Meta slaves suck

I look at the overall top 100 ladder usually to gauge overall healer balance at the top

Across all healers I counted 12 Holy Paladins in the top 100 (world bracket) and 5 resto druids.

Both are def more than capable of being top tier, so I’d agree with the A tier rank…but I think paladins are probably better overall if you ask me - but there’s great survivability options with resto conduits for sure if you have the avoidance :nerd_face:

In no world were you doing as much or more damage than sv and destro. Unless they were literally AFK.

Bad survival and destro locks are still bad survival and destro locks. Playing meta specs isn’t going to make a flower out of a turd.

Thats the funny bit to me tbh, almost every time i pug with those two i pull 2 to 4k ahead of them and they always have like almost 3k io. that sorta says a lot. The amount of re-rollers this time around is more than I’ve ever seen throughout entire expansion.

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Be careful about looking too deeply into end of run dps numbers. 3k means someone knows the fights, can actually interrupt, and probably won’t die because of dumb. Some classes can easily outperform others on a meter based on how the tank pulls or how quickly things die because of damage profile.

When I’m doing lower keys I just do my thing and not worry about if I’m not top. Rain of fire isn’t going to do much if everything dies during the first application.

Now, if people are consistently beating a meta spec on +20 keys with a less desireable spec, then yeah that’s both something to be proud of and possibly a user issue on their end.

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Then they proceed to pull 6 mobs at a time and the destro lock does like 9k dps.

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Exactly lol

In my experience this is not even close to the case. You would be surprised how high someone’s score can get by just bricking keys all day and waiting for that carry. I had a 3500io rogue not stop a single fishstick in a 25 gambit, finish murlocs at 15k overall, and body pull the big adds through the hallway into the first boss room …. As a rogue…. Who is literally invisible with a button. Although this is most likely an outlier, a lot of people have stories like this unfortunately. Not a shot at you, since I haven’t played with you personally, but the vast majority of players that are just now 3k this late into the season are microwaved dog sh*t. But hey! New TOS so GG HAVE A NICE WEEKEND!!!


I was more defending the fact that someone with a 3k io can get beat by someone lower depending on dps profile of their spec, especially in lower keys.

If I show up as a 3k player to someone’s +5 because I want some valor and just want to relax, there are people on any fast attacking burst class that would be like ‘man I just crushed that 3k meta warlock in my key!’

And it’s like, sure. Everything died before I could get rain of fire raining hard, the tank pulled packs of 4, and often while I was casting chaos bolt, the mob died before I could get any value out of havoc, etc etc.

So trashing someone with a high io that was beat in a key, it doesn’t paint the whole picture of that player’s worth, is all I’m saying, and io is at least somewhat reliable. Pug life is pug life, though. I only play difficult content because I have an established group of friends. Otherwise I’d be a super casual hero.


I started working on my monk 3 weeks ago, it’s now 3100+ there was some learning in there, but nothing like good ole practice and understanding your classes strengths and weaknesses. Like being a sneaky boy rogue.

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I’m currently a 2100 IO Fury Warr and can’t get into anything above +14s. If any class has been screwed by the Meta Slaves, it’s Warriors.

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