Memory of Lucid Dreams visual

Am I reading the requirements right for this? You have to grind every day for 3 months to get the visual? that’s a little harsh, isn’t it?

Yes, you are reading it right

I have another 60 days to go. :sweat_smile:

lol…yeah…not even gonna try for it, lol


Rewards that are exclusive? Yes please.

One thing Legion taught us, if everyone has the same artifact, its not really that cool to see it in the wild.


I wouldn’t say 3 super quick dailies is a grind.


Not sure you can call a 90 day commitment to do 3 dailies exclusive, unless of course they prune it next expansion. :rofl:


It’s just a cosmetic tho?


I’d call anything that requires specific game play exclusive. I know, without a doubt, I won’t have the cosmetic. If everyone has something its not rare. Rare = good.


honestly im not evne worried. im exalted with them already, so im exclusively doing manapearl WQ, a followers 3, and the daily that gives 5 pearls also.

takes me like a half hour, that aint bad tbh


We’re only a month into 8.2 anyways. Expecting to have the rank 4 so early is…unrealistic.

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If you actively tried to lucid dream every day for 3 months, you’d be having astounding visuals within the first week.

This is just an excessively spaced out bit of content.

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But it’s just a cosmetic. It’s a reward for participating in the content. It’s not going anywhere (presumably) so what’s the rush?


I’m just making a point about committing to a task and seeing it through.

There are “real” magic rituals out there that don’t require you to “keep logging in” and remain durationally engaged the way WoW does, and since all the ingame stuff is based on something typically more out there and interesting, I’m just…

…it’s like spending more time learning guitar hero than you would to play a real guitar.

It’s just funny to me.

Yeah, but the exclusive mog you got in legion you can keep using. After bfa the exclusive visual is probably be gone. Kind of disappointing.


We don’t know this yet.

Ok this made me chortle.

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there are rare drops and other items that grant body guard xp so if you really went ham you could do it in a little less than 3 months.
3 months if you casually do the dailies every day. its a cosmetic so no real impact on game play other than giving you a reason to sub for the next 3 months. a goal to work towards which is still better game play than farming world quests for RNG rewards. you know what you will get. no RNG involved.

That’s the thing though, I’m expecting to never get it. That’s okay. There’s plenty of YouTube whines about “collecting all the essences on alts” and the length of time to acquire. All I’m saying is, I’m glad there are visual rewards for doing oddball, grindy or obscure gameplay.


No, we don’t. But in order for it to be something player keep using it will need to be an ability or glyph going forward - the only artifact ability people use now are those that were converted to talents and I don’t know that the comparatively generic and universal essence is something that’ll make that transition to every class in the game. Blizzards already stated the amulet is an expansion unique feature like artifacts were for legion.

Don’t forget you can get the Bark from the 4 Anchient Coral Rares that gives 100 xp(?) to all your followers and the Unusally Wise Crab that gives 75 xp to the ally of your choice.

So if you really want the visual there are other ways outside of the dailes to get it

8.2 released June 25. It’ll be 6 weeks tomorrow, I’ve already got Neri at level 30 and Poen at level 23. Vim almost level 6 and I’ve never summoned him.

Ancient barks off the summoned coral giants, and Ominous tomes from Mrrl are key to shaving days off your grind to Lucid Dreams r4.

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