Merge BE/VE Non-Tentacle Hairstyles?

as an alliance player, i have no clue what they are talking about. i think theres like 2 easter egg npcs lmao

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You clearly haven’t looked very hard. They are mostly out in the old world. During wrath era. Plenty of settlements had High Elf members in their militia. If you look at the 7th legion camps in particular, they had an array of high elf npc’s in their army. I remember a camp had a whole tent of high elves that gave you quests for the area.

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guess i missed it 12 years ago. i dont ever see them unless i go to dalaran

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Well you’ll get your chance in wrath classic. Besides, they have been making appearances near non stop. Even in Shadowlands we see Vareesa with her sister Alleria go to the trial for Sylvanas.

If you’re horde, you will notice she is red for you. Or well, orange. Not hostile but not liking you.

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i remember vereesa from dalaran now that you mention it

She’s silver covenant. So she works with Dalaran but she also works with the alliance.

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oh i just remember that one dalaran story from mop. i didnt know she was alliance and helping us all the time

Yep. Silver Covenant are in MoP for the alliance as well. They are also in Legion for the hunters. See? They always make appearances.

yea i remember dalaran picked a side in mop. what else have they done for me and the alliance

They helped purge dalaran of the sunreavers (Horde aligned agents of Dalaran. Blood elves)

yea in mop. what else tho

Well, they help you in Wrath in various ways. Lots of quests with them. Mostly them getting you ready to take on the lich king forces.

what quests. i just remember one where they welcome me to dalaran

No more Belf stuff for Velves .

Give the Velves more void stuff and stop catering to the annoying helfers.

Even if they got everything they cry about it still wouldn’t be enough for them


The ones at the argent tournament and I think some in Dalaran. They vary.

what ones in dalaran. dont they just guard the tournament? theyre protecting both factions by keeping it safe. thats neat

I remember coming across a few. Maybe it wasn’t them. I dunno. It’s been a while. Either way, Argent Tournament training grounds is where their whole camp is. And you have a rep for them to grind and everything.

That’s how you get the silver covenant horse.

yea it has been awhile. over 12 years. they need to do more if they are alliance. i didnt even know they were lmao

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Yes. But that doesn’t matter. Still events that happened in game. And again, we’re going back to wrath here in a few months, and all will be reliving the experience.

sounds like they arent alliance if thats it

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