Memory of the dark titan?

Cant tell if youre serious or if thats just bad sarcasm.

Real question: why are you being so needlessly hostile? I donā€™t think a video game discussion should produce such vitriol.


Because this has all been explained to them weeks ago.
In one ear out the other I guess.
The information they are giving you is wrong.
Its bad advice, and you should be as equally frustrated.

Catweaving is more to my liking and very fluid. AOE DPS is quite fast. Crit as a primary stat can boost the DPS of 4 dots. Rake, Rip, Sunfire and Moonfire. So far Iā€™m liking the 2x Lifebloom + Photo build.

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Yeah Iā€™m thinking of changing I donā€™t like the two lifeblooms. Used up too much gcd.

ā€¦as opposed to what?

The blind stupidity of these returning and/or new druids is mind numbing

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Case in pointā€¦

Crit is your least favoured stat for m+.

More bad advice

1620 posts later, you should get a trophy for forum participation or something. No? Iā€™d like to offer you a race change to Troll if youā€™re up for it. :slight_smile:

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Legendary tier list for mythic+ (my opinion):

  1. Circle of Life and Death
    - boosts all your hots and dots
    - should get 17.6% more hps throughput on every hot
    - will dramatically boost moonfire/sunfire and rake/rip damage

  2. Verdant Infusion
    - will allow cenarion ward (and its mastery buff) on the tank for twice as long
    - cenarion ward has extremely strong hps (on my character itā€™s the same as 3.87 rejuvenations in one)
    - saves gcds
    - frontloads more healing at the beginning of a pull when tanks are at their weakest
    - will in emergency situations make it easier to regrowth,swiftmend into regrowth without using up the regrowth hot we need for the 40% crit bonus; this could be especially good with soul of the forest buffing the second regrowth
    - if you took flourish you could keep cenarion ward up for 24 seconds straight; it might even be possible to keep cenarion ward up for 48 seconds straight if you went: cenarion ward, swiftmend, flourish, swiftmend, cenarion ward, swiftmend

  3. Memory of the Mother Tree
    - alot of extra aoe throughput that saves gcdā€™s
    - is the most popular healing legendary on raider io leaderboard at the moment

  4. Dark Titanā€™s Lesson
    - allows both photosynthesis 20% bonus without causing you to lose lifebloomā€™s mastery on the tank
    -costs gcdā€™s
    -if you want to use the clearcast conduit you have to give up the wild growth conduit at the moment; also when we get access to two potency conduits the soulbinds for double potency are often bad for healers;
    - 20% photosynthesis bonus isnā€™t as great as it seems if you are trading it for less mastery buffs on the tank from less cenarion ward, or one of our other hots falling off due to having less gcds in an emergency
    - makes lifebloom a bit weaker
    - it will take some of our attention away from other stuff (boss mechanics, stuff on the ground, helping with damage/cc) having to maintain lifebloom on two people

I didnā€™t think of the Cenarion Ward + Verdant Infusion combo. Good call on that one. I didnā€™t think Photo was that mana efficient. I have a full mana bar all the time and feel gimped when thereā€™s heavy AOE damage. Iā€™ll consider Memory of the Mother Tree. I suppose the 40% chance could be problematic when you need that extra AOE healing the most.

Circle of Life and Death is probably the best one for Catweaving. Iā€™m thinking of the 4 dots with a crit build with this Legendary. Itā€™ll beā€¦ Legendaryā€¦

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Im using circle right now and will say it feels fantastic for damage. Itā€™s fun being able to deal dmg exclusively with dots and no other filler. Feels terrible without haste though, just like unending growthā€¦ weee

Why not?

It was explained to you already in this thread.

Oh yeah, thatā€™s right, you had a hissy fit and cried because you didnt like the answers you got.

I still think that it is mana inefficient in certain situations. If players die during heavy AOE damage and I have a full mana bar I suppose you could argue that itā€™s their fault for standing in the fire but, Iā€™d like to still be able to have the healing power to carrying them through the fire. It makes me feel Godly in a weird way. Photo is mana efficient most of the time I agree. Other times, when I really need that healing power, it falls short and I feel gimped.

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And you are wrong.

I wonā€™t be. Again. Crits value was already explained to you and you chose to ignore it and make a smart aleck comment instead.

If you want to boost your damage and healing then you stack vers.

I welcome your constant opposition and empty arguments. Your arguments are so hollow. Unfortunately, there really isnā€™t any useful information in there. Itā€™s like a hollow bone without any meat on it.

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Likeā€¦ Iā€™m not just spitting ideas off the top of my head. There are numerous websites that back what Iā€™m telling you.

You want to make this personal cause your feelings got hurt. Too bad. Suck it up and do your research.

Unless youre constantly pre hotting the party with double rejuvenate, there wonā€™t be enough globals to play catch up after that damage goes out. Yesā€¦ once you stack all those hots, germ will heal more. But you physically have to stack those hots.

You want to talk about mana inefficiency?This is it.^^

Photo speeds up your healing power so that you can do more in less time, less globals, less mana.

If thatā€™s still not enough, and SM/NS/ward/and regrowth spam still isnā€™t keeping that player up, you either reacted too slow, or they were a lost cause to begin with.

His arguments are based off what are largely considered best practices by resto druids in high mythic+ keys. Iā€™m not sure what the hell youā€™re about.

The double lifebloom legendary is the highest throughput healing legendary for 5 man without wasting absurd amounts of GCDs on germination. Furthermore itā€™s lack of randomness compared to our other legos makes it far more consistent and dependable when coupled with photosynthesis.

The main reason Iā€™d take the wildgrowth lego it is if I was also doing raiding and mythic+ and didnā€™t want to switch back and forth between the lifebloom and rejuv spreader legendary, or if I just found maintaining two LBs too much micromanagement for my healing style (which i donā€™t).