Memory vendor items are now BoP?

Guys, I need a sanity check here before I file a bug report. Weren’t the items on the Residual Memories Vendor bind to Warband? I’m almost certain that they were, and furthermore that I had some in my Warband bank. I bought a whole bunch on one character to give to alts, and now they are soulbound, and at the vendor they say BoP also. I noticed when I went to put them in the warband bank that I couldn’t, and also there were more empty slots than I remembered, which might be where the ones I put in before are hiding. Am I just losing it and they were always BoP?

They were warbound up until a little while ago.

I had items in the Warband Bank and they are now all gone.

Same here, all RM vendor items in my characters inventories are now bound, and my warband bank is completely empty.

Looks like the warbank isn’t to be trusted. If that gear was on the intended alt, it’s now soulbound, but if it was waiting in the warbank, it’s gone. Really wish this had been clearly communicated in advance, seems to be catching a lot of people off guard, including me.

Recent post from Blizzard:

Email from Blizz:
Your ticket has received the following response:

Hello there,

I understand that you had an issue with prepatch event gear in the warbank becoming soulbound and disappearing.

Thank you for letting us know there was an issue here. The developers are aware of the issue and looking into it.

If you run into any issues like this, please submit a bug report either in game or on the bug reporting forums with any information you have.

This helps alert the developers to the scope of the issue as they look into solutions.

We do not currently have any workarounds to share, so thank you for your patience.

Here’s an update they’ve provided. Seems it’ll be fixed sometime this week.