(Merged Ticket Issues and the Kitchen Sink)

Hey Vrakthris and Orlyia, I hope the day finds you well. I am sorry to have to bother you this fine Saturday, but a small issue cropped up last night when I was trying to move the afflicted Shaman over to my WoW1 account. It appears that whatever has been done to the character has now made it impossible for movement via server transfers. I was hoping since the issue is still occurring to move it to my WoW 1 account, since it’s very disconcerting when you login and see the error icon again and again. Also we’re going on six to seven weeks out with no real idea on when this will be resolved.

Adding to the confusion I’ve noticed that a GM (or perhaps the system) has been wrongly merging my ticket to other matters unrelated to the shaman issue. This concerns me because the Ticket has reached it’s maximum reply count and so it forces me to open a new ticket each time I ask for an update, or an attempt I made at a fix is messed up.

My main concern is not having tickets bound together willy nilly. This all deals with the original error I documented in: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/character-name-services-not-functioning/

I would have replied there, but it gives me a response that I cannot respond until I get a response, hence why I had to use my rarely played Dracthyr. I also shot some messages to the Blizzard CM on this along with screenshots. Anyways, hope you both have a good weekend. When you have time however, some news on the state of my Shaman would be deeply appreciated.


Im not sure if this applies to you but please read it. Due to warbanding there are restrictions on character transfers between accounts.

Hey Rycerz. First of all thank you for providing this information. This doesn’t apply to me, unless there is something I am not aware. My issue in brief goes thus. Back on October 12, I bought a name change for my Shaman as I was planning to play it heavily during this patch. However when I went to proceed with the name change, the name change token was applied but the name did not actually change. Instead it placed a gear icon with an error on it by the character and it has remained there since then.

I’ve been in correspondence with the GMs over the course of the last 6 weeks, and they have assured me repeatedly that this is a known error; but also one that they don’t have a time for resolution. At the same time Blizzard CS over on X actually suggested that I check back every week or so to see if there’s any updates. So that’s what I’ve been doing. One GM also suggested I stay off of the character for the time being until it is resolved; which I have endeavored to do as well.

I was hoping that perhaps if I could move the Shaman to my second account it might resolve the issue on it’s own, as Blizzard actually placed an order for a server transfer on my account about a week or so after this incident happened. Really the last thing I want to have to do is come back to buzz CS or bother the CMs. At the same time, I have not really used or touched the Shaman, despite a strong desire to play it.

I personally expect the server transfer that the GM Dept added to my account will be used by the GMs to correct this issue.

My purchase of the server transfer was simply to move the character to my inactive account, so as to provide a long term storage place for it where Blizzard could isolate the error that happened and resolve it. My logic was that Blizzard could do the work on their end and on their time. I wouldn’t feel compelled to want to log into it (I’d feel better not having to see a Error message by that character every time I logged in), and finally when the matter was resolved; move it back to my main account or ask me to buy a second character transfer to bring the character back over to it.

I’m not asking for a refund of the character transfer I bought at this point. I have decided I’ll use it on a different character down the road. So for my part, everything as far as I know should be copacetic.

That said, it is unfortunate that some posters have attacked posts or commentary I’ve made trying to be helpful on the forums. Some have even accused me on the Customer Service forum of trying to derail threads when I say something as innocuous as “Hey guys? Lets not jump to conclusions, attack or accuse players; as the system is kinda wonky right now.” I’ve placed such individuals on ignore, and hopefully that will be enough.

I’m not trying to signal bump my issue or jump place in a “line”. I just am doing what I was told to.

Thanks for the info however. I hope it helps someone else.

Moving characters from one account to another is suspended for everyone. To my knowledge there has not been an update on whether is was going to be reintroduced.

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It is highly unlikely transfering between BNet accounts would be re-introduced, and it is all due to the Warbands system. The Warbands system changed so much of the game, making a lot of stuff more account wide rather than character bound.

The transfer I am talking about is from one account to another account, completely separate logins as well as warband.

If transfering from one Battle.NET account to another, this is not something Customer Support can assist with, not is it something Game Masters can bypass.


While I deeply appreciate the replies Vierdra and Akukama, the situation I was speaking of dealt with linked accounts bound under the same email, like WoW1 and WoW2. In this case my intent was to move my Shaman from my prime WoW account to my second on the same email. Reasoning being, the Shaman would be tucked away until it could be fixed. They are not completely separate ones with different emails.

Thank you however for providing info. :slight_smile:

Really? That’s interesting. I wasn’t aware of that but very good to know regardless.

