Meta warlock HAS NEEDED PVP nerfs since phase 1

It is PAST time we nerf this in PVP, its been broken phase 1. Longer than any spec for any class in SOD. It mainly drain life in meta that completely busted. Every warlock will say one of two things:

  1. kill the pet first (which takes 2 lifetimes to do and the warlock can always use fel domination, and yes i understand its on a 15 min CD. Luckily it takes about 20 minutes to kill your pet so you have PLENTY of time.)

  2. Get out of range of drain soul and just kite it. AGAIN for the four millionth time on these forums. For us melee, we have to be in melee, range to deal melee, damage. Even if i outrun it. In order to fight you. I have to go back to melee range to deal damage. In other words in order to interact with you I have to go back into the abilites range. Drain life has no CD with master channeler other than the normal GCD , so as soon as i get within 15 yards of you to try and interact with you. You just press drain life again.

You should never EVER be able to constantly heal yourself for more damage than whats comming in without SOME level of risk or cooldown or something. You realized this with shamans riptide and nerfed it accordingly.


I assume you are having trouble with them in World PvP? Because they aren’t a problem in BG’s.

Which if so… PvP happened on a PvP server tough luck.


No AB as well. unless you have 5 people on them they dont die.

So if they just sit there and guard a flag in AB and its you and them guess what? womp womp your dead nothign you can do. No outplay potental nothing.

But Also duels. Just in general. If there isnt 5 players killing them they are unstoppable.

I have no issue solo’ing them as a rogue or shaman. Seems like a skill issue.


The risk is that they lose to ranged and dispels. Also the tank druid being upset about the tank lock is pretty funny.


… i dont think your fighting meta locks that are geared then. Maybe as a shaman. But a full BIS meta lock farms rouges.

If anything tank druids need a nerf not Meta Warlocks for PvP.


Ive made very clear in multiple post the problems with tanks. MULTIPLE POSTS druids included

Also still waiting for that 1v1

They were High Warlord or Grand Marshal locks so they definitely had PvP gear.

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Ive never once seen a rouge beat a full BIS meta lock never ONCE. I would love any footage or recording you have of any of this. Ive seen shamans do very well, but the warlock wins in the end.

Wait, arnt you on a PVE server. Oaky so i know your not dueling skilled PVPers. So the only time you come across skilled players is a BG.

Again i would love to see some footage from this BG vs like… Ultras. if your alliance side. Im sure you have fought him

Ya I’m on Wild Growth, doesn’t change the fact that I can easily kill them in BG’s 1v1.

Blizzard isn’t going to balance something because of world PvP.


Yikes, yup that about sums it up

again … its a problem in BG’s to. please listen. Again still waiting for footage of all this.


I love PvP when I want to PvP. It’s why I love War Mode in retail I can world PvP when I want to and not need to worry about being ganked and camped anytime I play the game.

I’ll never play on PvP servers because they are terrible to play on.

I don’t stream so sorry bud. I do go for Shaman Ele and Mutilate/Deadly Brew Rogue (Human btw). Cheap Shot into rupture then build up for a kidney shot (Using AQ Ruins 3 Piece and Dream Eater).

Talents for Rogue here:

You rolled a PVE server for a reason, everyone knows it. I just CANT take you seriously when it comes to PVP content becuase you have a BG only window of it. and the game decides who you fight against not you. and your in a group OF 15 to boot.

Also… how did you know they where meta? its a hidden buff? unless you visually see the form. half the addons dont work correctly to actually show it. and the actual good players hide it with nogg, gift of gob… .ect…

You have to understand to some degree its just hard to take you seriously without any proof. meanwhile i can go find footage from the EU SOD dueling torunament that BANNED META LOCK FOR BEING TO STRONG jsut a few weeks ago.

Yes, as I said:

No surprised to why Crusader-Strike is the most toxic server in SoD. A superiority complex when they aren’t in fact superior all that is different between a PvP and PvE server is you can be attacked by other players at any time. Nothing makes someone who rolls on a PvP more special that someone who rolls on PvE and vice versa.

Because I can see their wings, if they have noggen fogger elixir it doesn’t change my opening.

Blizzard doesn’t balance around Dueling or World PvP.


i dont care about your opening… and neither do they… why does your opening even matter? Theres a mid part of the fight and and and end part. gob also hides it. Again any proof of what your saying at all. LITERALLY ANY.

again again AGAIN, its a problem in BG’s too. Sit a meta warlock on a flag in AB and enjoy.

It isn’t

I have, won, and capped the flag.

So have i in meta locks with full greens dude your not impressing me with your take. Proof. Please. Full BIS meta warlock. melle . GO

I doubt they were because they were Warlord/Field Marshal or higher.

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could have been trolling… or afk. I feel like its the latter.