Mercenary Mode is a must

40m Queue to 1hr + Is Unplayable. I’m not going to sit there and wait for that long to play a game. especially knowingly that Alliance get in under 10m. Plus right now theirs a bunch of Alliance players loaded with Honor gear and I can’t even get my first piece. I can’t bother to sit there for that long to play when I know I can do something else worth my time.


I have never seen anybody refute this in all of these threads. It’s usually just ignored.


There’s no way to refute it, and it goes against the Horde players pushing for merc mode.


Remember a year+ of horde telling alliance to git gud, quit or reroll whenever anyone mentioned a problem with AV?

Maybe they should take their own advice.


mercenary mode would be bad because it would allow people to directly talk cross faction. they should just allow same faction queues after x amount of time in queue.

It’s because they don’t care. Really. Anything at all for them to have it their way so they can stay on the dominant side and also have quick q times is worth ruining the game for in their eyes.


That’s not entirely true.

I sometimes see people claim it’s not true (lol).

Or that since horde already has the bigger population, who cares?

But yeah, I’ve never seen a refutation, just a dismissal.

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It’s so amusing to me that we survived classic, warts and all as Alliance.

Now that the horde has their very own just one player made wart, they don’t want to deal with it.

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“How would killing off the remaining PvP scene on your faction affect you at all? How would it negatively affect you if everyone who cared about PvP in the least bit rerolled to Horde and all PvP servers became one faction servers? Answer: it wouldn’t, you’re just being greedy and/or petty! Checkmate.”

Every merc mode topic in a nutshell.


No one’s buying the “OMG I DIDN’T KNOW!” hokum. You knew. You chose Horde anyway. Don’t like your choice? You know what to do.


No. They should just allow Horde to reroll for free.

Oh wait… they DO.


Gosh. Took some people that long just to get to BRM in phase 2. I know because they came here with their undies in a bunch over it. They had all kinds of suggestions on what Blizzard could do about it, and you know what we told them? Reroll on a PvE server.


Merc mode would kill alliance on the majority of PvP servers.

I started out as horde on classic. Did the AV exalted grind and the queue times were pushing an hour. I’m a mostly casual player and bg’s are a big part of the game for me. I decided to reroll alliance to have shorter queues knowing that the open world would suck in comparison. I’d be a little salty if they just added merc mode. How about incentivize more alliance to queue up by giving bonus marks or honor. The issue is that there are far more horde queueing up than alliance. Instead of killing off alliance (like in retail) make it more worth the alliance’s time to queue for bg’s.


The open world is unplayable for Alliance on most PvP servers, finding Arena teams/guilds is similarly unplayable for those people. Being able to roll on the server you like is no different from rolling the faction you like, both choices have some benefits and also some undesired consequences.

Alliance is underplayed in all forms of PvP and Horde is similarly over represented: making changes that benefit the majority faction just hurts Alliance playrate even further, and makes Horde the defacto choice for any serious player.

Currently, the only real value to being Alliance (other than personal choice) is quick BG queues, and giving Horde merc mode removes that, leaving Horde with all the benefits. You don’t want Horde to be disadvantaged but aren’t considering that Alliance is already tremendously disadvantaged, and this change would make things far worse.


At this point, honestly, I say to hell with it - give factions the ability to queue mercenary mode.

This game isn’t the Mona Lisa, some changes are warranted (e.g. LIKE FIXING THE FERAL TICK!!!), so give horde the ability to NOT spend mindless hours sitting in town, just to play the game. I endorse that idea 100%.

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If Horde reroll and play Alliance and then deal with the downsides to playing Alliance, then they are equally with us in our circumstance. Most players are not the strange faction-pride group, and most are willing to play either faction, hence there is no reason to shame people for being former-Horde. The reason Alli players are getting upset is the ridiculous presumption that Horde should just get every single benefit, at the cost of the Alliance, and we just want some form of equality.

what about the random Alliance players that rolled on Horde-dominated servers, having not done any real research, and now have to deal with being constantly ganked? They didn’t opt into that situation knowingly, yet it is what they now face. Horde may not have known the queue times would be so bad, though the information was available, but nonetheless that is the consequence of their choice. Just like Alliance on PvP servers don’t get to walk the open world with an immunity shield, the Horde don’t get to circumvent the result of an overpopulated faction.


I’d faction change a character to alliance if I could stay on grobb with both horde and ally characters. I tried to make ally alts on 3 different servers literally for pvp which is what I did in retail. But I really like having all my characters consolidated onto one server. I’m spoiled sadly. I’m still trying to get my alliance up + sever shopping. Theyre all in the early 20s.

yes pls add pls yes

45 min que
I am sure glade I rolled Alliance this time.

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We have mercenary mode already.

You can make all the alliance toons you want as a horde player.