Laugh all you want. It was a thing in vanilla. I was in many groups with it.
Why would I want to group with elitist trash like that anyway?
LOL no, you weren’t. You never played vanilla and think you know all about it from your pirate server baby experience. I’m sure on your pirate servers you saw a hunter pet tank up to level 30 or so. Then again shaman and rogues could tank up to level 30ish.
I have no idea why you continue to pretend you actually played in vanilla but your posts are comedy gold, so please never stop.
I started in vanilla beta. Don’t talk if you are just gonna look like a complete fool.
Of course you did. Everyone believes you, really, we do.
Just like in the other thread where you claim to have been a protection paladin raid tank in a group with no warriors.
The troll is strong with you.
LOL you logged into your alt to agree with yourself.
I played a surival hunter and did end raids up to wrath, when the mana change came, then i retired… Hunters cant raid tank, since we cant hold agro, its impossible… now there been a few exceptions where i was just under the tank in agro, and the tank died, i ran to the tanks spot, popped deterence and “panick tanked” for 10 secs, while a druid ressed the tank…
We had a rogue that used their ability likewise a few times, but regardless, neither a hunter nor a rogue can for a longer period hold agro, nor prolonged survival face to face to a raid boss…
So nope
The changeover to focus from mana happened in Cataclysm.
I’m going to be obnoxious here…
Of course, seem to remember that those those worms were super-OP in Wrath and got nerfed when Cata hit. Could be misremembering that like I often do.
Then there’s this, also from ICC. A bear tanks Rotface while the hunter kites slimes:
These are outside the scope of the thread, obviously, just couldn’t help but point them out.
Yuck who wants to raid? I just want to melee people in BGs lol.
I mained a surv hunter in vanilla and “melee hunter” is not realistic. You will ALWAYS be more efficient at range with one exception: another hunter who is not also melee spec.
you can be a Melee hunter in classic but only if you’re
BM(primarily)/Sv(with the 20 points you have left over after getting bestial wrath)
How can you even melee as hunter? You don’t even have enough melee abilities to fill gcds.
6? 8? sec cd ability that i cant recall if it’s even an ability or if it just modifies the auto attack and wing clip that literally does no dmg, and 2 conditional abilities that require a dodge? All you buffs specify ranged atk power.
Besides not doing damage how would you not fall asleep playing that lol.
You can’t. It is hilarious though that people will actually lie about it. Or maybe it’s sad. Either way, hilarious.
Old Wing clip does damage. I used to use it to proc fiery in the low level brackets to hilarious effect when someone thought it was a good idea to melee me.
It’s so hilarious and sad that people have questions about classic classes! Such a great classic community!
nightfall hunters are effective and great for theory crafting
the problem with that is finding actual players that are willing to do it week after week, that has to get painfully boring pretty fast
Just find a warrior who wants to try hunter. After a warrior they’ll never even realize it’s a boring way to play hunter and will have a bunch of fun with how exciting they think it is.
(I joke, I joke, FD/freezing trap don’t kill me!! flees to the hills to find safety)
Having a hard time with the reading comprehension are we?