Memory usage?

yeah something is wrong right now with retail they need to fix it soon


I had the same issue on Wednesday and thought it was just an out of date addon calling too many lua errors without telling me. Was in SOO mythic and textures and animations just started disappearing, but it was not a graphical issue since every other game works.

It worked fine on Thursday for a normal raid, but I’ve noticed that it is suddenly spiking memory usage for no reason.

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Yeah, suddenly debuffs would no longer have their art displayed, just a box, and then item roll boxes disappeared for me last night doing lfr after Tindral had died, and then it crashed due to “not enough memory.” I’ve done all i can to check my hardware for faults, nothing, drives all come back “ok” status which means they’re fine, ram had no issues found and it is detecting all 32 gigs is there. So, I really hope, even with the blue-post over on the Eu forums, they get it fixed soon. I just wanna play and do things before early access and not stress about when my game will crash due to this leaking problem.

HEY i got that too. It often freezes the game as well.

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I really do not think its hardware related. I play many games that require more resources then wow without issue. I noticed its popping out a lot more lua errors for no reason even with addons off.

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Yeah that’s what I figured, I just like to double check. :stuck_out_tongue: But also with so many others sharing they have the same symptoms, makes me believe more that it is a WoW thing. I just wish the blues would respond to us, like they did on the Eu forums. it’d at least help us feel like we’ve been seen too in my opinion.


Yeah this honestly xD

After the EU forum was updated I haven’t had a memory spike since, still monitoring. But would like to have more transparency/acknowledgement from them that it was their issue and what the issue was.


That’s good! I hope it continues to behave as it should for you! I’ve yet to jump in yet, since that update on the EU side, so when I do, hopefully it’s the same for me! :smiley: But yeah a little more transparency would be nice, after all, we are helping keep this game going. :stuck_out_tongue:

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So far no issue since the fix.


I didn’t exactly reinstall it, but I did move WoW to my second hard drive. The second drive was empty, so WoW is the only thing on it. I did that yesterday and I have not had the error today.

I’ve observed excessive memory usage.

I have not crashed today, I know they said they fixed it. So far it seems to be true, but I’ve been mostly fixing my Remix characters up as I haven’t gotten to their specs and such since the reset. So I haven’t been in normal retail much.


Ive been in normal retail since about 4pm EST today. No crashes or memory spikes yet. :grin:


Me too. I’ve left hours just opened even afking and working just to check. Seems to be fixed. I’m glad.


I posted in another thread but gonna copy and paste here. I have not had another crash since the update but something is still not working right. Task manager shows wow using 4 gigs of ram but my overlay show me at 13 gig used. After closing wow I’m getting. more than 9 gigs back, the overlay also shows more ram being used over time. Taking portals and hearthing to new areas seems to use up a lot each time. Getting some lower performance in some places as well. Anyone else notice this or just me?

What overlay, and why would anyone choose to trust it over the operating system’s own tools?

Amd and Lenovo overlays both show it. Steam OS shows the same thing happening on my steam deck as well but still no crashes on either yet.

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That sounds like they are showing a combination of RAM and video memory with potentially a third inclusion as well (page file?). There’s simply no way memory is “in use” on a Windows machine and the OS doesn’t know about it to show in task manager/perfmon.

iv just run into this problem i cant play the new xpac wow is running at 5000 to 6000 memory it crashes