Merge TBC Servers

But why would you make people wait in a queue on a balanced server just because Benediction and Sulfuras are imbalanced lol? You’re essentially punishing people on a server that has nothing to do with the servers you mentioned…

I thought the overall message the idea originator wanted was to encourage faction balance. Which at this point we wont reach on individual servers.

I think the entire idea as a whole is bad.

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I agree it’s a strange idea. /shrug

People keep suggesting it cause they heard it worked on Pservers. Spoiler alert: It didn’t.

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I could see it maybe helping of they implemented it from day 1…but I think we are a little too far in to force queues on people who have never had them thus far.

I’ve been on Sulfuras since day 1 of Vanilla and Benediction since day 1 of TBC, when both of these realms had GREAT balance…now it’s sad to see where they are currently.


Yeah I really think if they had more servers at the start instead of after when people “committed” it would have helped spread the population. Plus, had a faction lock to force others onto other servers to not allow server packing. Things would be way way better than they are now. People just didn’t want to swap once they committed where “everyone was going to be”.

For PVE servers, I’ll selfishly say I don’t think it matters. Do people care about being unbalanced on them?

edit: It was a big run on sentence. Added some punctuation and clarity.


Blaumeux is slowly dying due to blizzard’s negligence and it’s absolutely disgusting. We’ve been as proactive as possible and now use our gbank essentially as our raider’s AH because our actual AH is now dead. But the server in general has a negative atmosphere and people aren’t happy playing an MMO game while seeing the decay week to week. Blizzard has now turned this game into a part time job for the raiders trying to help sustain the guild since we are going to be all we have left. We have 2 raid teams and if we pay to transfer we lose both, if we stay on an actual dead server we will eventually lose both. Blizzard is out of their mind thinking people will settle for “bulk transfers” but at the end if the day they clearly don’t care about their players. Some of them will pay to transfer and a bulk of our raiders will quit… but what are 50 subs to Blizzard, really?
Thanks for letting me rant.


Agreed, we are too late to worry about faction balance now… and this is coming from someone who wants balanced (PVP) servers. Faction queues could have been implemented even at the start of TBCC for many servers but it’s too late. SoM could do that though (although I do not expect Blizzard to do so).

I have nothing positive to say about general server health right now. At this point, if they could just connect some it would help people out IMO.

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Blizzard doesn’t care about us anymore .

Did you play a druid with a similar name in AV a lot at the end of Classic? I’ve been meaning to ask.

The 1740 alliance on bigglesworth left will make benediction even bigger if you merged them with another 5k horde

IDK if you are asking me or another poster. But my main is a Druid named Snucka.

I was asking Drhaze. There was a druid with a really similar name who was playing AV at the end of Classic and I respected him because he fought hard and was super annoying. So I mostly just wanted to say that.

I have seen your posts on Snucka too so thanks for the information.


merge ashkandi and westfall or pagle. It would be a good thing.

Because a lot of customers aren’t currently mad? Okay.


Why make even more people made though lmao?

Your fix the anger issues of more people than you’d create

By applying a global faction queue? I’ll have to disagree with you there lol.

Yep, there’s finally be motivation to play both factions. There’d be balanced world PvP, normal server sizes. It would fix pretty much everything.

People would just quit if they had to wait in a faction queue every time they log in. No one is going to re-roll at this point…forcing them into a queue won’t get them to magically play the other faction. It would just drive people away lol.

Why punish people on server X for imbalance that is happening on server Y and Z? Doesn’t make any sense. Especially when you’re already months into an expansion.

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