Merge accounts still possible?

Two accounts belonging to me. One was set up a long time ago for a minor family member who is grown and has no interest in playing anymore so the accounts are technically separate but both are in my name and I have access to them.

I’ve asked for this before, they said they could but it wouldn’t transfer over mounts or achievements or titles. So really no point.

For me, no big deal. I have all the accomplishments on the main account that I want to transfer this wow license to. Prime reason for this is that I have a character with some skills in a profession that I want back. There are some other reasons but that’s the main reason for now.

yah dude, it’s right here

There is a difference between moving a license to another and ‘merging’. Merging refers to accounts so old they were never ON a Blizzard Account to begin with.

While a license can be moved, the posters above are correct. Nearly anything that is in a collection stays behind on the original. Heirlooms, pets, mounts, etc.


If i transfer one character for one account to another, it will keep all the mounts and the stuffs?

Obituary both accounts are mine.

(…Couldn’t you just create a copy of every unlocked heirloom and cage every cageable pet to effectively bring them over to a different account when transferring?)

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Heirlooms would prevent the transfer. Not sure about caged pets.

Oh. I mean-- Noooooooo, my diabolical plan to save tens of thousands of gold has been ruined!


(But seriously, that is good to know. Just solidifies my position to only ever have one account. <_<)

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Caged pets have blocked transfer for some time now.