Merging WoW Accounts

Hello, I currently have two different WoW accounts on different e-mail addresses and I wanted to see if it was possible to merge them together onto a single e-mail address and login? Juggling two e-mail addresses and passwords seems unnecessary when I play them both. Everything is the same on both accounts just different e-mail addresses. If this is possible is there a way to do it myself or do I need to contact somebody?

No, I’m afraid not, Misdyrection. This was something that we used to be able to assist with, but we recently updated the policy to where we no longer do.

I believe we still can help move a WoW license off of a account for situations in which a minor who was playing on their parent’s account becomes an adult and gets their own account, but generally speaking, we no longer do consolidations. Sorry.


That’s fine! Thanks for the info!