Melee Survivability In BG?

Are there any melee specs or classes that just dont melt in bgs? I feel like I can’t play melee without dying in 10 seconds once the fight occurs. Now on my lock I die like 80% less i guess because he’s ranged and melee are first to be targeted?

For the sake of balance, and a logical standpoint, melee specs should get a massive damage bonus against ranged. This would help balance out the massive defensive advantage ranged have against melee, being able to attack from a distance. And from a logical standpoint, if someone who specializes in close ranged combat closes the distance with someone who specializes in long ranged combat, the guy with the bow is going to get turned to grass every time.


Are you talking at max level or no?

Yes at max.

Ah ok. Because some ranged are very well geared by this point, yes, they can melt melee pretty easily. As a pally I’m most susceptible to mages, and I’m noticing more crazy-damage hunters and locks now too. The geared ones who know how to kite (or are on terrain better suited for them) should not have too much problem with lesser geared plate melee, at any rate…

so many mages… many of them fire, spamming slows and cc and their pyrocrap.

Honestly if you want to live as a melee you need to read the enemy team, against mages ret’s have a difficult time fighting the class. If there is a bunch you’ll need to stick with a group and use their slows and cc to be effective.


Not sure which BG’s you guys play but it sounds like your melee onesidedness is going gangbusters. Warriors, paladins, rogues, DKs, DH’s last a lifetime. Unless of course you rush into 4 opponents and expect to survive - I have certainly seen warriors do this as they seem to think they are nigh on invincible.

LOL this is a laughable statement. The game is balanced around 3v3 not 1v1. If it was balanced 1v1, most melee and the odd ranged would probably get nerfed savagely.

AND technically you do get a massive attack bonus because ranged generally don’t have your plate armour and/or shields. You also have instant EVERYTHING … use it to your advantage against casters. Then there is your stuns and cc as well.


Agree with the second paragraph. Melee can do some amazing damage too, and yes, we have stuns and interrupts, etc; but we don’t need a massive damage bonus.

Interestingly, now that people are geared up, I think in random BGs more ranged classes can do pretty well compared to how they performed in Legion.

Aside from Mages, ranged did extremely well in randoms.

Your survivability in bgs as melee is mostly due to positioning. Know when you can chase. If someone kites away behind their frontlines and you get caught over extended, you deserve to get dunked.

Read the situation. Maybe help peel melee off your healer instead of diving head first into the fray.

Also, third wind potions can be purchased for marks of honor and provide an instant 50% hp heal once per combat. Those can certainly help you in pinch.

In Legion? I didn’t think spriests, boomies, and mages did as well as they can do today. Horde hunters always seemed well played - no comment on alliance ones.

spriests were far better… there was even discussion of spriest and how they needed an overhaul for bfa but wasn’t coming till the patch

Spriests were better in Legion than they are today? Hmmk. I thought they seemed stronger now.

[edit] Mind you, my point about ranged vs. melee is: with better gear a lot of ranged seem to be doing just fine in BfA. But should a melee have that much of a problem with a “early-geared” ranged? Not IMO…

They are. Spriest problems weren’t damage in Legion or BfA, at least from a PvP perspective. Might be different for PvE. They added a couple of spells back for BfA and our “overhaul” is coming in 8.1. Reserving judgement on that until it happens.


If you are looking to push into the enemy as melee you really need some kind of full damage immunity. Warrior doesn’t have this, so unless you have at least two dedicated healers forget pushing as a warrior.

Paladin is probably the best at breaking a line. Monk isn’t bad due to karma.

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Position awareness might help. Choose your fights and targets wisely. Stay close to heals and focus the same target the big damage melee is on. You find the big damage melee on the scoreboard if you didn’t bring one with you.

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Re. pally: First, @OP, I’m sorry I didn’t answer your first Q earlier, but I can only give my own perspective as a casual ret in random/epic BGs, not any other class. Our bubble does help every 3.5 minutes or so (shorter CD from talent: Unbreakable Spirit), but it can be mass dispelled which any decent priest will do if they are able. You can also use Shield of Vengeance offensively and defensively every 1.4 minutes (same talent). Word of Glory (another talent) is our go-to insta-heal, but in any fight you’ll likely have only 2 charges to use at the expense of dealing damage. Some pallies will use Blessing of Protection on themselves, but I prefer to use it on other people. Those are the main defensives ret has. You also have Blessing of Freedom (can be dispelled and stolen) and Divine Steed to try to stay on your target; Hand of Hindrance and Wake of Ashes to help slow your target; and Rebuke, a 15s CD interrupt assuming you are close enough. In certain situations you can also LoS ranged for a sneak Flash of Light, though those are quite weak. The way blizz made our spec now, our strength is our burst - but other classes are as, if not more, survivable.

Anyway, not sure if you’d like ret, but I’ve played my alliance pally a while and still mostly enjoy it - though often enough it feels like a weighted-down, plated slowpoke that hits hard only if the other team lets it get close enough.

Some kind of troll or something with that statement. Fire and slows spamming.:ok_hand::roll_eyes:

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This game is so melee oriented already, is this some sort of off season april fool’s joke?