Method say Blizzard Do - A Mythic + Rant

why not give people the option? not everyone has hours to dedicate to raiding like that. if someone wants to do mythic + (because it’s way less of a time investment) the option should be there.

I honestly don’t understand this claim. It takes far more hours per week dedicated to M+ runs to get gear equivalent to raid gear.

M+ is just a mindless slog that’s detracted from the raid scene for too long.

WoW has only moved farther and farther away from hardcore raiding being above and beyond all content since Ion has been lead so your comment makes no sense.

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The game was better off when there was ONE difficulty for raids and dungeons. You could either do it or you couldn’t. And if you couldn’t do it, there was other stuff for you to do. Mythic+ is the epitome of treadmill gameplay and lazy development. Same goes for “procedurally generated islands.” I warned you guys of this stagnation before BfA dropped, and all I got in return was “NAY SAYER NAY SAYER! YOU DON’T KNOW, IT’S NOT OUT YET!” Now the time has come to pass that all will genuflect and understand the wisdom in my words. Treadmill gameplay is terrible.

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Sounds perfect.

1 raid difficulty, and its mythic.

Required to kill final boss of previous raid to start new raid.

No catchup gear. No mythic+.

WoW back to 12 million subs!

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But in smaller more manageable chunks. Raiding carves out two to three 4 hour chunks a week and that’s very jarring for those who don’t wish to sit on their butts for 4 hours and ignore the world.

I’d like to believe this, but your achievements don’t seem to be showing any experience in either area. And the important ones are account wide so being on your alt doesn’t really hide that fact.

Feel free to go tell those people doing 20+ keys that they’re just mindless bad players for doing mindless content. I’d wager those full cleared mythic raiders would laugh you right out of the conversation calling their high keys mindless.

Define lazy?

People have been asking for dungeons to be made more relevant for years outside of the first month.

Why should so much content be completely useless after the first month in because you’ve moved passed it?

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Raid feats of strength are not account-wide.

That’s strange, My monk shows my ahead of the curve Jaina kill and I did it on my resto druid.

I feel like if you’re what you say you are I could see yours too. Mythic+ key ranges are account shown in feats as well and you don’t have any of those either.

So if by some chance you’ve done heroic or higher does it change the fact you called content you don’t actually do mindless when you have no experience in it?

idk, man. My other 120s show all of my raid feats, but none of my sub-120 alts do. Maybe that’s a thing. EDIT: Just checked again and it’s because this character’s on an Oceanic server while my raid achieves are on US servers.

Anyway, doesn’t change the fact that M+ are mindless time wasters designed to get people to put in more /played than they’d get from raids, and generally deter (until the change detailed in this thread) people from actually raiding for the end game.

maybe for some… cutting edge xavius was super easy id say 10% of people have that.

Maybe it would be better to post on that instead of having people take your word on an alt that actively hurts your credibility more than it helps?

Just a suggestion and you do you regardless.

Are they though?

Can you describe this factual evidence to me or is this just your own personal opinion that you’ve attempted to use as a fact?

When you say the above part I see a personal opinion and not an actual fact. Seems strange that your own personal opinion is considered fact when everyone else in the world would call it just your opinion.

In my personal opinion (not a fact) I happen to enjoy my key running time. I don’t consider it mindless or spend as much time on them per week as I did in a struggling raiding guild.

It’s actually not changing, the op just seen a single part that is normal for open season of keys and ran with it.

Does it though?

I’ve actually started to do more raiding since mythic+ became a thing. I’m no longer in a raid guild but I go and help other friends guilds push bosses.

Before mythic+ I didn’t raid period and all I did was pvp for over a decade. Once I finally put that part of my life behind me all I had left were daily quests and pet battles (which I don’t really do) as my core content.

Why would I do a heroic dungeon when I could obliterate them and get nothing of value in return? Before mythic+ dungeons were pretty dead when you consider the entire player base and how few actually went back to them after they started raiding.

Do you know what I’d be doing in this game right now if mythic+ wasn’t a thing? I wouldn’t be playing the game just like my dozen or so mythic+ buds who also started doing more raiding. I’m just one example and in this instance they possibly could’ve lost 10 or more subs due to burnout with a single source of character progression content.

I’d like to count pvp but the only way to actually get halfway decent gear is to be a 2k+ player and above and very few are capable of that. Hell I can’t probably even push up to 2.2k like I’ve done in the past.

Your utopia of raid or die actually does more harm than good in my opinion. I’ve made suggestions a few posts above that I found to be reasonable for the system, but nobody bothered to read.

Raid or die players only solution is to remove the entire pack of content that is actually quite successful and isn’t going anywhere. So we should probably stop trying to ask for its flat out removal and work harder to strike a balance that keeps people who’re upset by what others have, happy and those of us who simply want more variety in our content consumption.

I get it, raiding is super fun and people have been doing it for 15 years. A 15 year long “treadmill” as the other guy who called mythic+ put it. You’ve been doing the same exact thing expansion to expansion and the moment something different comes along after a decade the solution is to burn it to the ground scorched earth style.

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go pound sand freeloader, blizzard is STARTING to make the changes that will make this game relevant like in the past.

M+ is lazy redundant content made by even lazier developers.


Why are we all crying and arguing about something that won’t even happen? OP misread this on some dumb site and now everyone is raising panic.

That’s debatable.

The odds of them recapturing that 12 mil they once had is highly unlikely given the mmo fad died years ago.

Maybe some sort of free to play battle royal version of wow could pull in those kinda numbers.

Then there is always vanilla with its lfr mechanic raid bosses that some world quest mobs now have more. But it will be an option for sure to experience some of the glory days.

Kinda curious if it can recapture the old vanilla community but I’m skeptical.

mmo fad? This game is not even an mmo in its current state. It died because we started playing world of diablo instead.

It came on the scene at the perfect time and eventually hit its peak and started to wear down once mobas became a thing and the trend is only continuing. Despite what your opinion on the subject may be, this is an mmo by its very definition. No amount of mental gymnastics can change that.

This is a massive multiplayer online game.

The game has been taking elements from Diablo since day one, so I dunno why you’re surprised by any of it. Our original skill trees were from diablo and everyone seemed to like those.

how is it you dont see that mmos are supposed to be developed with natural rpg incentives to communicate with other players?

There’s plenty of rpg incentives in this game, so I’m not exactly sure how you don’t see it. Your personal opinion on what incentives should be is where the problem is coming in.

I fear nobody can help you with that, not even Blizzard on their best day could make most people happy.

How about you explain to me how most of the worlds content is not soloable? Or how they put qol features to undermine those potential social interactions. Tell me what incentives exist currently in the world that are put in by the developers to cause me to interact with another player.