As for a scuff… I never will understand some people. Yeah I’ll be the first to admit. I’ve lost my temper sometimes and can be a bit of a DEHTA PITA from time to time, but one thing I’ve always made sure of; is that when I do get it wrong…

I make darn sure to the best of my capabilities to try and make it right again as best I can.

…Even if that means I have to eat crow and have egg on my face.

Hrm. I wonder if this had something to do with why the name change caused a foul up for my Shaman… Interesting. I wonder if I should try deleting the Shaman now and see if a month or two out when the name (which I have no use for now) is inevitably taken, a restore and rename would clear the proverbial blockage.

Won’t do anything till the GMs say to, but it’s a thought.

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That was what I was linking…it is no longer offered.

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Yeah no…yes they are merged accounts and all but they are still considered separate and are no longer supporting transfer.

I also have two merged accounts.

There was a big scuff over it when they announced this in July.

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Read the article you have linked:

With the launch of The War Within™ pre-expansion content update arriving on July 23, we will be disabling the Paid Character Transfer (PCT) service for transfers between Battle.net® accounts.

This service will still be available to use between realms and between World of Warcraft® accounts within a single Battle.net account. Please be aware that transfers between Battle.net accounts will not be available after the pre-expansion update has gone live. Any transfer tokens that you have saved to use on a transfer between Battle.net accounts should be used before this time.

You can still transfer characters between World of Warcraft accounts under the same BNet account, as OP was requesting.

You just can not transfer between Battle.Net accounts.


Yes I read it and yes I am understanding that you are honing in on the single account part. They are still considered separate and affected by this, that was what the big scuff was about over this.

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You are still able to transfer characters being wow licenses. That would be moving Character from WoW1 to WoW2 under the same Battle.net account.

You cannot move characters from WoW1 on Battle.net Account A to WoW1 on Battlenet Account B.

If it’s all under the same email login you are fine. It sounds like the OP just wants to move between licenses which is fine.


IF you’re trying to Xfer to an unfunded account, I don’t think that can be done. I think both accounts have to be funded.


Not sure if it has been mentioned, but also make sure you’re not trying to move the character from an account that has been upgraded to The War Within, to an account that has not had the expansion added.

You can move a character across accounts from a lower expansion level to the latest expansion, but not the other way.


I may be able to provide some perspective as a former GM at a different company. Take what you wish, feel free to ignore as well :slight_smile:

As a former tech specialist, touching or interacting with any bugged component of the account is discouraged as it modifies the character save state further than when you originally reported the technical issue.

I can tell you’re a well-spoken and verbose speaker. In cases like submitting a ticket, I like to encourage users to provide the who/what/when/where/why - the character affected, the services done, the timeframe, etc. You don’t need to add any additional explanation as it can conflate the issue. Something that focuses on the details more, and less on the narrative will help the GMs in getting the ticket processed.

I know for me and my company, it was policy to merge if you had referenced the original ticket at any point although the new ticket may have been 95% a new issue.

If you read in between the lines of the responses, if it’s a known issue with no time for resolution, it may be that you need to wait for a patch to go in then you submit a ticket to point out that your shaman has been unusable. Do keep in mind though that with the Terms of Service, it’s not guaranteed to maintain a full-service environment for all characters – that is, if you’re able to access WoW on a character, Blizzard is meeting their terms.

If they need to use a Paid Character service to potentially resolve your issue, they don’t need you to pay for it. At my previous job, we were able to do anything we needed to do as long as we gave the user a heads-up. I’d recommend seeing if you can get a refund for the service.

My recommendation? Leave your shaman alone. Don’t check back in via ticket – in most cases, it refreshes the response time and kicks your ticket to the back of the line in priority (most ticketing software will organize your tickets in a queue by oldest first so you can resolve those tickets).


Honestly, what your saying makes complete sense to me. At the end of the day, I’m not looking to make any of the CMs or the GMs lives for that matter any more difficult than it already is. But because I have dealt with some pretty poor situations in the past, my prime concern is to ensure I don’t get flack down the road for an issue I didn’t cause.

Lets face it. Most players come to these forums for help. To their credit, Vrakthris, Orlyia and their team do a bang up job. But time and again, we’ve all seen plenty of players who come here and ask for help, only to be beset by a mob of players unaffiliated with Blizzard. Some of them even have different colored text from the average forum-goer.

None of them are Blues or even Blizzard affiliates; but inevitably they all start dogpiling the player while often rambling highly unhelpful stuff like “Fess up! You know what you did!!” Or in other cases they will try to bait and antagonize a player.

