Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month

Dont let them bait you. They will just report you for it. Guaranteed.

Shhh don’t give them any ideas!

Can say golly gee willikers too.



The continuation is you get “better” friends while being honest with how you are. You get friends that embrace your quirks. You dont feel like you have to hide or put a mask on around others.

Using cuss words is not an emotion. Thats my point.

No one is trying to bait him.

I am saying if you are angry about something, you can still express your anger while following the rules.


Oh I won’t, I know how it goes haha.


lol hey you can XD

But I like using “snickerdoodle” or some kind of cookie.

“What the snickerdoodle is going on around here?!”


Love me them fortune cookie level platitudes

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That’s a mask cuss word.

You should take every opportunity to grow beyond what is comfortable for you.

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No it isn’t.

We had this conversation.

It’s fun to replace swears with cleaner things at times

I work with kids so 0% chance I’m dropping any f bombs at work

So I use stuff like fiddlesticks and confound it, and some of the kids have flat out replaced their swearing with those which is nice


Na it’s a cookie.

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Next we’ll hear “What the Maw” is masking…


You son of a hamster. What the freddie mercury is going on in here.

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I’ve gotten reported for doing it, we all know what he/she meant.

I have a couple guy friends who have struggled with depression their entire lives.
Ive watched their cycles thru it go from being on top of the world to wondering if Id get the call that they had harmed or ended themselves.

I dont even think its about world stressers with some. The one friend has always been like this since we were kids. Seems like he was born with depression or something, more than it happening over life problems.

Hes mentioned several times over the years about having thoughts ofharming himself and his family. Ive told him to get professional help for it, but he refuses.

This stuff certainly need to be taken very seriously.

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I’ve said snickerdoodle as a replacement and have been ok /shrug

Not even gonna bring up the emoji that comes up if you type :middle but that’s besides the point.

Yes it posts and yes they don’t like it.

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Mother of pearl is another good one, albeit it a bit sponge-bobby

I also like ne’er do well since it’s not super recognized now


Masked language means when you’re trying to cleverly bypass the word filter, by replacing a character or two in the actual thing with something that slips by.

Not whole-word replacement.


Got that call in January 2022 about my best friend from 1st grade on. Not the call you want to get and certainly not a feeling I ever want to be responsible for evoking in one of my loved one’s.

Take care of yourself guys. Talk to friends, talk to family, there are people that love you out there.