The group without DK is awful in many dungeons. City of Threads, Necrotic Wake, Grim Batol and more are 1000% mandatory to have DK. Your comp have 1 curse dispel and that’s really bad for most dungeons.
Why would you make a non-meta group and you have more risks when you can go much safer choices with the meta? You need pumpers that can do 1.5-1.8M dps to time +12 and higher.
Looks like a few of you are proving the OP reason for the rant. That brainrot ideology that you have to have meta to win. As long as you have lust, enough kicks, and a party with a brain, you’ll time your keys. Unless you’re the top .001%, meta doesn’t matter.
Lemon is right. DPS is extremely important and not just for numbers, but for their utilities as well.
Except for all the times where they grip the fire elementals during the 3rd boss in GB or the illusion during Misweaver. Happens quite often even in 11/12s. Sadly.
Speaking of brain rot, there’s a difference between “need” and “matters.” But please, tell us all about how 12+ keys are easy from your experience…in 10/11s.
I forgot I was speaking to a top .001%!.You are surely pushing 17/18s with the way you’ve responded! I apologize for even being in your presence… but on a serious note, you have that mindset that is killing the community of the game. It’s horribly toxic, but you keep doing you and keep pushing those high keys. You’re doing good, bud!
I disagree that dps doesn’t fail keys. And could be with how you are wording it. Dps classes need to be using personal defensives during aoe DMG. Everyone seems to think o the healer pumping 1.2-1.5 gps can heal us through massive aoe DMG I don’t need to use anything
I played resto druid for most the time the passed few xpacs. I did switch to resto shaman for this xpac, not because of invites, but because druid felt like crap. But I agree. It’s very annoying with the invites. And I have been surprised in past xpacs when we would get non meta DPS or tanks. Who did fantastic in pushing into low -mid twenty’s…
So, I was with this post until you said that DPS does not matter. As a just above average tank, playing with better DPS completely changes the game. Like actually there are some excellent dps that turn hard keys in cakewalks.
You have no idea how bad Necrotic Wake/Grim Batol/City of Threads is without DK. These dungeons without DK are basically 1-2 key levels harder, Grim Batol is 2 key levels harder without DK unless you play with premade group.
DK DPS is tanky and can’t die when the mobs target them. AMS is available on every pull and AMZ helps with Lavabenders, Warlock and more.
After 3rd boss, DK DPS can cheese corruptors with AMS and corruptors don’t channel on DK with AMS. DK DPS can throw AMZ if the groups need it.
DK DPS is the only DPS that is immune to the tentacles and Abyssal Corruption every time because AMS is always available for every tentacle and Abyssal Corruption mechanics.
Many people highly recommended inviting DK for Grim Batol keys because Grim Batol is horrible without DK.
What OP and many others don’t realize is one big and major issue in a healing pov is dps and tanks don’t manage cool downs well and dps taking avoidable damage. Then scream, get good to party not realizing it’s them. This is why I don’t heal high or low keys anymore. At least low keys, most know they are not good or learning.
AMS is longer than Spell Reflect. DK can clear the paths for tentacles (IBS works) and be immune to Abyssal Corruption (purple circle) with the same AMS. AMS will always be available for every tentacle (can clear the path if DK wants to) and Abyssal Corruption. DK can nullify most of the mechanics on the last boss. Warrior can’t do this.