Not using Meta or Master Channeler rune.
Litterally what I’m using.
Because I like to keep all of my posts on one character so I see all of the notifications.
I guess to appease you I’ll post on my warlock Pandaemonium.
Not using Meta or Master Channeler rune.
Litterally what I’m using.
Because I like to keep all of my posts on one character so I see all of the notifications.
I guess to appease you I’ll post on my warlock Pandaemonium.
It’s me Voidarcane
Just be happy you don’t have to vs shamans
honestly if you dont use meta. I respect that.
Im only talking about meta. and how completely BROKEN it is against melee. (just like the tile said.) HOw about this i JUST WANT TO HEAR HOW YOU PLAY THE MATCHUP AS ROUGE VS A FULL BIS META WARLOCK SO PEOPLE CAN CALL YOU OUT ON YOUR BS.
Get gear, pet dies in about 3 casts, can cleave it down pretty easy.
Oh, you’re a melee druid. Oh… I’m so sorry. Honestly if you wana PvP grab a boomkin set up, you will dominate everything. Melee druid stands no chance against a meta lock.
I was about to say? casts? lol
Because I tried it and it was terrible for BG’s, Affliction is far better DoT em up with your instants (and Siphon Life if I’m feeling spicy), Shadowflame from 42 yards (since it gets 12 yards from Destro and Aff range increase) and Unstable Affliction to mess with healers.
I’m generally using my imp as my pet in Phase Shift for the passive 42 stamina and Fire Shield.
Which I have no issue on as a Rogue. Also further note Carnage with 3 points into improved kidney shot is 17% increased damage. Usually doing a 2/3 CP Rupture after the Cheap Shot.
As for how I deal with them as a Rogue.
Shadowstep if they have Felhunter out into a Cheap Shot. If not I just open on them as normal with the Epic PvP gear armor I’m not too concerned about their pets other than Succubus for seduce.
For self Banish you start to cap the flag and wait for them to cancel it or let you finish capping (after killing their pet ofc), I have them targeted still with Blind ready to fire.
Same with Burrow Trinket when used.
SL with 6pc t2 tank 2pc t2 dps is considered better and tankier than meta lock rn. You get more dmg more mit a silence and a purge/dispell.
who TF is running fel hunter as a meta lock with defence gear? and not felguard? IN WHAT WORLD DO YOU LIVE IN? your full of it.
YOu have to be kidding right? I want matchup specifics you troll. as a meta lock all you have to do is is wait out the cheap shot, then wait out the kidney. apply life drain, apply dot, so they cant vanish wait for blind. if you get to low you can cast coil they trinket the coil, use pet to charge stun. by this time rouge should be around 1/2 hp. they will go for a bandage if possible. you should be healyh again if not banish with life drain ticking and force them to go on the pet… i can keep going on.
It really sounds liek you have 0 clue.
THis is without meta form even
They rarely do, I wanted to say what I do against locks regardless if they have Felhunter out in case someone brought up its stealth detection.
Again it could be because I’m using a Mutilate/Deadly Brew set up (as I have linked the talents below) but I don’t have any issue in dealing with them.
I avoid lock tanks, even with MS they out heal my damage. Unless i got a priest or anyone with me its a waste of time.
But the caveat is they dont deal much damage. Its a pretty boring match up.
Literally every tank warlock runs felguard
you are a troll stay on wildgrowth
delete the media from my post watch and know thats without meta btw and burrow and self banish
Just use strikethrough instead like so this is strikethrough
It removes hyperlinks.
Also not an issue in BG’s. BG’s have increased HP and other hidden modifiers for players.
I have no trouble dealing with meta locks in BG’s as a rogue.
How do you function as SM/Ruin without CoE? And also why max drain life if not running master channeler?
I feel like this would be better for what you are doing.
again your a troll. You Think that Full tank meta locks are running around without felguard. Luckily i found a FULL BIS meta lock matchup for you to fight on your rouge. just reply to this comment when your online and i can see you fight and win like you keep claiming i want to see what you do so much differently than every other rouge in the game.
BG’s tank lock have even more HP. making them harder to kill. i 100% bet your going to lose.
nerf meta locks lol. Naw nerf ele shams, huntards, and boomkins.
Well I only PvP in BG’s and just don’t see a use for Exhaustion because I’m often in group fights.
Two fold, for points because I’m not running CoE and secondly I’ve found it useful to still use Drain Life even without Master Channeler in certain situations.
I assume it’s a Duel and not in a BG so ofc I will lose.
My whole point has been Meta Warlocks are perfectly fine in BG’s and Blizzard balances around BG’s and has the attitude of “PvP happened” for Dueling and World PvP.
just play boomie like every other druid, spam starfall, gg, drain life is like 15 or 20 yard, starfall is like 30 or 36, he will never be able to heal off you and youll kill 5 other people on the way
sod pvp as a melee is trash everyone knows it, stop complaining about melee try play a warrior, at least you can swap spec, only good melee right now are ret pallies only because they got bubble and rep to close the gap