Merge Bene and Faerlina

Lol Faerlina also dropped in pop size to its this xpac its trash!!! If you roll on a PvP server and dont like World PvP why did you roll on a PvP server?

The reason Bene and Faerlina are faction imbalanced in the first place is because the classic playerbase doesn’t want wpvp :stuck_out_tongue:


Because the top 99% servers can have better features.

Like a higher population that has AH’s that don’t suck.

I see my horde whitemane’s prices there and smile. I got to atiesh allaince…and lose my smile. Even bag prices can suck lol. found that out last night as I had the sudden urge to fix up even alts with bags.

Better chances at finding partners for rated. 6K horde (to ironforge) on whitemane is a better chance than roughly 200 horde on atiesh in my case if I went rated path.

Not all live for world pvp. It jsut needs to be a realm that meets needs. We jsut fire up the instanced stuff…and do whatever.

Its not the xpac, its 4+ months of tier 11.

You dont even play cata, the raids are far too hard for you.

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Besides the fact that we are on week 19 of Phase 1 cata was a bad xpac to begin with

I will say its likely. my 85’s are “done” for my needs. Any wow work I do is not logged. its leveling alts.

Another week, another 85 run kind of stuff lol. WCL thus ironforge does not count any of my BRC runs lol. and I’ve seen the place many many many times.

Cata classic is better than WOTLK Classic so far.

But i imagine even you could of cleared naxx so it makes sense why cata is bad for you, you cant do 90% of the heroic bosses.

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Yeah im currently in a gdkp, my raid needed a break this week rofl.

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I made a post about this kind of thing here a while ago Benediction needs free faction changes/transfers

I can go to Orgrimmar and find maybe one or two horde at any given time. It’s really, really bad. We need some kind of merger or free server/faction transfers to save the servers before it’s too late.

They been like this since TBC lmao.

The fact that blizz allowed this to happen if people dont want World PvP then they should have rolled on a PvE server and not PvP servers

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Thats not how it worked.

People dont like being the minority, they want 50/50 or as close to that as possible.

Once a pvp server is 60/40 it isnt that fun, then it will naturally go to 70/30, then 80/20 then 90/10 then 99/1.

Being the minority and getting 10v1 everywhere you go isnt pvp.

Some people maybe. I think most people seem to get angry or genuinely upset when PvP happens.

An interesting thing, I think at least, is that servers like Faerlina, with the faction imbalance, have very nice Alliance communities and excellent World PvP.

There is absolutely no need for a merger, which would just force people into playstyles that they have not self-selected for.

At least in my opinion.

I actually hate this idea. The faction locks are stupid. Blizzard did not save Grobb or create faction balance. Grobbulus maintained its own balance through player communities and people wanting that.


Well i was originally on whitemane and then SSC launched and by then the alliance which was me, we were down to like 80/20 if that.

It would be 4-6 death runs to zone into SSC.

It isnt actual pvp.

You would go there and it would be 8 raids vs your raid rofl.

Horde lined up in the pipes to kill us.

I mean that aint really pvp.

Now whitemane started off 50/50, so it was fine then, sure you would get jumped every now and then but mostly it was fun equal pvp.

Idk what could prevent these outcomes but they pretty much always happen.

They can’t block people from joining…or that is all new rants.

We saw that in prior lockdowns.

Why can’t I play with my friends?!

I jsut want to be 1 more dude to play with my friend. Or my friend wants to play on my server but can’t.

And that was for legit performance reasons. 2 hour login waits were not good.

Yeah I remember. I had rerolled Alliance a couple months before TBC for TBC… then they went and made BGs cross realm, so I rerolled back Horde. The catering to the whiners kind of wastes a lot of time for some who would put in the effort to solve their own problems, and it can be frustrating.

Sure it is. It isn’t balanced PVP like you would see in instances PVP, and I can understand why people would like to opt out of it, but it isn’t a particularly difficult concept to figure out the difference between Normal and PVP servers.

And it’s way past the time that anyone saying they like WPVP, but like it balanced, etc. is believable. No you don’t. You can go play on a “balanced” server if you want, or queue into balanced instanced PvP all you want from a PVE server. There’s no reason to cater to players who actually hate wpvp, make statements like “this isn’t PvP” and refuse to roll on Normal servers, imo.

It doesn’t matter I think. Anyone who actually likes and wants to enjoy WPVP can. Anyone who doesn’t doesn’t have to.

It’s that simple.


The issue is the servers START OFF balanced.

Im sorry but no one in their right mind is staying on a server that 90/10 lmfao.

Thats not pvp, you can claim it is but when you picture world pvp you think of being deep in STV and running up on someone and having a fun 1v1.

You dont go you know what will be fun? Me in stv killing trolls and i get killed 20v1 for an hour straight.

When servers laucnh i promise you no one is thinking of that scenario.

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I think that this sounds like it makes sense, but it isn’t accurate.

You get the best of both worlds: small server community feel, where guild names, and to a large extent its members are recognizable, and an abundance of WPVP.

It isn’t balanced or fair PvP, but it 100% is PVP. If you don’t share that definition, then you simple don’t understand what a PVP server is (I suspect you do, but you’re playing some game where you pretend a word has a different meaning).

In my experience, one would really have to go out of their way to find that scenario, and even then I suspect it would be difficult.

For example, if I stand in Durotar, outside of Org on an Alliance character, I doubt I would encounter that. If I went into Orgrimmar on an Alliance character, I would maybe find that. It surely won’t be the same 20 players for an hour though.

All i know is the proof is in the pudding.

And the majority of people dont think 20v1 is pvp either hence the servers lmao.

You can be as accurate as you want on the defintiion of pvp, you know exactly what im saying tho.

The majority of people has self selected, and shown what their preference is. There is zero reason to force change on them now, imo.

I think we’re pretty much saying the same thing, but have different definitions of what PVP and Normal servers mean.

I do. You’re saying that you don’t agree with the moral conundrum that inequality causes you in an online video game where people can choose a ruleset for themselves… or something along those lines.
