Merge Bene and Faerlina

Retail shows that. In many ways.

Ruin gaming…they used party/group mechanics wrapped in server grouping/crz to run large hunting parties. Alliance based. Carebears do have teeth, grrr! lol.

Horde would go 5 on 1 is fine. Cry more, Git gud alliance.

Ruin said…its fun with math time. 25 on 5 is also 5 on 1. And the horde tears flowed.

And warmode. Many say not many turn it on. On the old pvp servers even. Yeah…that means they didn’t do wpvp years ago much either. I know on whitemane unless alliance wants to start the fight I let them be.

When I need to get my pve on as long as they steer clear we can coexist.

80/20 or worse servers were not a new classic thing. Its history repeating. Warmode just has it more honest. They turn off warmode now.

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Faerlina is still high pop. Benediction is the one that dropped to medium, not both of them.

Because you roll on the biggest realm to hope that your server doesn’t die off, forcing you to play on a dead realm until blizzard finally get around to offering free transfers, or pay to transfer off.

Just look at the graveyard of dead realms on ironforge.

Also, why leave out Whitemane from the picture? That’s also a one sided PvP realm. Why should only Faerlina and Benediction be merged, while leaving Whitemane alone?

Also, a “balanced” server means nothing when layers exist and are not balanced. SoD just showed that, with alliance/horde controlled layers.

I made my character on Faerlina because of the amount of Horde there. It’s the best server for Alliance world PvP in Classic a true all-you-can-eat buffet of Horde. We form groups almost daily to hunt them in Tol Barad.

The peacefulness of the Alliance side on Faerlina is preferred by most of its residents. We don’t have the “carebears” you run into using Dungeon Finder, who ninja loot or report people for dumb stuff. We have a respectful, helpful community that’s vastly different from other servers. With there being no real economy, many of us have alt banks to support levelers and guildies in need, leaving our characters loaded with gold which leads to gambling during raids (and it’s a lot of fun). Merging the servers would destroy this type of community support system we’ve worked hard to establish.

Plus, it’s nice to be able to kill Horde who try to take a node (herbs or mining) rather than competing with hundreds of Alliance players where you can’t do anything about it. There are so many unique aspects of the Faerlina Alliance experience that would be ruined by a server merge.

We don’t want Benediction players on Faerlina we like it just the way it is now.


Dont play on a PvP server

Lol i actually did a REAL Hardcore run 1- 80 in WoTLK as Alliance on Faerlina and its worse then 90/10 its more like 98/2 of actual players

For every action there is a reaction PEOPLE left the servers which caused more people to leave this was 100% the players doing!!!

PERSONAL CHOICE!!! You made the choice to make a char on that server KNOWONE FORCED you!!! You followed the STREAMERS Again personal choice. If you dont like World PvP then roll on a PvE server but kids these days are sheep and follow their favorite streamer.

You arent understanding the issue, not even worth trying to explain, youre kind of dense.

Who asked? congrats on leveling, now go raid and find dungeon groups, oh wait you cant.

Ofc they left, 90/10 isnt fun, your faction is dead, you cant recruit and youre doing nothing but being camped 20v1.

Says the guy literally on the streamer server

Nobody is forcing you to play on a one sided pvp server too. So take reroll or realm transfer to grobulus. You can have all the world pvp you want, right now.

To be fair, he can’t help it anymore. SoD is so unpopular that they shut down all the other pvp realms. Its the streamer server, or pve.

I dont think he was a server xfer tho

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Even current grobb can be like this. WCL reports can say close to 50%. that is an average of logs reported overall.

At some hours of the day, alliance owns grobb. Other hours of the day, horde. Balance on grobb is not 24/7 lol.

MY last grobb experiment alliance owned the server when I played. I had horde. During the week when I played the meme’d lobby game wow became reality.

as I jsut sat in city and RDF’d. When you are corpse camped by level caps there is no git gud. there is die on your body pick up all night. Or rez sickness and stone out.

As one night in STV some were so bored…they came to the camp as I rode out a rez sickness. killed the guards, then me. Their devotion to the ganking cause was impressive to say the least.

weekends were better…when I hopped on saturday and Sunday morning my time.

Why I jsut dropped the experiment and made whitemane the horde server. If I was damn near RDF’ing the game 5 days a week I can do that anywhere. And on whitemane I could actually see the open world.

Also I didn’t break whitemane. I started horde when it was already 98%. It was a heavy horde server long before I made my first char.

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imagine playing a PvP server and not wanting PvP if you dont want world pvp then play on a PvE server

I didn’t have to imagine it. 98% of whitmane did before I even made my first horde char. I outsourced the imagination lol.

If west coast had a server like mankrik…more would be there. I can’t take the ping hit to mankrik…so there is where I am at.

that is where most of whitemane is at probably. Not wanting grobb, mankrik is a latency issues or stuff like guild run hours.

Classic bfa will fix this. Warmode. jsut like it fixed illidan, a52 and others. They saw numbers return to dead factions.

EZ solution from a Grobb player who’s server got invaded by PVP transfers, changing the entire vibe of the server for the worst:

Merge the servers but implement the faction population locks that Grobb (and SOD) now has in place. This would lock horde to all transfers in and new players. And close transfers out except to PVE servers. No flip-flopping between other PVP servers and messing their balances too, as that’s how we ended up with 1 sided faction servers.

Grobb RN is locked for Alliance 99% of the time due to how many we have who transferred over and/or swapped faction for cata.

It’s probably because it’s Pacific time.

I play on Faerlina Alliance and don’t want to be merged. The server is great. World PvP is excellent, and there’s a pretty cool small-ish server community feel, where guilds tend to have relationships with each other.


The servers are dying if blizz actually just merged bene and Faerlina together it would be great it would allow for world PvP

just merge east coast all together and west coast all together.

That would make alot of people mad

They should just merge all the East coast PVP servers together and all East coast PvE servers together then do the same for PvE.

But merging PvP and PvE together would be very bad!!! They would either have to make the server PvP or PvE and that wouldnt set well with alot of players.

But merging the PvP servers together SHOULDNT ( tho it probably would) upset some players. Because they simply made the choice to play on a PvP server unbalanced faction or not. They made the choice.

how can people be mad, if people will quit more over time.

because they rolled on a PvP server that doesnt have alot of world pvp. the way i see it is if they dont merge the PvP servers together and people dont like it then sell them xfers off and make money off them.

Then the solution is have 4 mega servers.
PVE West, PVP West, PVE East, PVP East

mega server 1 east 1 west with warmode

Warmode is trash!!! if people join a PVP Server they should deal with PvP if they dont like PvP join a PvE server

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