Well no, it’s not black metal like their older material, but it’s still amazingly written and performed. Nergal is an effin genius.
old school, great choices
Long running thread. Guess I’ll jump back in and throw in my 2¢ worth.
I don’t listen to a lot of ‘new’ metal besides what I hear on SiriusXM Liquid Metal, but some of it isn’t bad. I generally stick to my older school stuff as I am just hitting 50 later this year and I got into it back in the early 80’s.
Some of the bands I enjoy listening to on a regular basis:
Slayer (always and forever a huge fan)
Iron Maiden
Amon Amarth
There are plenty of others, but those are bands (right now) that when I hear a song start to play it instantly brings a smile to my face.
I listen to a of metal core, but Lona Shore has been my go-to lately.
Lately going back to the 2000’s and listening to Dimmu Borgir and old All That Remains.
Yes!! Brothers of Metal has been on my play list for a couple months now
New Emigrate here we go. Also just realized the first album from this artist is 14 years old. I’m oooooooooooold
Ive no idea what youre talking about…
Maldraxxus is so metal.
True, but more concerned about somebody is unaware, clicks “play” and cannot handle it lol. We all know they are out there . . . .
Yes, I agree that he is a phenominal musician.
This thread is lacking Amorphis https://youtu.be/MkRxjrlgzp0
Sabaton, Amaranthe, Beast In Black. Usually one of these 3. They are basically my musical religion.