Merge BE/VE Non-Tentacle Hairstyles?

just take them back :pray:

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Why the hate for alliance thalassians so much? Any real opinion going on in that brain of yours? Or are you just hopping on the bandwagon cause you lack any actual independent thought and that it’s the thing people do on this forum? Most people who are against it don’t have any actual sensible reasons to be against it. It’s more in line with either wanting to be petty, being selfish, or just following a crowd.

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Void elves are just going to have to suffer for being in the wrong faction, sorry.


Yes ive wanted the melancholy hairstyle ever since I first saw it.

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Magnificent, if this is truly your best what you bring up as an alter-ego with performing on alts, then I really don’t want to see the quality you offer as a RPer.

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How can you be satisfied? You look nothing like a high elf. High Elves would never have a trash hair style like that. LIke you look ridiculous. You’re like a wicked hippy. It’s not fitting, at all.

Also, the facial hair options are all garbage. The full beard of blood elves is great. Full beard of void elves is too big and poofy and just inferior in every way.

You also turn purple every time you are in combat, showing every time you fight that you are no high elf. Your voice also is a dead giveaway. So how are you satisfied playing as something that is not in any way a high elf? All you have is natural skin tone and hair colors. A high elf it makes not.


Let’s not be mean. It’s a game, the High Elves do use the same Blood Elf models but a little bit modified. The key point is that they cannot be an Alliance character and use the Silver Covenant vanity items.

For RP-events you don’t need any other changes. What you’re asking here is to separate both races which can only happen with a subrace system.


We don’t need a subrace system. A few decent hairstyles, a toggle for the voice reverb, and a toggle for entropic are all you need. There used to be an old check box in the WoW settings when playing a DK to remove the DK voice. Just do that but for void elves to remove the void effect. And then for Entropic Embrace… simply go to alleria in the Void Elf zone and talk to her to toggle it off. It’s that simple and doesn’t require a subrace or a new race or anything.

There will be always something. Mounts, flags, cities, etc.
Better give them a subrace which includes all these changes and leaves the Void Elves alone.

Otherwise you’ll end up with +10 customize options as glyphs.


You act like that will ever happen. You saw what they did with Darkfallen? It should have been its own race, but instead, it was just added as 1 simple eye color and skin tone change. And you can’t even separate the two. So expecting a full-blown subrace system with all these unique additions for each subrace will just not happen.

You don’t even get a new racial tag called darkfallen, no undead voice to match with your new body, nothing. Just skin and eyes. Lazy. The bare minimum. That’s all we can expect. Because that’s all we’ll ever get.

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idc about lotr fantasy. i like that wow has high elves allied with the orcs


It is possible. High Elves are playable for the Alliance now as well, no?

Maybe, maybe not. I rather think they have more serious problems when it comes to the system: Race saturation and it requires too much resources. But see it from this perspective: Karma hit the loud mass again. They can now enjoy the race in the same vein as Alliance High Elf players.

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I mean, it’s more than just that. High Elves were originally tied to the alliance. And many of them still are with the alliance. If it was just lotr fantasy, there wouldn’t be nearly this much demand. But really, people just want this race they see allied in their settlements that aren’t playable to finally be playable. They have been teased since tbc for WoW players, and have been a big part of the alliance during the rts days.

They aren’t. I see a void elf with natural hair and skin. I don’t see a high elf anywhere. I especially don’t see one when I go into combat. I just see a big purple idiot.

wow isnt lotr. high elves should have stayed horde. the race/kingdom isnt neutral. its horde aligned

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I have seen plenty of Thalassians aligned with the alliance. So that’s factually false.


Exactly, they “were”, so just accept that they are horde now


why are you obsessed with lotr elves and humans. void elves pretty much ruined wows high elves. just feels too forced

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Void Elves=High Elves=Blood Elves

There is also no logical reason for not having the two races share hair styles. They are the same race.

Nothing stops either one from styling their hair like the other. They have the same background.

Miss Void Elf didn’t become a Void Elf and magically forget how she styled her hair before the Void infusion as a Blood Elf.


Still some on the alliance. If you have a problem with this take it up with blizzard. But they didn’t make every high elf go horde. They kept enough of them in the alliance to have a presence.