In the case of meme specs how do you find the defendant?
Whether you are pro meme specs or against them, please remember one thing: IT IS AN INDIVIDUAL CHOICE TO PLAY A SAID "MEME SPEC"
It is no one else’s choice but their own. If a player wants to play a meme spec let them. It doesn’t affect you. It shouldn’t affect you. Stop letting it affect you.
Lately there has been so much backlash, hatred and anger spewed violently at players who even mention the forbidden words: “meme spec” how dare they say such a thing?
This is a wake up call, a reminder. To the community… to LET.IT.GO.
World of Warcraft is a MMORPG. A massively multiplayer (not single player ego here) online role playing game. A player has many choices and decisions to make, why should it bother YOU what these other players do?
To the people who call the pro meme spec crowd: “special snowflake, civil rights activists, mental head cases, so you want to be different?” Just get over it.
People who plan on playing these specs are fully aware of what they are doing. They are not going in blindly (if they are well… I’m sure there is research to be done & they may figure it out later on) Let people play what they want to play. We’re not going to be upset at not getting the phat lootz we’re not going to be that person who rages, cries and carries on in a guild.
We’re not being selfish by wanting to play a meme spec. It is not a selfish act to do what you want to do in a game that is supposedly a massively multiplayer online role playing game.
If you don’t like the meme specs just keep it to yourself, no one needs to hear your own personal opinion when it doesn’t concern you. Don’t invite them to groups, don’t invite them to raids, scream KILL THE MEME SPECS! Do whatever it is you need to do but please get over it.
We aren’t asking for changes, we aren’t asking to be widely accepted no questions asked, we are just regular players wanting to do what they want to do. Is this such a crime?
Way too much emphasis on making sure the people playing meme specs feel miserable instead of worrying about yourself and what YOU are doing.