Memory of the dark titan?

Just a scrub here, but woowhead has it as early #1 for mythic+, but that -10% really bothers me. Kinda just thinkin of going with unending growth. While 2.5% seems low atleast it is not a negative. Nice leggo jeez -10% shoulda just made it a purple

I think you’re getting too stuck on the -10% healing portion.

Having two Lifeblooms out is really strong. You can permanently have one on a tank and another in a high priority target.

In addition, I believe when using Photosynthesis, both effects will occur (strong single target healing and faster hot ticks) which is insanely powerful and the reason the 10% through put reduction was put in place. It’s testament to just how powerful that legendary and talent synergy is, and it’s still stronger than the other legendaries in M+.

Unending growth also isn’t even that great in M+, only really in raids where you have more than 5 people who need Rejuvenate on them. At least according to WoWhead, besides using Dark Titan’s Leason, Memory of the Mother Tree would be best because it will proc more frequently in a 5 man group compared to Unending Growth, and the potential for AoE regrowths.

wow… the fact that you are not getting it just LOL…

you got $100 and now you get 2x that but -10%… and youre like but that 10% gonna make me have less money O.o

you still end up with $180

You still have to cast the extra Lifebloom. That will also cost you time that could have been used performing a different action.

The top resto druids on raider io seem to be using either memory of the mother tree or the balance of all things dps legendary.

Top Resto Druids are playing in groups with experienced players that know the mechanics and don’t run around like chickens without heads accidentally jumping into the fire. This will not be the reality for most Resto Druids.


True, I’m not advocating the dps legendary for pugging.

The wild growth one makes sense though.

The lifebloom legendary is too much about mana efficiency/chasing clearcasting procs/using the clearcasting conduit. We don’t need mana efficiency in 5 mans.

But that’s also ignoring the amazing through put it has since it can double dip in Photosynthesis, which is the go to talent anyway. If you have Lifebloom on yourself and another target, you will get both benefits.

I was just asking no need to call me stupid…man last time I ask anything here

Lmao… what?

Yeah …and I suppose those 10 rejuvenates/germinates are completely justifiable?

You just don’t get it do you?

Lol No it’s not.

It’s about photosynthesis.
It’s about putting out the most healing in the least amount of globals.
Forget mana.
We’re talking about gcd.

Photo paired with titans is the most healing and most damage. All while never having to leave moonkin form.

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Ruvie doesn’t like titan because it adds 1 more gcd while he is spamming germination 90% of the run.


I’m trying out the Photo + Dark Titan with Feral affinity currently. It’ll be a learning curve like anything else. We’ll see how mobile AOE healing will look like.

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The real juice is the double clarity procs, toss in regrowth condi

Yes. Those are quite nice.

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It’s really good, and has some versatility.
1 - you can just pop out two lifeblooms. Thats a LOT of healing.
2 - You can use photosynthesis and get BOTH powers from it. Which from what I understand is a massive boost.


…And if you choose balance affinity/ Hotw and Convoke, You can casually heal in moonkin form while doing massive amounts of damage.

The Resto/Balance setup is extremely overpowered. The fact that we can Lifebloom 2x while in Moonkin form is too strong. Balance of All Things looks appealing too. Using a Balance DPS Legendary in Restoration spec with Convoke + Heart of the Wild must be top healer DPS mythic keys. I am expecting Blizzard to make adjustments to the Druid class in the near future.

I’m not sure how to fit all this utility on my action bars. Feral, Bear and Moonkin forms provide so much utility it’s mind boggling how this passed as balanced compared to other classes.

lol. Well said.

I do wish they’d get rid of the -10% though. Having to take off your legendary in solo content so as to not nerf yourself isn’t great.

Says you.

Are Shamans required to shift into ghostwolf before they can cast Lavaburst?
Is a priest/paladin limited to only 2 healing spells after they judge/smite?

But noooooo, when a druid casts a heal in moonkin form you suddenly take issue.

Give me a break.

kebinds + modifiers.
Not hard.

Thats because you’ve played a druid for all of 5 minutes. You dont know the struggles we suffered. The limitations. The restrictions. We’ve come a long way from what we once were to get to the point we’re at now.

Some FoTM player comes along last minute and cries nerf?
Get lost.

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With any luck, the Resto/Balance combo will be so intimidating to most players that it’ll fly under Blizzard’s radar undetected. The skill gap between the newbie and the pro will be so big it won’t even matter.

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