake of your argument.

There is a massive difference between a player with 414 and a player with 415 equipped ilvl.


He continues to avoid the obvious that anyone not wielding an axe to grind can see: the game pushes you to around 400 ilvl very rapidly because we’re over a year into the expansion. After that, however, it takes a much longer time commitment for each average ilvl increase for that character regardless of whether the pathway is M+ or mythic raiding.

He’s literally complaining about M+ gear being too lucrative on characters that have 0-1 M+ pieces. It’s even more hilarious when he doubles down and says the reason he doesn’t have more M+ pieces is because he didn’t try long or hard enough…ridiculousness.

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Yes… I would. Statistically i would have way more odds of titan forging. And I would have been 415. I’ve done it before. It’s not hard.

I do know how averages work. it’s not hard. for every 420 ilvl piece someone has, they can have a 410 to offset it and still average out 415… it’s not rocket science. You just put too much value into it. it really isn’t a ground breaking thing.

16 ilvls over 16 pieces is literally 1 ilvl a piece, which would equate to liek 15-30 overall stats… equivalent of a gem…

it’s why one socket is worth like 10 ilvl…

Yeah. Clearly a fixation on item level vs stats…

One ring can mean a difference of 5-6% of a secondary stat… but the ring with the higher item level MUST be better.

You are also forgetting the HOA was easy to max out and it was a 431 or 433 piece.

Right, but completely blowing past the point that you can only get a 410 once per week…

If you grind M+ all day, every day, the highest the end-dungeon rewards drop is 400 so explain to the audience you’re trying to snow over how you propose someone achieve 420 equipped ilvl by grinding dungeons all day, every day.

For every other sane person reading this: pay careful attention to what he’s proposing here. Most of you reading this do a single 10 dungeon a week for your chest. The dungeon itself can drop 400, the weekly cache can drop 410. There is a rare chance, you know how rare because if you’re in this discussion you run M+ (right? You aren’t agitated and discussing something that doesn’t affect you at all, hopefully.), for those items to forge. They’d have to forge at the highest level and be relevant pieces (the profiles of the people lamenting their “mythic” level gear are actually showcasing trash pieces, but whatever it’s the ilvl that matters to these “mythic raiders” apparently) to not be scrapped but that’s a mere side-point apparently.

But the bottom line has shifted from running a weekly M+ has a chance to proc gear that is on par with entry mythic raiding drops to running M+ every day, all day is less time commitment than running a single raid and should never proc gear that compares to weekly raiding.

That’s the actual argument they’re making when you finally manage to pin them down to facts and details.

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You continue to fail at understanding itemization when you talk up the similarities of gear without acknowledging the difficulty of obtaining it.

The differences between pieces are not linear and as they get more difficult to obtain the value of them grows smaller. Regardless, that’s focusing on the wrong part of the issue. A 420 piece is not going to blow away a 410 piece, but a 420 piece of gear is so much more difficult to obtain than a 410 or even two 410s.

It’s bizarre because you continue to make this assumption that, even though you are not at mythic raiding levels, you keep claiming that it would be easy to do. So here you have all of your toons below 415 and you think all you have to do is get a single 420 to offset any one of those 410s you have. But of course it doesn’t work that way because M+ doesn’t drop anything higher than 410, except in a rare proc occurrence.

So while it’s very easy to hit 400-410 from M+ it becomes very difficult to move beyond that into the 415 ilvl that you seem to hung up on (which again, is only the minimum for mythic raiding so it’s hilarious in the importance you’re placing on that specific ilvl).

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Yeah i have a 420 cannonball runner trinket (whatever its name is, worst trink) on my rogue… i still use the 400 loaded dice for obvious reasons.

Getting 415 from mythic plus is easy. I have 2 (avelpally and avelmonk on barthilas if you are interested). Both. I have bearly raided and generally only do a key or maybe 2 a week. They are as geared as people I was raiding mythic with 3x a week until my old guild fell apart.

M+ is far too rewarding imo. Getting gear equal to current heroic tier is about right I think. Maybe 5 ilvls above in the week chest but no more. I won’t talk about forging here because that is its own thing.

You can easily get over 400 from grinding world quests and warfronts. So they should be on par with heroic raiders?

Albeit their stats are likely crap and they do inferior damage but whatever.

I mean, although I am confident this change is only for pre-season (the week before mythic releases) if they ever did reduce m+ rewards into oblivion, I and about 20 of my friends would all likely quit the game and just stick to Final Fantasy.

Some of us don’t like large group content, but enjoy being geared enough to push the content we enjoy. Why should only mythic raiders be geared? Because it makes their egos feel good? That’s dumb.

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