It seems to already be a popular topic but I am just here to confirm.
- The new patch added a memory leak
-It seems to only happen in high render areas
-It is not your computer, don’t worry!
-Hopfully will be fixed soon
Possible fixes for now:
-Drop render distance to 3 or 4
-Ensure your resolution scale is at 100%
-Select your graphics driver instrad of auto
- Disable any high memory addons like ATT
For now just hold tight! Hoping they’ll get it fixed soon.
Did doing those possible fixes help you? I’ll try anything haha.
I did lower my graphics to minimal which didn’t really make a difference, same with totally disabling all of my addons, even going as far as deleting all of them thinking that was the issue.
I do feel a lot better knowing it’s not my PC. Most of my guild seems to not be experiencing this issue and was making me feel like it was just a ‘me’ issue.
I’ve had this memory spike happen after a while of just sitting at the character select screen, never logging in. So I doubt anything related to addons or render distance will help. And from what I’ve seen it is a sudden spike in memory, not a gradual leak.
Yeah, I got that last night.
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It did! Mostly the render distance and the addons helped. Its not a permanent solution but it helps. According to an old forum it seems to be a UI bug in the code that stops the UI from trashing and resetting. But after these fixes I was able to play for a few hours without issue.
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I haven’t had it spike while on the selection screen (never actually tested it). However logging out to the character selection does not solve it either. Also I agree it’s a sudden 3gb → 30gb spike for me.
Not saying its the perfect solution. But it does help somewhat. Everyones experiences seem to be different though. Kind of waiting for a blue post about it atm…
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Sadly did nothing for me.
And don’t mind me, I am just posting on every posts reporting this issue.
Insane!! I have 40 GB of RAM and monitored the Task Manager. This is happening to me in DGS, no matter if it’s Mythic+. I tested it in a DF dungeon in normal mode, and suddenly, it spiked from 5.0GB to the maximum amount of RAM I have, and boom, crash. A grotesque error that must be fixed asap.
E5-2697v2 , Vega 64, Fedora 40 , Playing through Lutris, Tried different API’s and disabling addons. So far It happens roughly 20-30min’s into logging in. Any word on a fix from blizz, gxrestart doesn’t seem to work for me, might have to do with my OS, also now the memory shoots up so quickly and without warning that I wouldn’t even be able to enter the command if I wanted to.
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I don’t think it’s just Linux users as I’ve seen many Windows users reporting this issue aswell. As a Linux user, I will say the command did not work for me either. I use Fedora 39. I also tried all of the things you mentioned.
Happened to me twice today. Both times while in SoO, at the Paragons and what’s-his-face at the end. Happened twice yesterday too, all while in SoO while playing Remix.
Happening to me on 2 separate windows laptops. Happens at different time frames and while doing different things. Hopefully there will be a blue post about this soon.
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I can confirm there is a memory leak again. After a few minutes of playing the game crashes with an out of memory error. It seems to be taking away about 1 GB of RAM every five minutes.
Still getting hit by this. Impossible to play for longer than 10mins before crashing. SMH. Multidollar company.
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Echoing the previous responses, normal memory usage during play until the very last moment and it skyrockets and eats up all available memory on the PC.
CPU fans spin up and disk usage hits 100% as the PC desperately tries to find space in swap which quickly gets filled also.
AMD Ryzen 5 3600x
AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT
Fedora 40 - Running through Wine (I have tested this in a Windows VM as well, same result, does not appear to be a Linux-specific issue.)
No crash report is generated as my system will terminate overly memory-hungry processes, wish I had something more to provide here.
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I’m glad I came here to look, it’s happened to me a few times now and I thought it was my computer. Glad to know it’s not.
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same issue. Having to use
/console gxrestart
every 20 minutes to not get system bricked.
Find it ironic that ever since support of 32 bit os was dropped the stability of game went out of window. not a patch without lags or memory leaks. I would assume people play your game for character interaction and numbers going up.
Not 1gb log-in screen and all this meaningless high demand hd assets.
i am sorry but if i want hd tree i go outside to look at one.
Happened twice tonight too on live, both times while in raid. UGH! Other’s in the group were getting it too. Please fix this!
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bruh i have been deleting stuff off my laptop lmao
happened to me in solo que where i then got an ACCOUNT WIDE deserter. Eff it