While most of the time this is an accurate assessment to have as I know some players do try to pull a fast one. The thing people miss, or intentionally ignore; is that there is a smaller group that this is not accurate for. That group are the minority report. These are the people who are totally innocent, shocked, and looking for answers, and they deserve to be heard too, not shut down; and browbeaten.

I could go into a lot more detail, but for the sake of expediency I won’t.

With that out of the way, everything you’ve said was pretty on the nose and aligned with my own experiences in the industry. So I’ll take your advice friend, and I’ll do just that. Thank you for actually talking to me like a human being instead of talking down to me like some others have. It’s really appreciated. One more question before I finish with this thread for the foreseeable future, though Vrakthris or Orlyia is welcome to chime in if they see fit to.

Do you think that dropping the affected character in the deleted Character folder to ‘freeze’ its progress would be a good idea or just leave it as is? I worry if I have it on my character sheets I might accidentally log in sometime while going through my alts is all.

Edit: 11-24-24

I think this post can be locked at this point. The solution offered by Alvraen was sufficient, and I see no value in further posts bumping this matter back to the top, especially when there are other posts that have more pressing needs. Thanks to everything to everyone who offered input, especially you Alvraen. Cheers.


I’d completely leave your shaman alone.

Coming to the forums in this day and age is hard. I’ve been in the CSF since live Wrath. I’ve met a lot of the regulars and former regulars. I’ve met our forum reps. I’ve been to forum reg weddings, I’ve seen their kids grow up, they’ve celebrated me graduating from college, etc. I completely empathize with you on how rough it can be.

One of the things Vrakthris taught me was to assume positive intent – though I know that when you’re on the receiving end, it can feel intense. /hug

For the Green text people, they’re Most Valuable Posters – some will have their domains listed, some will not. They were recognized by the forum employees as valuable contributors to the forums.

My hypotheticals (based on working on a similar live service game) is that the database retains Character at Timestamp (the current state your shaman is in) and if you do some kind of a modification like deletion, the data for Character at Timestamp will not be retained for long and can cause data issues in the long run.

My best recommendation is to drag the shaman to the bottom of your character list. Out of sight, out of mind. If Vrakthris, Orlyia, or someone else blue-wise pops in, they may ask you further questions. You’ll be notified if one of them responds to you in the thread. :slight_smile:

I hope you get to jump back on your shaman as soon as possible – I’m having a lot of fun on mine.



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Moving the bulk of my post to Olvan since that is the character this was drafted on originally.
I only posted on it because I ‘had’ to, so as to give an update to this thread.

Update: 12-23-24

…Well, today after waiting a month in light of the new patch and hearing nothing back, I finally opened a ticket inquiring about the ongoing issue involving my Shaman (you may note Olvan is a level 10 Shaman now as my plan was to use a saved race change to turn Olvan into said Shaman.)

Now it seems things have changed. GM: Nhelteriox, Ticket Number # US102761500, advised me to log in on the character, and if the error persisted; to send screenshots of it still happening. Which it is.

The GM said:

Guys. This is does not feel like a fair solution at all…

I mean… why should I or other players in this situation be burdened with the loss of my Shaman (or them their characters) simply because character services did not function correctly? I was told many players had this issue. That is still the case yes?

I’m sure every player knows full well that, professions especially are a time-intensive and daunting thing now. Especially when in a previous expansion. It makes one wonder on priorities here. In addition to leveling, wouldn’t I have to buy WoW Tokens so that I could relevel my professions? My Shaman suffered through ALL of Dragonflight’s Timegated Profession talents. That’s a lot of time spent, and I’m to give it all up?

Most players who have played for a while know how long it would take to recover also. Years. Years of going to the dailies. Doing the dailies. Doing the tasks. Again. That isn’t even counting that certain items cannot be recovered or reclaimed, like the Mage Tower Weapons. Sure their saved on my Warband, but still… a GM telling me “Just reroll a new shaman” feels pretty cold. Borderline disingenuous when one considers that this game is now over 20 years old.

I don’t like that I’ve had to continually draft tickets, badger the CS Forum; or that I had to post this. I guess all I can hope, is that someone reads this, and can get this matter to someone who can do something a little more tangible. Because it really feels unconscionable at this point.

I did not want to burden either of you with this, and hope everyone in BlizzardCS has a Merry Christmas; but this is my issue. I was really hoping the new patch would solve this and save us all having to deal with this. That’s what previous GMs promised anyway. Coming here to bother you is ‘not’ the highlight of my day.

Anyways. I’ll go now.