Memories of Adventures Past quest broken

The events are SUPER broken.
Besides the fact that the actual start timers are completely unknown/borked, this morning we did the Ragnaros one up to the very last step (killing Ragnaros)… but then he just disappeared and we all were like AREYOUKIDDINGME?

Now I’ve been waiting more than 25 minutes and no event has happened.

add me to the i cant complete this quest after killing onyxia line

It spawned there at 8pm cst. That’s all I know. Was just letting you know it had indeed spawned at least once. The map said something was spawning in Badlands, so maybe the map is bugged and every 2 hours only one zone gets chosen at random? idk. just speculatin

i am starting to wonder if this is more the prepatch event being tested than something permanent in tww, especially with the rewards you can buy

It is the prepatch event. Not even sure if this is part of the storyline as that wouldn’t make much sense unless they plan to leave the prepatch up for two years.

The quest to go to Dalaran doesn’t exist in the beta yet after you go to Silithus. Instead use Questzertauren to skip ahead to Isle of Dorn.

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That one was there for me, it was the one from Dalaran to Dorn that was missing.

It’s very similar to the DF pre-patch. It’s part of/leads to more of the story that goes into going to the Isle of Dorn, but only adjacently, so when the pre-patch ends it isn’t a huge gap.

Basically, from what we’ve seen of what is available in the beta right now, when Magni tries to talk to Azeroth, he gets knocked unconscious, and that attempt also triggers these memories.

Maybe there will be one memory to defeat after the pre-patch, but the event probably won’t completely stick around. After the pre-patch, it might even only reference the event.

I kinda hope I’m wrong though, and the event does stick around for at least a little while into the xpac, because the costs of things relative to how much currency I got was not a great ratio if you want everything. Pretty sure it’ll take dozens of memory events to get everything for transmog purposes, unless drop rates are more decent than it seemed for things from the events, or I did something wrong and didn’t get as much currency as is intended. I got ~2k currency and no gear drops from the one successful event I did. It takes about 31k currency for one set of the armor (so 124k for all four armor types), not including trinkets, cloak, or weapon(s). 2H weapons alone are 8k each, MH/OH combos are 7k. By my initial estimates, it’ll take around 75-100 events to get all the transmog.

I’m sure we’ll get more info and things will get cleaner as pre-patch gets closer, though.

I’m pretty happy we get 480+ loot to start the expansion off with alts from it! And I need my Hogger pet :smiley: