Meta does not exist in the 12-14 range

so true having a dk for the 2nd boss in necrotic is such a game changer.

Alright then go get title LOL


im working on it with my guildmates actually

Still? Really. LOL

DPS comp and doing damage are 2 different things, my point was that doing damage doesn’t really matter more than the things i’ve mentioned above

of course it matters. its the difference between sailing through key and failing it. damage output is extremely important.

What DPS classes you bring, as long as they’re competent at their class and don’t die to mechanics, does not matter.

The thing is fdks don’t need to be competent and physically cannot die to mechanics even if they try.


Thought of your post when I viewed a live stream this morning, +13 SV and guess which class/spec was killing it in dps 4.5 mil? Feral. And guess who failed the mechanics and died the most? Ret pally.


Facts. People who reroll every month for fotm to push 10s are oddballs imo


Maybe they just don’t like waiting hours for invites? It’s not really that strange.

I only have half my 11’s, haven’t tried 12’s yet till I get the other 4.

When I form a group, I always look at how many timed 10-11s a player has. Like you can have 2600io, and then you see they only have like ten or eleven timed runs, these people can be very very subpar.

In short im careful not to just equate io and itmlvl, to experience.

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This guy has done one 12 of each except CoT and 3 of them are double dk or double shaman DPS, all have multiple meta DPS. Bro’s really feeling himself thinking he carried those 12s.

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Also kicks. Dps are the number one priority when a kick is needed. I never expect my healer or tank to kick when I can. Good tanks do but by no means will I ever blame a tank for not enough kicks going out. The number one killer for high keys is casts going off and killing dps. Good examples are the first pull in cot where you can have the two casters target the same dps and nuke them if they’re not paying attention and don’t use a defensive or the beguilers in gb locking you in place just long enough to not be able to get out of a swirly.

Finding an Aug is like a unicorn, and most MM hunters hate to have to lust, so you kinda need a shaman. That and there are alot of people playing shamans at the moment, so its not hard to find a good one.

I agree, if you have good players that know there spec then you dont need the meta classes on 12-14 and maybe even above. I have seen DPS doing very low damage on +12 where we had only 4 deaths (no wipe, only single deaths with minimal timelos) or so but still only timed the key by 30 seconds or so. Main issue here was damage i would say.

I myself play healer. And yes healer and tank need to be good to make it not a wipefest, but in the end the damage needs to be there to get the mobs dead before the timer runs out.

Mages can also lust.

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I had a certain liquid affix going on when I typed that lol. Forgot about mages.

You can do 850 trillion dps but if you have bad positioning, don’t interrupt, pull threat, die too often & take too much damage you’re going to be the weakest link in that bricked key.

Pugs have this obsession with omg big peepee dps means pro so " no meta no invite ".

i just smack my head & sigh with exhaustion,

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The comp matters though not the meta outside of top keys.

As long as you put together a good comp that has kicks,CC, complimentary buffs AND everyone play well you can time keys.

Example comp that wpuld work well but isnt “meta”
Vengence, Ret, windwalker, hunter, rdruid.

The DH will buf the magic dmg of ret and yes alot of ret is radiant/holy dmg.

The WW will buff the ret+tank phys dmg.

Hunter Lust and HMark

Ret ehhh 3%dmg reduction.

RDruid for MOTW

Obviously not perfect but hood enough

This isnt a meta comp but if everyone plays well absolutely they wpuld time a 12

EDIT forgot lust adjusted

Example of a bad comp

Warrior tank, warlock, spriest, hunter, mistweaver.

All the kicks will be up to tank/healer as your dps kicks are 24s+ only the hunter benefits from the warriors AP.

I promise no one reading this thread needs a breakdown of what certain raid buffs do or who they benefit. Jesus Christ this game is so dead.